Hi love welcome to My blog I hope march have been good so far and hope you’ll are staying safe .
Body shaming is when one’s body is being talked about negatively or constantly reminding someone of how their body doesn’t fit to one particular perfect body standard . Body shaming is very common between slim and plus size people .
The society have made people feel like you need to have a particular body standard like having flat tummy and big back side . The society wants all women or men to look a particular way especially for the women . In the process of finding way to get that Perfect body type some end up loosing their life because they are to eager , the end up with unprofessional doctors that may cost them their lives . The society has pressured women to surgeries and several other things just to get a perfect body . I wish we can all just embrace our look and just realize how beautiful our body is regardless of our body time and even our skin color .
When I was younger even until now I have been body shamed because of slim I’m I have heard family members and even friends say something ‘’like don’t you eat ‘’ why are you so slim some will even go further to tell how my little cousins are now way chubby than I am . Whenever I hear things like that I just ignore them if I want to react I wonder how many people I have to confront or speak my mind too . I really do not know why people don’t understand that a lot people they body Shane don’t have control over their body no matter how much they eat including people who are trying to loose weight.
Something really funny happened the beginning of this year. There’s particular girl in my church we’re really cool acquaintance and we’re so cordial. One Sunday I wore v neck shape dress to church I think the dress really look so pretty and it really suits my body and obviously my chest was showing but it wasn’t revealing . After the hymn I was ready to sit down and then this acquaintance said to me ‘’Funke you’re done with uni why are you still very skinny ,you need to start eating ooh ‘’ i was so shocked 😂. Then I told her you are also very slim too and why is she body shaming me . Then she went further to say she’s using supplements to add weight and she proceeds to claim she wasn’t body shaming me . Immediately she made that statement i warned her never to say such thing to me again . After our whole conversation, after church this girl started acting up towards me I was really surprised because for it was just me expressing myself .prior to that she had made a silly comment to me and I ignored but this particular thing she said to me really hurt me more among all the bad things she have said to me .
The whole situation made me think if people know what body shaming is and its effects . Because tell me why you’re slim and you’re pointing out how slim somebody is. One thing I have observed is that people put their insecurities to other people I guess she isn’t very confident about her body and she is trying so much to make people feel like their body isn’t perfect just like the way she sees her body . I think if she’s okay with her body she won’t have to start buying supplements just to add weight .
For someone who has been body shame since I was little I’m not so surprised but at the same time I’m a bit surprised . body shaming in 2025? I thought we are all grown up. I think they should be more awareness about body the shaming and it’s effects to do society because people do not know the effects it does to people mentally aside from the mental aspects it affects peoples self confidence and it can always lead people to depression.
The world is already a difficult place the least we can do to help one another is to accept people the way they are regardless of their body type , color and race .
Thank you’ll for reading , see you’ll in my next post💕💕
Body shaming is becoming rampant even among men. People loose confident of themselves and even try to fit to what the community is throwing at them. Men also undergoing surgeries because they hate some part of theirs body. Indeed the world is difficult and the only way we could make things better is to love one another and respect each others boundaries..
Thank you for sharing this with us @olufunkee
It’s so sad this shouldn’t be a norm … i just hope people learn how to show respect to people regardless of their physical appearance
People project their own insecurities onto others. Instead of embracing self-love, they try to make others feel the same dissatisfaction they have with themselves. And when you called her out on it, her reaction showed that maybe she never even thought about the impact of her words.
Body shaming isn’t just about physical appearance, it affects mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being. More awareness is definitely needed, because we should be encouraging people to love themselves as they are rather than pushing harmful beauty standards.
Thank you for sharing this @olufunkee
Honestly I find it so weird to see people behave like this in 2025 …. People need to stop talking down on peoples physical appearance
It is well though 😂😂😂
Amennn ooh 😂🤲🏻
She’s not even my friend 😂…. I only get to see her at church I was wondering what gave a the confidence to make such silly comments
It's quite absurd how people have portrayed some physical attribute as some form of disability. If our words don't make people feel better then maybe it should not be said out especially if it has to do with the physical appearance.
Peace ✌️✌️
Thank you for this,is either you have something reasonable to say or you shut it up
I find the attitude of people body shaming others as very ill. Why should you speak against someone's body when you can even create a lifeless thing? Does the person have control over their body? It's so pathetic how the world have made it seem like a particular body type is the best. For one thing I've known, whatever body shape you have, there's someone that likes that very type of body shape. It's left for you to find honour and joy in your body type and wait for that person. For what it's worth, many who body shame the opposite sex have ulterior motives even towards those with that body shape.
And yes, many do this to guide their insecurities. It's good you've learnt to deal with it.
"We're all fearfully and wonderfully made."
It’s so tiring and sad to see people body shame a live they can’t even create . Honestly I’m totally okay with my body I don’t need anyone’s opinion on how they feel about my body it’s just so sad people refuse to mind their Bussiness and kelp their dirty opinions to themselves. Thanks for reading ✨
Lol, it's sad they can't keep their business to themselves. Maybe what to do is to give them deaf ears...and sometimes tell them when it's getting out of hand, like you did to the lady.
You're welcome ✌🏾