Enjoying the company of the people I love (¨Daily Blog¨)

in Daily Bloglast year
Que alegría estar nuevamente en esta hermosa ¨Daily BlogCommunity¨ :  para enseñarles como ha sido nuestro día y la celebración de ¨noche¨ ¨buena¨. Si bien el pronóstico diagnosticaba lluvia para la noche, lo que indicaría que estaría fresco, pensamos que por la humedad del ambiente la noche seria calurosa, por esa razón hicimos algo diferente a lo que acostumbramos hacer.

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy to be back in this beautiful ¨Daily BlogCommunity¨ :  to show them what our day was like and the celebration of “good night”. Although the forecast diagnosed rain for the night, which would indicate that it would be cool, we thought that due to the humidity of the environment the night would be hot, for that reason we did something different than what we usually do.

Somo una familia que nos encantan las tradiciones, y para la ¨noche¨ ¨buena¨ acostumbramos hacer carne de res a la parrilla, y la noche anterior a la llegada del ¨año¨¨nuevo¨, nuestro plato favorito es carne de cerdo asado. Como este año supusimos que será una noche calurosa, hicimos comidas frías para no estar cocinando parado al lado del calor que emana la parrilla. Como de costumbre cenamos temprano para estar tranquilo haciendo sobre mesa mientras esperamos la llegada del ¨niño¨¨Jesús¨. Teníamos todo preparado para que al llegar la hora 24.00hs. pudiéramos hacer el tradicional brindis con mis seres queridos; este año tuvimos a dos de mis hijos en otras ciudades, aun así, hicieron una video llamada para brindar con nosotros en la distancia

Source: Family Álbum

We are a family that loves traditions, and for "good night" we usually make grilled beef, and the night before the arrival of the "new year" ¨, our favorite dish is roast pork. Since this year we assumed it would be a hot night, we made cold meals so we wouldn't be cooking standing next to the heat emanating from the grill. As usual we had dinner early to be calm while we waited for the arrival of the “baby Jesus”. We had everything ready so that when the time arrived at 24:00. we could make the traditional toast with my loved ones; This year we had two of my children in other cities, even so, they made a video call to toast with us from a distance

Hemos criado a nuestros hijos y nietos creyendo en la magia navideña. Abigail a pesar de que tiene 8 años todavía cree que ¨Papa¨¨Noel¨ existe, y lo vamos a mantener así todo el tiempo que sea posible, dado que no existe mayor felicidad que ver la cara de ilusión de mi nieta esperando la visita de ¨Santa¨. Durante todo el año ha tratado de portarse bien con la ilusión de recibir todos los regalos que ha pedido en su carta, y sabe que la condición para eso es ser una niña bien educada

Source: Family Álbum

We have raised our children and grandchildren believing in Christmas magic. Abigail, even though she is 8 years old, still believes that “Santa Claus” exists, and we are going to keep it that way as long as possible, since there is no greater happiness than seeing my granddaughter's excited face waiting for the visit. Santa. Throughout the year she has tried to behave well with the hope of receiving all the gifts that she has asked for in her letter, and she knows that the condition for that is to be a well-educated girl

A medida que Abigail crece, también se extiende el pedido de la lista de regalo, y al estar conectado con otros chicos en las redes sociales, ya conoce los regalos de marca que están de moda, por suerte no han sido tan costos y pudimos cumplir con la lista de deseo. Este año mi nieta no se fue a dormir temprano como siempre lo hace, estuvo todo el tiempo pendiente de la llegada de ¨Santa¨, por eso tuvimos que persuadirla para que ¨Papa¨¨Noel¨ ingrese a la casa con los regalos sin ser visto. No se imaginan la cara de felicidad al descubrir que sin ella darse cuenta los obsequios navideños ya están acomodados debajo del arbolito. Estas son las cosas que hacen que valga la pena todo el esfuerzo que uno hace para cumplir con las expectativas de los niños

Source: Family Álbum

As Abigail grows up, so does the gift list order, and by being connected with other kids on social media, she already knows the brand name gifts that are in style, Luckily they were not that expensive and we were able to fulfill the wish list. This year my granddaughter did not go to bed early like she always does, she was constantly waiting for "Santa" to arrive, so we had to persuade her to let "Santa" enter the house with the gifts. without being seen. You can't imagine her happy face when she discovers that without her realizing it, her Christmas gifts are already arranged under her tree. These are the things that make it worth all the effort you make to meet children's expectations

