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RE: Daily Blog - Taking advantage of the afternoon to visit and appreciate the Franklin Rawson Art Museum. / Aprovechando la tarde para visitar y apreciar el museo de arte Franklin Rawson. 😃❤️

in Daily Bloglast year

The museum is beautiful both from the out side and inside. The painting that stare at you no matter where you stand took me in the world of imagination. It must be a unique kind of painting.

 last year  

That was one of the craziest things I saw in that museum haha. Having all the paintings looking at you was disturbing, in fact my friend didn't go in because he was afraid of them 😅.

Lol! You won't blame your friend for that. Infact I am out of my imagination world and I don't think I will go in side and have those paintings look at me😂 it is weird and scary. It's like they are monitoring you😅