I find the attitude of people body shaming others as very ill. Why should you speak against someone's body when you can even create a lifeless thing? Does the person have control over their body? It's so pathetic how the world have made it seem like a particular body type is the best. For one thing I've known, whatever body shape you have, there's someone that likes that very type of body shape. It's left for you to find honour and joy in your body type and wait for that person. For what it's worth, many who body shame the opposite sex have ulterior motives even towards those with that body shape.
And yes, many do this to guide their insecurities. It's good you've learnt to deal with it.
"We're all fearfully and wonderfully made."
It’s so tiring and sad to see people body shame a live they can’t even create . Honestly I’m totally okay with my body I don’t need anyone’s opinion on how they feel about my body it’s just so sad people refuse to mind their Bussiness and kelp their dirty opinions to themselves. Thanks for reading ✨
Lol, it's sad they can't keep their business to themselves. Maybe what to do is to give them deaf ears...and sometimes tell them when it's getting out of hand, like you did to the lady.
You're welcome ✌🏾