A crypt- an architectural treasure

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

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Hi friends
Another week with you to present this beauty that impressed me.

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Well the truth is that just seeing the outside of the cathedral and I was drooling.
Its gargoyles, its facade.
The new cathedral of Vitoria is a jewel wherever you look at it and one of these days I will present it to you.
I showed you the gargoyles

The gargoyles and chimeras of the Gothic - Las gárgolas y quimeras del gótico

But let's get started.
I was looking at the facade since when we saw it we were in the back area, but you could see that I would love it.
As I walked and marveled, I saw a small door, my mind was activated, a secret or an area that I could not pass?


I will show you in detail another day

No, it is a Crypt.
It was first thing in the morning and it was almost empty, cancel the noise of the camera and enter to admire it and thus be able to present this wonder to you.
The first impression hit me.
It was all beauty and with a lot of details, which I will leave you as I progress through the crypt.

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I think we all know what a crypt is:
A place to bury the dead, of course not just any dead, you had to be someone important in the curia, in this particular case it would be the resting place of the bishop.
In 1911 it was consecrated and today it is dedicated to Christian worship.

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As I always tell you, I'm not an architect or anything like that, I'll just tell you what it meant to me with some technical data.
We enter through the small door that gives access to some marble stairs, there we can already see that we enter something that is built with all the details

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The impression is of familiarity, you do not feel small when you enter, very different from the cathedral that gives you the impression that you are small, here on the contrary it invites you to enter its ribbed vaults are low and we can appreciate its much better details.

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The rib vaults are the most used in Gothic architecture, here we are with Gothic, without a doubt it is the ancient architecture that I like the most.
It has some keys with very elaborate and perfect rosettes and as they are not tall we can appreciate them even their texture and chiseled.
The stonemasons had to be men who were undoubtedly artists.

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I also appreciate that the ribs are specially designed to create the semicircular shape it has.

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It has seven chapels all around the pulpit, with rich stained glass windows, where a dim light enters but that attracts attention.

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I will not enter to whom each chapel is dedicated, since I think that these spaces and this entry is for any cult since we are only appreciating its architecture and not the religion that each one has the right to believe in theirs, although they all agree on one thing .

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So let's continue observing this beauty, the details are impressive, its reliefs with figures and floral motifs

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As I go around it, I see a tomb, I assumed it would be the body of the bishop for whom this crypt was built, but this is not another bishop, I don't think much of it since this does not usually attract me, but it must be recognized that it is a great job.

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As I was walking I found a treasure. Where would I lead?
Some marble stairs, with a light that made you imagine a thousand adventures and promised many things.

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So admire them and I went up and we found a gate that leads to the cathedral but is closed.

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The landing has all the beauty of the place, all the work done, all the design, down to the smallest detail.

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I go downstairs again and capture the last details.

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It has been a pleasure to visit it and to think that it has many years ago that I have appreciated it more, not because it is old but because of the means that there were for constructions and although it is not very old since it is from the year 1911, castration and design have taken steps of giants.

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Here we can see more details of the chapels that are around the pulpit, the arches, the columns, the beautiful capitals.

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Detail of the tomb of Bishop Raimundo Fernández de Piérola, he was a great patron to build the cathedral, Carrara marble.
We can appreciate in this Italian marble the whiteness it has, I think that in white marble it is one of the most appreciated in cathedrals, white is associated with purity, it will be because of that or simply because of its quality, the truth is that I do not know.

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The stairs, as I told you, impressed me a lot without an angle, all carved and rounded, the steps at the height of the step, which I do not know if it will be important, but I if I give it to them to go down and up stairs without taking intermediate steps is the measure of my favorite steps,

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step to the cathedral today closed.

Stained glass is another thing that I like to look at and admire. They are pretty and bring the crypt to life.
I have seen many stained glass windows and my favorites are those of the Cathedral of León.
But they are not bad, the small crystals the lead that unites them, the set to form the figures where they are placed so that at a specific time of the day the clarity enters through them.
Quite an art, almost forgotten.

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I could put a lot of more things if I copy and paste the information from somewhere, but that does not go with me, since I think that we all have access to those things now at this time.
I like more to learn and imagine what the terrain would be like with all the workers working and the master builder giving instructions and at the same time learning from other temples.
Crypt of the new cathedral of vitoria consecrated to Mary Immaculate
Vitoria Gasteiz - Basque Country Spain

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my last entry from Vitoria, do you want to visit it with me?

