50% of the beneficiary rewards to this post go in support of #hive-179017
10 HIVE and 400 POINTS!!! feel free join me in thanking her profusely.our maidenly mentor @melinda010100 is providing the prizes-
our charitable judges may also recommend pixresteemer nominations to boot.
i would like to express my sincere appreciation to the generous sponsors of the entire shadow hunters community: @hive-179017 @pixresteemer @ecency @taskmanager @apnigrich and @galenkp.
the first to surmise what is making the mysterious shadow below gets a prize but there are also prizes for other guesses and for engagement- mostly based on entertainment value. it's not much fun if everybody's guesses are almost the same. creativity and humor shall be rewarded both in guesses and engagement with other contestants. if you haven't been among the winners recently try giving a fuller description especially if you are banking on a wild and humorous guess. in general the replies with more expansive substance tend to get better prizes than the minimalistic ones.
we also have an elite class prize- the highly ehived venwood prize is awarded
for an extraordinary reply which stretches the limit of what is conceivable to the point where readers can't help but burst out in laughter or at least shake their head in wonder. the venwood prize shall only be bestowed for advanced effort abounding with fantastical elucidation. a good one-liner just won't do,
at present the venwood prize pot is 5 HIVE. in each contest round the full pot is up for grabs but actual rewards may vary between 0 and full pot. 100% of any donations are most welcome and go directly into the pot previous donators have been @stevenwood, @melinda010100 and @dandays.
here is the new mystery shadow
care to wager a guess?
in the highly unlikely event you can't discern what is causing this shadow try going for a rather crazy but funny reply with some improbable humorous details. but then again for all i know maybe you instantly recognize it. time will tell.
anybody replying that this is the latest model in electric vehicles may risk being required to use it as the sole means of transportation until a newer model is available
other than the above warning the contest as always has only one rule.
a rule which remains as simple as it is difficult:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
please live by it at least until midnight August 2nd.
and while you are in the community:
i strongly suggest you submit some summertime shadows here:
and register recent reflections in round 28:
to be announced shortly
happy guessing to all.
A not-so-bright Samurai brought a mini knife to a fight with a giant bizarre looking mouse which has a tail growing out of his back. The end of the mouse tail is shaped like the end of a broomstick.
Now for a Quick Backstory about how this all happened:
In 1867, a highly ranked samurai decided to take in a trainee who wanted to become a world-renowned samurai. The high ranked samurai was not thrilled to train the trainee for one simple reason: the trainee was foolish and other highly ranked samurais refused to take him in. Legend has it that a large mouse with a broomlike tail growing out of its back attacked samurais and then disappeared in the forest near a rocky garden to plan its next attack.
The high ranked samurai warned the trainee to stay away from the rocky garden where the giant mouse has been spotted few times. The foolish trainee did not listen to this warning and decided to explore the rocky garden when suddenly the giant mouse appeared in front of him. The samurai had nothing but a small knife to defend himself as the mouse tried to reach up towards the samurai with its proud broomlike tail behind its back.
Now if you are wondering whether the samurai survived or not, I will leave this up to your creative brains to decide about what happened to the trainee and the mouse.
Nice drawing and illustration.. why do I think that the Samurai won over that evil rat.. good wins over evil right. Maybe its just a rat eating up a bread tower.. I need to think this through lol.
This is definitely the interpretation I would like to go with as well hahahah. I would like to think that the samurai won against the rat. Bread tower seems like a great thought as well. Rats love bread (lol I googled this just to be sure).
Hmm.. rats do love bread I know that for certain and cheese as well. Yeah, I like that ending as well.
You can't really expect me to believe that is a samurai.
Does this mean that you believe the rat part at the very least? 🤣 rat with the broom like tail
I genuinely don't see anything else other than a samurai and a rat. I thought that taking a break from looking at the image would give me a fresher perspective about the shadows but that didn't happen unfortunately. Still though, I look forward to other responses.
Another Canadian?!? 'Dooncha knoow, eh!'
