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RE: announcing the 23rd guess the shadow contest!!

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

Ok here is my guess, but let me present my image here for some clarity Hehe
It is just a scribble but I hope you get the idea.

There was this rat (yeah I am going with the rat story) who had fallen madly in love with an old boot that was lying around.
She brought it flowers, fruits and leaves as gifts day after day only to find that the boot hadn't accepted her gifts.
She was so broke- hearted and couldn't leave the boot .. so she lived in it and had hundreds of babies in it like the old woman who lived in a shoe, she didn't know what to do, so she kissed them all soundly and put them to bed and she was stuck to the shoe like she was stuck with glue.
Very few knew her story so I brought it here to you.
Well for all you know its a land mower or perhaps a cart with bells and whistles.. who knows.
Only our elegant, elusive and entertaining @eolianpariah can shed some light here.


LOL I see the whole rat thing has corrupted peoples minds. I like the boot theory too. I can imagine whoever owns the boot must have some small feet 🤣 though. Hahahaha who is our Cinderella here I wonder?

Time to go around town and find the person whose feet will fit into this boot. 👢🥾

Dainty glass slippers is what Cindy wore .. these are rugged boots. A man's boot for sure , don't you think so?

I think @dandays left one of his boots there after a pleasant evening stroll 😂

You're sitting on it.

👀 sitting ?

Do you think jokes fall flat when they're explained?


I was beginning to question that joke though like 'that'll suck if she doesn't get it' so I'm glad we covered it.

LOL don't worry after I googled the reference, I understood it finally 🤣🤣

I get it, it does fall flat, but if I don't get it its interred - right?


That poor kitty, trying to squash into a box shaped boot.

Haha, could be 😆 Perhaps he is still searching for it

Get out the decontamination spray, eliminate those odours!

LOL he's gonna get blind .. hmm and stink up the world around him.

Yes, that, full on blasting!😂

thanks for guessing

Thank you kind sir. 😁

You did a drawing! I'm getting so influenced now to draw for the next one! I love your guess, it's hilarious and so good!

LOL you mean my scribble with a pen? You are inspired by that? You're so funny.

I'm inspired seeing several doing drawings with guesses and you adding yours is inspiring me in the same direction!😂

I wanna see your inspired drawing , please do one soon. 😂

I'm planning to do one for the next shadow's bound be something bizarre.

Bizare? even without knowing the topic? Can't wait to see it.

Yup, I'm already running like that in my mind, although what that will be, remains to be seen until the moment I'm in it. 😂