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RE: A crypt- an architectural treasure

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

I have never been afraid of the dead or their resting place, I am more afraid of the living hahaha and spiders.
This crypt certainly were masters in their work and it shows in the exquisite details and in the harmony that is breathed not because it is a crypt, but because of the beauty of the whole.
You will also love the cathedral that I am preparing for the photographs, since it is my favorite style as you know the Gothic and the series of the new cathedral will end.
When I visited Egypt many years ago, I enjoyed the valley of the kings a lot and I looked like Cleopatra haha, the pity that your Tankamon's tomb was not open yet to the public.
I have also long ago learned to value cemeteries, quiet places for meditation.
I think you will have to start saving to take a trip, I go to the north coast of Spain, especially Bilbao. 🤗🤗🤣😎
It's dinner time here so I'm retiring
Have a nice day
Nunca me han dado miedo los muertos ni su lugar de reposo, me dan más miedo los vivos jajja y las arañas.
Esta cripta desde luego eran maestros en su trabajo y se nota en la exquisitez de sus detalles y en la armonía que se respira no por ser una cripta, sino por la belleza del conjunto.
La catedral que estoy preparando las fotografías también te encantaran, ya que es mi estilo favorito como sabes el Gótico y acabara la serie de la catedral nueva.
Cuando visite Egipto ya hace muchos años, disfrute mucho del valle de los reyes y me veía como Cleopatra jaja, la pena que la tumba de tu Tankamon no estaba abierta aun para el público.
También he aprendido hace tiempo en valorar los cementerios, lugares trankilos para la meditación.
Creo que tendrás que empezar a horrar para hacer un viaje, Destino la costa norte de España especialmente Bilbao.
Aquí ya es hora de cena así que me retiro
Que tengas un bonito díaHi @storiesoferne


Definitely friend @txatxy. I have to agree with you when it comes to being more afraid of living entities and creepy-crawlies rather than the dead, hahaha. 😁 We'll never know what our breathing mortals are capable of doing (behind our backs) sometimes, right?

On the other hand, your interesting explorations of Egypt would definitely be excellent additions to the publications within our beloved community (I'm also curious how you would look in a Cleopatra costume, lol). I'd truly appreciate your Egyptian architectural stories and experiences to be shared here. Now that I'm aware that you're not afraid of tombs and burial chambers, you can continue to feature them as they are also vital pieces of architecture. Have a sumptuous dinner and enjoy the rest of your evening. Take care! 😊

Hello there
What happened in Egypt were times of video on tape, it seems like centuries have passed and the photographs are on paper, but don't worry one day I'll scan them even if they are not in good resolution.
What times those hahaha I think I have some in disguise when we made the tour of the Nile, you know, we were tourists and they had to entertain us, although we do not need it, as they say here we aimed a bombardment _ (to everything.)
And what about saving? And discover my land jajjajajjaj
Happy Friday

That's alright. Your previous Egyptian escapades, even though they were eons ago, would still inspire all of us from an architectural and historical perspective. And yes, that's the beauty of becoming tourists in a foreign land - you get to savor all their wonderful offerings. Nevertheless, your country of Spain is also on my travel bucket list so, I'd strive to make that happen one day. Happy weekend friend! 😊

It's Friday I almost finished my workday so I'm happy
happy weekend 😀🌹