I narrowed it down to one of two things: broom tail rat or a popsicle.
Check you out in your first month on the platform already engaging like a gangster. You familiar with TheWeekend? Welcome to Hive. How'd you hear about the joint? What do you think so far? Be brutally honest. And sarcastic if you want, I'm fluent in both vulgarities and obscenities too.
Sorry, seem I've misplaced my manners.
Pleasure to be met.Hi. I'm @dandays - The Luckiest Guy I Know.
Ooo popsicle is a good guess! Hahahah thank you. Engaging with people here makes everything a lot more worthwhile and less dull 🤣. (ahem ahem steem)
Yess I do know the Weeknd loll. His music is perfect for when you are taking a drive at night. Nineclaws introduced me to this community and I am glad she did. She is a great gal who always engages in good banter.
Loll you don't have to worry about manners 😆. Hehehe we all lose em sometimes.
the luckiest guy I know hehehehehe. Puts detective glasses on 👓Great to meet you @dandays. I do remember checking out one of your posts. Also, I am sure there is a story behind
Great meeting you here at Hive.
Fine double line between driving at night and driving off a cliff at night. Might wanna skip this one at night:
drives off cliff after watching the video 🤣
Yeah she is a great gal and fun to hang out with.So @nineclaws is behind all this, eh?
Um, guilty and guilty of liking to have lots of fun also. 😁 Thank you
@dandays you don't have to influence everyone around here with your outward show of vulgarities and brutal talk, we know you are a softie and @moon-city would get to know that soon.
as soft as a squishy bear 🐻🧸
Yip, spot on with that!!😆
Like a smooooothie.
very squishy...he says it in his posts all the time......
Did you wake up on the wrong side of your bed? 🤔
Don't self-censor in such a black and white manner. Are there no grey tones in there?
I second this @dandays!
He does this sort of thing to draw you out, as I found out first hand!
why not? What make you think that is not a samurai? what is your guess if that is not a samurai?
Why are you censoring me so much 🤣🤣🤣
He's all out of words, that's why
@dandays out of words? Are you kidding me?
His shadow protagonist shows it's shades. 😜
I guess headset and speaker or headset and boot or headset and flashlight
I also see something similar. I see headphones.
shall i assume this is your guess in the contest or is it meant as a friendly comment to somebody else?
thanks for guessing
I see the headphones too now LOL. Although I am not sure what the object on the left would be 🤔. puts thinking glasses on . Good guess!
I also do not know what's in the left.
Now I'm seeing headphones too 🤣
thanks for guessing
No problem, it's my pleasure!
ahh, forget it.Really like what you've done with the joint @eolianpariah. Eh, while I got you, thanks for picking a handle with spLeLink virtually impossible to remember. E.o.i? Apl..
PS—Anything Melinda011010001010011001 touches will s̾h̾i̾n̾e̾. She's like the Nate Dogg of Hive—everything's a chart topper. He and I are from the same city, by the way.
Little suburb of Los Angeles, City Of Angels
You know that one sticky-icky, unmistakable, super stinky weed where when it passes your nostrils, you instinctually check the sidewalk for a skunk?
Lookin at the bottom of your shoes...
Dammit.... Forgot where I was going with this.
Cites you for improper use of, "EH". This is twice now and no way to impersonate a Canadian
yeah canadians have a funny way of talking, eh?
It's funny, we don't write out "eh", but we say it often, so often we no longer hear ourselves say it, LOL.You caught that one! LOLOLOL! You've used it correctly! (@dandays, take notes)
hands over some maple syrup 🍁
That's liquid gold we have 😉, I wonder what it trades at.
Ever been to a maple farm nine? I really want to go to one.
I have been many times. My father had a friend who owned a sugar shack, so we'd do it every year. I highly recommend you go when you have an opportunity.
Doncha know, eh.
I wasn't, eh. It's how a dude from Long Be uhm, sa... and then..
How he.. Eh?
I don't remember.
