I appreciate that. Dealing with RL has to definitely be my priority right now. My kids only have so many years of being under my care, I need and want to give the best to them. Sometimes that means me putting aside the things I enjoy to focus more on them. 🙂
I’m so glad you decided to stick around after all of that and are still doing well with your blog. Hive is surely Work even though we enjoy it…it takes a lot of time and effort in order to keep up with things and support people.
Thanks for the encouragement, I’m so ready for this break to take care of Me ~ 💓
Yeah it took me downsizing here and getting my priorities right to stick around - I'm loving doing the garden journal so much, I feel like I'm contributing but not overworking if that makes sense? And I love sharing and socialising with my Hive friends.
Oh goodness, if I had kids I'd have to think about whether Hive was a good idea at all... you are right, time is precious with them!
I have a grandkid on the way now!
I get exactly what you mean. That's the point I want to get to where I'm still here contributing and supporting others but not overdoing it to where it's burning me out. I want this to continue being a fun treat for me and not feel like a heavy chore that I can't handle. I will be very strategic with my time here after my break.
Oh wow congratulations!! That's going to be fun for you!
Thanks for the chat ~