Another Canadian?!? 'Dooncha knoow, eh!'
I narrowed it down to one of two things: broom tail rat or a popsicle.
Check you out in your first month on the platform already engaging like a gangster. You familiar with TheWeekend? Welcome to Hive. How'd you hear about the joint? What do you think so far? Be brutally honest. And sarcastic if you want, I'm fluent in both vulgarities and obscenities too.
Sorry, seem I've misplaced my manners.
Pleasure to be met.Hi. I'm @dandays - The Luckiest Guy I Know.
Ooo popsicle is a good guess! Hahahah thank you. Engaging with people here makes everything a lot more worthwhile and less dull 🤣. (ahem ahem steem)
Yess I do know the Weeknd loll. His music is perfect for when you are taking a drive at night. Nineclaws introduced me to this community and I am glad she did. She is a great gal who always engages in good banter.
Loll you don't have to worry about manners 😆. Hehehe we all lose em sometimes.
the luckiest guy I know hehehehehe. Puts detective glasses on 👓Great to meet you @dandays. I do remember checking out one of your posts. Also, I am sure there is a story behind
Great meeting you here at Hive.
Fine double line between driving at night and driving off a cliff at night. Might wanna skip this one at night:
drives off cliff after watching the video 🤣
Yeah she is a great gal and fun to hang out with.So @nineclaws is behind all this, eh?
Um, guilty and guilty of liking to have lots of fun also. 😁 Thank you
😂🤗 The more, the merrier (at least in my mind)
Absolutely, can't dispute that.
Yes, you like the same. I enjoy that about you. 😃
@dandays you don't have to influence everyone around here with your outward show of vulgarities and brutal talk, we know you are a softie and @moon-city would get to know that soon.
as soft as a squishy bear 🐻🧸
Yip, spot on with that!!😆
Like a smooooothie.
A raspberry beret smoooooooothie.
The kind you find in a second hand store?
I bet she walked in through the out door too.
very squishy...he says it in his posts all the time......
Did you wake up on the wrong side of your bed? 🤔
You know these cultural differences of ours sure leaves me explaining myself a lot.
Psst. I'm censoring Me. 💖
Fun fact—autocorrect had hauled instead of myself in the first sentence and I'm not sure what to think of that.
My bad, got that all wrong myself in my response. Meant to say beneath all that show you are still a softie.
May be my headache is making me write some crap here sawvy
I'll explain myself to you any time.
Soft like a smoothie or like silk? Soft how?
Both huh? I know I'm both. It's both isn't it? Here I am gun toting and blazing trails everywhere I go 'round here but get me around a couple ladies and I'm all pink hearts.
Soft like a huge teddy bear🐻🧸🐻
Don't self-censor in such a black and white manner. Are there no grey tones in there?
Censor is always black and white right? No shades in between
I'd say there are shades of dodging black and white; but, one has to learn the art of dancing between black and white to find them.
And I suppose you are a mistress at that and would give us a lesson or two 🤣
I practice every day; but I'm far from being a mistress at it. I keep trying though. 🤣
I second this @dandays!