That explains something, um, ah, aye, nothing, eh, but you're pulchritudinous in your manner. 😜
That word's so feigned, eh.
You had to go and look it up. Admit it, eh? You seem to be a little lost with your word wizardry today. Sends you a magic bread crumb trail..........
Feigned, no. Pulchritudinous, absolutely. That's a dope ass word. I google searched dope ass word just now and was redirected to my page. 🤔 Ambrosial.
You becoming the font nerd too .. sheesh
I couldn't help myself...it's fancy
@dandays font fest of fantastic frolicking that inspired it. That's 5 "F's" in a row and I wasn't even trying....see how inspiring @dandays is?
I wanted to do that as well, misplaced the link he gave me. 😁
He never gave me any link, just some hints, so I went looking another way. 😂
Hmm.. when you have the time and the energy tell me how to do that. I think I am done for the day. Have a lovely day.
I most certainly will! I hope you have a good rest. I'll be enjoying a walk soon.
You're missing it so much
say hello to Nate when you see him
regarding the user name it is connected to but predates a story i wrote when i turned 50 containing some of my life experiences mixed with a good dose of fantasy.
"...i am still in motion but these days i am being moved. it was my old friend the wind that had swept me away to india. i am but eolian debris- a pariah standing out in the homeland of pariahs, i had to be deposited where i belong because i was unable to bring myself that far...."
Very nice!
that is a bent rod that they use to pull the car that ran out of fuel and could not be recharged
thanks for guessing
@nineclaws and @dandays come add some spice to this rat tail soup. I need your help, I am having a brain freeze... please mr. over imaginative brains.. come soon.
I exhausted a lot of my creative reserves for the samurai and rat theory 🤣. Getting a fresh perspective from either dandays or nineclaws will be very refreshing.
You're doing pretty well I should say. I think I just need some sleep perhaps I can think better after some rest.
Sleeping on it is the best way to go and beats meditation on it.
Nah, I woke feeling feverish and feeling like my head is stuffed with wool lol
Ugh, the woolly sheep feeling in the dead. I hope you're feeling better.
I hope you get some well needed rest! 💕 😊
I guess that all what I need now, back to bed after a steaming hot cuppa coffee
Sends you 100 percent creative recharge
Thank you so much! ❤ hope you enjoy your walk today. I usually take walks between 6 to 8pm or anytime its not too sunny for a little boost.
You're welcome, 😁. I'll be going soon. Too much sun doesn't work for me, so I stick to the shade and preferably shade from trees.
Is the summer sun hitting you too hard? I see the temps in Canada are going over the roof.. how is it now?
It depends on where in Canada. The news makes it seem like the whole country is burning up. Where I am, no, it's not been hot, in fact it's been colder than summer last year.
HAHAHAHA! I think @dandays is off enjoying something today (not sure what, maybe practicing monkey swings from trees?). I'm not going to be of any help either, I'm going to have to sit with this one for a bit before I come up with something that takes it in a different direction.
Look closer
You too.. isn't any one going to add some clues here.. @eolianpariah makes each one more difficult than the other.
i gave you one clue already. it's not the latest model in electric vehicles. how many clues do you need?
I know I know , you did say something about having to use a older mode of transport.. I will come up with mine as soon as this brain of mine is warmed and from the freeze it went into LOLOh no so you now you've taken down @moon-city 's story of the samurai and the rat.
Older mode of transport......hmmmmmmmm 🤔
Think harder @nineclaws. I know by now the strange workings of your mind would have reached the netherworld. 😆
I'm still working on my guess, lol.
Waiting to read your take on the shadow.
I see you found it!
Yip I did and it is as interesting as always.
It is a lamp or bulb of those that are placed in the streets and avenues, it has the exact shape of those lamps ... I think so.
Like this one here??
This is a stunning lamp!
Tiffanys so it can't be any less.
I love the color, its my favorite color too.
Woah yess Tiffanys doesn't disappoint! This makes me want to go lamp shopping LOL. Few weeks ago, I came across a vintage store in a mall where they had some stunning lamps.
