This is the shadow of a completely new, yet very ancient mode of transportation that has been designed to incorporate natural water sources and air currents, which also double as two energy sources that support the entire planet, due to the size of the structure, only one is needed.
The chamber on the right side is the Water Chamber. It is being entered on the left by two tiny shadows of figures. The water flow emanates from the top of chamber and into the Transition Chamber located in the middle, tilted at the appropriate angle. From here, travellers are instantly transported into capsules while in a relaxed prone position. The capsules are routed through the top connecting line in between the Transition and Air Chambers. The water flows through line below that one into the Air Chamber to create the air pressure necessary for ejection through the spout on the top left of this chamber. All controls for each capsule are operated completely through thought power effortlessly.
This advanced technology was lost long ago, which is why it is ancient. It is also new because it’s only recently been re-discovered and rebuilt at a crucial time when humanity is shifting from ways which harm the planet to those which heal it.
Speaking of healing, an added feature of this technology is medicinal, since all illnesses can be healed by entering the chamber on the far left. Healing treatments take only seconds once inside. The entrance to the Air Chamber is on the bottom right, where two tiny shadows of figures can be seen entering.
The small free-standing shadow on the left, just below the spout of the Air Chamber, is an Ester bird, making use of the air currents from the airborne capsules.
Hmm, quite an interesting stretch of imagination. Your personal transport healing and renewable energy sources all combined into one.
Is there a yoga chamber in there LOL where you can meditate?
Could you help me a bit with this Ester bird thingy as well? where can I photograph this bird? 🐦🦉🦅🐤🐦🦆🦉🐤🐥🐦🦅🦃🐤🐥🐦🦅
Meditation chamber......hmmmmmmmm.....adding in outdoor meditation area (no shadow visible).
I'm all out of luck for the Ester bird. I haven't seen those where I live. Also, for some reason, birds have never cooperated with my camera. I either can't get clean shots, or if one is present, I am without my camera. I've been 6 feet away from hawks here and could have got some really good shots but did not have my camera during several events like that.
Happens all the time, birds are finicky creatures lol. I have had to wear cardboard boxes to take bird photographs. However, the feeling is amazing when you get clean images. I love eagles and hawks, Love taking pictures of them in flight.
Good luck with your Ester bird.
fins a slot in the main tower for your meditation chamber .. this exercise needs a lot of concentration lol
😂 You wear cardboard boxes to take bird photos? I'm trying visualize this. How did you come up with that and do the birds relax more when they see a box shape instead of a human shape?
Eagles are a very rare sight in this country. I've never seen them in person. There are many hawks here and I always stop to watch them. They are so beautiful in flight, like magic.
🤣, so funny
True, they are not so comfortable with humans, cardboard boxes can move when they are looking the other way. This was especially true when I tried taking pictures of the golden oriole and the copper smith barbet. Very shy birds.
Wow, so that works well then. I've never heard of this approach, so I had to ask. I think you are more patient and knowledgeable with regard to birds. I know I am definitely not, LOL.
I am a birder without a proper birding lens .. lol so I watch and hang around them patiently.
thanks for guessing
Thank you for the engage!