Cuando llego el momento de que mi hija y su novio salieran a festejar la ¨navidad¨ con sus amigos, con mi esposa decidimos salir a sentarnos en el patio trasero para ver la hermosa ¨luna¨ que iluminaba la noche navideña. Hacía muchos años que no estábamos solos viendo la ¨luna¨ en una noche tan especial, momentos como estos es casi imposible no recordar cuando nuestros hijos eran pequeños, y que tan rápido ha pasado los años. Ver la hermosa luna que encandilaba la noche, hizo que tomáramos nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para tener fotografías de este mágico momento. Así de sencillas son nuestras celebraciones navideñas, enfocándonos en pasar el mejor tiempo posible con las personas que amamos

Source: Family Álbum

When the time came for my daughter and her boyfriend to go out to celebrate "Christmas" with their friends, my wife and I decided to go out and sit in the backyard to see the beautiful "moon". that illuminated the Christmas night. It had been many years since we were alone watching the “moon” on such a special night, moments like these it is almost impossible not to remember when our children were little, and how quickly the years have passed. Seeing the beautiful moon that dazzled the night made us take our “nikoncoolpixb500” to take photographs of this magical moment. This is how simple our Christmas celebrations are, focusing on spending the best time possible with the people we love


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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Hello dear friends good evening
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
I wish you all a beautiful and happy night

Beautiful memories made together, always more exciting with young children in the home excited about the arrival of Santa, too soon they grow and lose that magic.

Photography of the moon makes me think to last night out after midnight watching the moon with full halo around plus a small rainbow to the one side, something I simply watched in awe. Like life this happens too quickly, decided not to run for a camera simply soak in the beauty, possibly the only one awake looking up at this delightful display above.


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It's true, children grow up very quickly and by doing so they lose the magic of Christmas, for that reason, we raised my daughter this way, so that she can enjoy the magic of Christmas as much as she can.

Yes, there are magical moments like the presence of the moon, where one stays doing nothing, just enjoying the magical moment.

It happens to us often, there are always beautiful moons, and we rarely take photos of them

That's what life is about, enjoying the simple things in the company of the people we love.

have a nice night

Children teach you very quickly that time never stands still, never wasted when able to stand and watch life during the day or night, those are precious moments!

Have a brilliant day with !LUV from Durban.

jlufer, joanstewart sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

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Que hermosa reunión en familia, eso es lo más importante, pasarla bien con todos ellos, mucha paz y armonía. Un gran abrazo @jlufer 😃

si querida amiga, de eso se trata la celebracion navideña, de compartir hermosos momentos llenos de paz y felicidad con las personas que amamos
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que siempre me brindas

Gracias a vos siempre @jlufer ❤️

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

I wholeheartedly appreciate the great support they give me every day, they are really very kind.
I wish you all a splendid night

Dear friend. This looks like a wonderful celebration with such a lovely family. It's unfortunate that they could not all attend. All the same it looks full of joy which these days can offer us.

I wish you all the best.

These are things that happen when you have children who have formed their new family, luckily, now everything is different, since a video call makes people close and connected
Thank you very much for the enormous support you always give me.
Have a wonderful night and a happy rest

 last year  

Buenas tardes Luis. Espero que hayas pasado una buena celebración de noche buena y navidad. Que bien que pudiste reunirte con parte de tu familia y que también hayan tenido una tranquila cena. Cuando hay chicos en la familia todo es mágico también, que bien que tu nieta se haya emocionado con los regalos.

Les mando un saludo a todos y espero que tengan un gran fin de año. Gracias por apoyar la comunidad Daily Blog 😃.

Siempre es un placer visitar, acompañar y publicar en tu comunidad, me encanta interacturar con quienes publican.

Si, la pasamos muy bien, tranquilos, disfrutando la hermosa noche que finalmente hizo

La simple presencia de niños en la casa, hace que la magia de la navidad este en el ambiente.

muchas gracias querida amiga @lauramica que este año nuevo llegue a tu hogar con amor, paz y prosperidad

Que tengas una hermosa noche y un felz descanso

Family are the best to have and spend fun times with and the memories shared together will forever be cherished.

Happy and prosperous New YearFamily is everything dear friend @peachyprincess makes all the effort one makes worth it