Oh wow! so colorful and bright! Please don't tempt me.
Exactly, that's the shape of the lamp I see, thanks for the image.
Exactly, that's the shape of the lamp I see, thanks for the image.
So you see a lamp as well. I was thinking of a wilted flower at first , but it didn't work too well for me lol
thanks for guessing
Ok here is my guess, but let me present my image here for some clarity Hehe

It is just a scribble but I hope you get the idea.
There was this rat (yeah I am going with the rat story) who had fallen madly in love with an old boot that was lying around.
She brought it flowers, fruits and leaves as gifts day after day only to find that the boot hadn't accepted her gifts.
She was so broke- hearted and couldn't leave the boot .. so she lived in it and had hundreds of babies in it like the old woman who lived in a shoe, she didn't know what to do, so she kissed them all soundly and put them to bed and she was stuck to the shoe like she was stuck with glue.
Very few knew her story so I brought it here to you.
Well for all you know its a land mower or perhaps a cart with bells and whistles.. who knows.
Only our elegant, elusive and entertaining @eolianpariah can shed some light here.
LOL I see the whole rat thing has corrupted peoples minds. I like the boot theory too. I can imagine whoever owns the boot must have some small feet 🤣 though. Hahahaha who is our Cinderella here I wonder?
Time to go around town and find the person whose feet will fit into this boot. 👢🥾
Dainty glass slippers is what Cindy wore .. these are rugged boots. A man's boot for sure , don't you think so?
I think @dandays left one of his boots there after a pleasant evening stroll 😂
You're sitting on it.
👀 sitting ?
Do you think jokes fall flat when they're explained?
I was beginning to question that joke though like 'that'll suck if she doesn't get it' so I'm glad we covered it.
That poor kitty, trying to squash into a box shaped boot.
Haha, could be 😆 Perhaps he is still searching for it
Get out the decontamination spray, eliminate those odours!
LOL he's gonna get blind .. hmm and stink up the world around him.
Yes, that, full on blasting!😂
thanks for guessing
Thank you kind sir. 😁
You did a drawing! I'm getting so influenced now to draw for the next one! I love your guess, it's hilarious and so good!
LOL you mean my scribble with a pen? You are inspired by that? You're so funny.
I'm inspired seeing several doing drawings with guesses and you adding yours is inspiring me in the same direction!😂
I wanna see your inspired drawing , please do one soon. 😂
I'm planning to do one for the next shadow guess....it's bound be something bizarre.
Bizare? even without knowing the topic? Can't wait to see it.
My guess is muffles
thanks for guessing
What kind of muffles?
The kind that keep your ears warm during winter time.
Ahhhh, my ears are stuck with hair warmers, no wonder I didn't think of it. I can see that there, is there any snow?
Its getting very cold here, I might need something like that. The wind speeds make it feel like the temperate has really dropped.
Oh wow! How cold is it there at present? Wind like that can be intense.
Its around 17,18* c but the wind makes it seem like 12 -13. Grr,.. I had to water my plants this morning and it was chilling me to the bones.
Ohhh, that is chilly! Hot drinks needed to warm up.
Yip wish I could drink some hot chocolate in the mornings. 😩
I see a water fountain arcing water and it knocking over a pawn and it resting up against the queen. The queen is now yelling to the pawn “off with his head!”
Wow this was a creative one. I looked at the picture again and I can definitely see what you are getting at here. Poor fella
This one is way too sober and beautiful. Cunning perhaps.
where are you @nineclaws I am waiting for your story. I know yo9u will come up with the most impossible stuff.
It's coming! Had a few things to do in real life. I am hoping to get it up tonight. I have a theme in mind now 😉😁
Hey no worries, I am just fooling around. LOL Did you add your story?
It's my putting deadlines on myself, lol and I also appreciate you reminding me. LOLOLOL, yes, my story has been added.
Hahahahaha I love your gif choice! Mine was definitely too civilized 🤣
Thank you. But yours was so pretty and classy 🤩
Here is your queen of hearts.. she is really mad lol
thanks for guessing
I can totally see this!