Vitoria an almost medieval city -Basque Country-Spain



Center textThe gargoyles and chimeras of the Gothic - Las gárgolas y quimeras del gótico

[//]:# (!pinmapple 42.845660 lat -2.676464 long A crypt- an architectural treasure d3scr)

Canon PowerShot SX730 HS

Image © txatxy. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by Original content by @txatxy




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The cathedral is beautiful on the inside

hello friend thanks for stopping by and commenting

You are welcome

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this is truly a magnificent place! the details on those monuments are quite complex, thank you for sharing this amazing post! 😃

hello friend thanks for stopping by and commenting

The details of this kind of work were so perfectly crafted.it's admirable that it's not hard to be drooling in front of a work like this :) Blessings and happy day @txatxy.

Los detalles de este tipo de obras eran tan perfectamente elaborados.Es admirable que no es dificil estar babeando ante una obra como está :) Bendiciones y feliz día @txatxy.

Hi, friend
It was so special that you didn't want to go out, you breathed peace and beauty
happy thursday friend

hola amigo
era tan especial que no daban ganas de salir, se respiraba paz y belleza
feliz jueves amigo

All the more reason to get to know places that besides being interesting give peace.
Well friend, today I wish you a happy Friday :)

Con más razón hay que conocer lugares que aparte de ser interesantes dan paz.
Bueno amiga, ya hoy te deseo feliz viernes :)

The crypts are spectacular places, which have always been surrounded by mystery, especially since the Gothic ones, like this one that you show us in your magnificent entrance, show off a series of truly exceptional details, which can seem rugged, seen in the chiaroscuro characteristic of an underground place, but which ultimately not only transmit certain knowledge of architecture and geometry, but also messages that still, after centuries, retain all the strength and magnetism that give character to every symbol. And we must not forget that the master stonemasons were authentic experts in symbolism and they were transmitted in that way, knowledge whose secret still eludes us to a great extent. Happy day
Las criptas son lugares espectaculares, que siempre se han visto rodeadas de misterio, sobre todo porque las góticas, como ésta que nos muestras en tu magnífica entrada, lucen una serie de detalles realmente excepcionales, que pueden parecernos escabrosos, vistos a los claroscuros característicos de un lugar subterráneo, pero que en definitiva, no sólo transmiten unos conocimientos de arquitectura y geometría determinados, sino también mensajes que todavía, al cabo de los siglos, conservan toda la fuerza y el magnetismo que dan carácter a todo símbolo. Y no hay que olvidar, que los maestros canteros eran auténticos expertos en simbolismo y se transmitían de esa manera, unos conocimientos cuyo secreto todavía se nos escapa en gran medida. Feliz día

Hi Juancar
You know that Gothic is my favorite art, mystery sarcasm and all the secrets it hides, clean and stylized architecture.
Sometimes I think I lived the other life, in those centuries where churches were put stone by stone, that everything was brute force, with sweat and blood was what the artisans wore on their foreheads with so much work, they had to be very proud as construction finished.
As you say many times, in its recesses you always find something that did not have to be there, because they are things from other more modern times or simply to break the rules, those are also mine haha
In Trujillo there is an Athletic Club shield at the top of the tower that is fans hahaha
Happy Thursday
El escudo del Athletic Club en uno de los 52 capiteles de la Torre Julia, el campanario de la iglesia románica de Santa María la Mayor de Trujillo.

Hola Juancar
Sabes que el gótico es mi arte favorito, el misterio el sarcasmo y todos los secretos que esconde, la arquitectura limpia y estilizada.
Algunas veces creo que viví la otra vida, en esos siglos donde las iglesias se ponían piedra a piedra , que todo era fuerza bruta, con el sudor y la sangre era lo que los artesanos llevaban en la frente con tanto trabajo, tenían que estar muy orgullosos según la construcción acababa.
Como tú dices muchas veces, en sus recovecos siempre encuentras algo que no tenía que estar ahí, porque son cosas de otros tiempos más modernos o simplemente para romper las normas, esos también son de los míos jaja
En Trujillo hay un escudo del Athletic Club en lo más alto de la torre eso es afición jajaj
Feliz jueves

This cathedral reminds me of Hogwarts from Harry Potter. Pretty scary.

hahaha, no friend is something beautiful.
but you are right, the old gothic is what it has and what Harry Potter was based on since the structures give a lot to the imagination, seeing all its details you can create any story
happy day and thanks for stopping by and commenting

It is indeed an architectural treasure, the intricacy on the inside is amazing, probably this is the only one existing with this kind of design, a true work of art.

Looks like a very huge temple.

