[Esp|ENG] Daily Blog: Sábado familiar compartiendo con mi abuela y mis tias | Family Saturday sharing with my grandmother and my aunts

in Daily Blog10 days ago
Hola amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, hoy paso por acá para compartir con ustedes parte de mi sábado junto con seres que amo demasiado.

Hello friends from this beautiful community, today I go through here to share with you part of my Saturday together with beings that I love too much.

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Ya he comentado que es mi día favorito de la semana porque visito casa de mi abuela, que también es de mis lugares favoritos, así que nos desde que inicio el día nos alistamos y nos fuimos para allá, al llegar mi tía estaba haciendo una rica sopa de carne y pollo, de verdad se me hizo agua la boca porque sus sopas son riquisimas.

I have already commented that it is my favorite day of the week because I visit my grandmother's house, which is also from my favorite places, so since the day started we got ready and went there, when my aunt arrived she was making a rich meat and chicken soup, my mouth really got water because her soups are delicious.


Atendimos un rato a mi abuela que siempre requiere de nosotras porque tiene 96 años y no puede caminar sola, debemos ayudarla así que cuando requiere ir al baño o comer debemos estar muy pendientes para llevarla.

We attended a while to my grandmother who always requires us because she is 96 years old and cannot walk alone, we must help her so when she requires to go to the bathroom or eat we must be very pending to take her.


La sopa estuvo lista muy rápido, así que nos sentamos a desgustar nuestro delicioso almuerzo, estaba exquisita, o no se si era que yo tenía hambre, pero me encantó.

The soup was ready very fast, so we sat down to dislike our delicious lunch, it was exquisite, or I don't know if it was that I was hungry, but I loved it.


Capture un hermoso momento con mi tía y mi prima antes de comer, y simplemente puedo decir que en ese patio, en ese preciso instante, comiendo sopa y conversando con ellas soy totalmente feliz.

Capture a beautiful moment with my aunt and my cousin before eating, and I can simply say that in that yard, in that precise instant, eating soup and conversing with them I am totally happy.


Nos dirigimos al cuarto de mi tía a refrescarnos con el aire acondicionado porque hacia mucho calor, y a continuar conversando sobre nuestra semana.

We made our way to my aunt's room to freshen up with the air conditioning because it was very hot, and to continue talking about our week.


Nos dió antojos de dulces, así que me fui con mi mamá a un Super Market muy cercano, compramos unos alfajores y unos manies sin sal para merendar.

We had candy cravings, so I went with my mom to a very close Super Market, we bought some alfajors and some non-salt manies to have a snack.



Me cambie de ropa porque fuimos a dar un pésame a una amiga muy querida de mi mamá, pero eso no lo fotografié, sin embargo al regresar teníamos mucha hambre y cenamos unos ricos perros calientes con queso amarillo, estaban demasiado buenos.

I changed my clothes because we went to give a condolences to a very dear friend of my mom, but I didn't photograph that, however as I returned we were very hungry and had some rich hot dogs with yellow cheese for dinner, they were too good.


Y para terminar el día, fuimos a comprar a farmatodo unas medicinas para mi novio e hicimos una cola bastante larga y lenta, cuando por fin cancelamos nos fuimos a nuestra casa a descansar

And to end the day, we went to buy some medicine for my boyfriend and we made a rather long and slow tail, when we finally canceled we went to our house to rest


Todas las fotos capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.

Banner editado en Canva en su versión Pro.


Such a nice family moments and with a delicious food while having the bonding time ✨. Family bonding is what we always look forward every weekend especially if we are living in a different city.

You couldn't have said it better. For me, these are the most anticipated days of the week, family is so precious. Thanks for your comment.