Great contest 👍👍
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This is the shadow of a completely new, yet very ancient mode of transportation that has been designed to incorporate natural water sources and air currents, which also double as two energy sources that support the entire planet, due to the size of the structure, only one is needed.
The chamber on the right side is the Water Chamber. It is being entered on the left by two tiny shadows of figures. The water flow emanates from the top of chamber and into the Transition Chamber located in the middle, tilted at the appropriate angle. From here, travellers are instantly transported into capsules while in a relaxed prone position. The capsules are routed through the top connecting line in between the Transition and Air Chambers. The water flows through line below that one into the Air Chamber to create the air pressure necessary for ejection through the spout on the top left of this chamber. All controls for each capsule are operated completely through thought power effortlessly.
This advanced technology was lost long ago, which is why it is ancient. It is also new because it’s only recently been re-discovered and rebuilt at a crucial time when humanity is shifting from ways which harm the planet to those which heal it.
Speaking of healing, an added feature of this technology is medicinal, since all illnesses can be healed by entering the chamber on the far left. Healing treatments take only seconds once inside. The entrance to the Air Chamber is on the bottom right, where two tiny shadows of figures can be seen entering.
The small free-standing shadow on the left, just below the spout of the Air Chamber, is an Ester bird, making use of the air currents from the airborne capsules.
Hmm, quite an interesting stretch of imagination. Your personal transport healing and renewable energy sources all combined into one.
Is there a yoga chamber in there LOL where you can meditate?
Could you help me a bit with this Ester bird thingy as well? where can I photograph this bird? 🐦🦉🦅🐤🐦🦆🦉🐤🐥🐦🦅🦃🐤🐥🐦🦅
Meditation chamber......hmmmmmmmm.....adding in outdoor meditation area (no shadow visible).
I'm all out of luck for the Ester bird. I haven't seen those where I live. Also, for some reason, birds have never cooperated with my camera. I either can't get clean shots, or if one is present, I am without my camera. I've been 6 feet away from hawks here and could have got some really good shots but did not have my camera during several events like that.
Happens all the time, birds are finicky creatures lol. I have had to wear cardboard boxes to take bird photographs. However, the feeling is amazing when you get clean images. I love eagles and hawks, Love taking pictures of them in flight.
Good luck with your Ester bird.
fins a slot in the main tower for your meditation chamber .. this exercise needs a lot of concentration lol
😂 You wear cardboard boxes to take bird photos? I'm trying visualize this. How did you come up with that and do the birds relax more when they see a box shape instead of a human shape?
Eagles are a very rare sight in this country. I've never seen them in person. There are many hawks here and I always stop to watch them. They are so beautiful in flight, like magic.
🤣, so funny
True, they are not so comfortable with humans, cardboard boxes can move when they are looking the other way. This was especially true when I tried taking pictures of the golden oriole and the copper smith barbet. Very shy birds.
Wow, so that works well then. I've never heard of this approach, so I had to ask. I think you are more patient and knowledgeable with regard to birds. I know I am definitely not, LOL.
thanks for guessing
Thank you for the engage!
It is the shadow of my heart broken in half for not guessing which shadow is that ja,ja,ja
Don't be heart broken, none of us have a clue what this is, just join the fun and add your own story to it.
Thanks for the advice, best regards.
Thanks for the advice, best regards.
LOL this is not advice sharing my experience with you. This challenge is all about fun.
thanks for guessing
ja,ja,ja,it's my poor broken heart
🤣 It was the best gif I could find!
That's a cool one too.
It's the first time I've seen that one and thought it was cool too.
Yip, that is really cool.. I am not sure I'll use it but worth noting.
This shadow is the sign that I came back to share with you, because this week was a terror, my computer was damaged, but I am very active, this seems to be the shadow of something to inflate balloons.
thanks for guessing
Hmm.. I can see why you think so.. is that a balloon at the end? Great guess.