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RE: The colorful houses of La Pastora de Valencia [ENG/ESP]

in Architecture+Design3 years ago (edited)

Que maravilla ver esa zona tan preservada... De muchacho la caminé bastante y recuerdo que tenía un "aire a la Valencia de antes" muy entrañable... Excelentes fotos @wilfredocav, buen trabajo!

How marvellous to see this area so well preserved... When I was a boy I walked it quite a lot and I remember it had a very endearing "air of the Valencia of yesteryear"... Excellent photos @wilfredocav, great job!

 3 years ago  

Dear @jlinaresp. Kindly add/provide the English language translations to your comments/replies for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

Undoubtedly it is a place that has its charm, and could not miss taking some pictures. Greetings and thanks for the appreciation!