Greetings @txatxy. As most of us would probably experience goosebumps when inside burials chambers like crypts, your curious investigations of that sacred place were absolutely different. On the contrary, it was like a stroll inside a museum for you, enjoying all the magnificent architectural details that adorn their spaces. Those ribbed vaults and ceilings are truly impressive, and with that close distance, you get to appreciate and study them better. Moreover, those intricate carvings, statues, and reliefs on the column capitals are mind-blowing. It must have taken an extremely skilled craftsman to create those artistic pieces. All in all, that remarkable crypt is a marvelous work of architecture indeed. Thanks a lot for this awesome feature! Happy Thursday! 😊

I have never been afraid of the dead or their resting place, I am more afraid of the living hahaha and spiders.
This crypt certainly were masters in their work and it shows in the exquisite details and in the harmony that is breathed not because it is a crypt, but because of the beauty of the whole.
You will also love the cathedral that I am preparing for the photographs, since it is my favorite style as you know the Gothic and the series of the new cathedral will end.
When I visited Egypt many years ago, I enjoyed the valley of the kings a lot and I looked like Cleopatra haha, the pity that your Tankamon's tomb was not open yet to the public.
I have also long ago learned to value cemeteries, quiet places for meditation.
I think you will have to start saving to take a trip, I go to the north coast of Spain, especially Bilbao. 🤗🤗🤣😎
It's dinner time here so I'm retiring
Have a nice day
Nunca me han dado miedo los muertos ni su lugar de reposo, me dan más miedo los vivos jajja y las arañas.
Esta cripta desde luego eran maestros en su trabajo y se nota en la exquisitez de sus detalles y en la armonía que se respira no por ser una cripta, sino por la belleza del conjunto.
La catedral que estoy preparando las fotografías también te encantaran, ya que es mi estilo favorito como sabes el Gótico y acabara la serie de la catedral nueva.
Cuando visite Egipto ya hace muchos años, disfrute mucho del valle de los reyes y me veía como Cleopatra jaja, la pena que la tumba de tu Tankamon no estaba abierta aun para el público.
También he aprendido hace tiempo en valorar los cementerios, lugares trankilos para la meditación.
Creo que tendrás que empezar a horrar para hacer un viaje, Destino la costa norte de España especialmente Bilbao.
Aquí ya es hora de cena así que me retiro
Que tengas un bonito díaHi @storiesoferne

Definitely friend @txatxy. I have to agree with you when it comes to being more afraid of living entities and creepy-crawlies rather than the dead, hahaha. 😁 We'll never know what our breathing mortals are capable of doing (behind our backs) sometimes, right?

On the other hand, your interesting explorations of Egypt would definitely be excellent additions to the publications within our beloved community (I'm also curious how you would look in a Cleopatra costume, lol). I'd truly appreciate your Egyptian architectural stories and experiences to be shared here. Now that I'm aware that you're not afraid of tombs and burial chambers, you can continue to feature them as they are also vital pieces of architecture. Have a sumptuous dinner and enjoy the rest of your evening. Take care! 😊

Hello there
What happened in Egypt were times of video on tape, it seems like centuries have passed and the photographs are on paper, but don't worry one day I'll scan them even if they are not in good resolution.
What times those hahaha I think I have some in disguise when we made the tour of the Nile, you know, we were tourists and they had to entertain us, although we do not need it, as they say here we aimed a bombardment _ (to everything.)
And what about saving? And discover my land jajjajajjaj
Happy Friday

That's alright. Your previous Egyptian escapades, even though they were eons ago, would still inspire all of us from an architectural and historical perspective. And yes, that's the beauty of becoming tourists in a foreign land - you get to savor all their wonderful offerings. Nevertheless, your country of Spain is also on my travel bucket list so, I'd strive to make that happen one day. Happy weekend friend! 😊

It's Friday I almost finished my workday so I'm happy
happy weekend 😀🌹

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The impression is of familiarity, you do not feel small when you enter, very different from the cathedral that gives you the impression that you are small, here on the contrary it invites you to enter its ribbed vaults are low and we can appreciate its much better details

I guess the crypt works to have an welcoming feel due to the illusion of spaciousness that it can give. As you have stated, the vault seemingly not spacious for audience to heighten the spatial experience given by the detailing.

I personal find the crypt and the curves to be a refreshing element in any architecture. It shows fluidity not like the rigid and fine cut edges of modern aesthetics. Enjoy a slice of !PIZZA.

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Learn more at https://hive.pizza. @juecoree tipped @txatxy (x1)

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Architecture Brew #42. Congratulations!Well done @txatxy! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in


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