
Do they even sell 12 packs of Dr. Pepper in Tennessee?

"WinDixie down yonder gots two 6'ers mmmkay."


You're driving right now?

Define driving.

That definitely explains it!

Maybe you're remotely driving someone else?

If there's a shadow for it you're a shoe in.

🤣🤣🤣 Hmmmmm.......
Maybe I shouldn't aspire to such!

Not driving but I do have to head over to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get my license renewed before it expires tomorrow. Should be a really fun time! Getting a "REAL ID-compliant" driver license @dandays

That sounds like you need to fortify yourself with extra strength before dealing with the Dept of Motor Vehicles. I'm betting that's as much fun (torture) where you are as it is where I am.

Have fun with that.

We had to get new ones too. My Ca ID said non compliant and it was always a good conversation piece. I didn't have the option this time, I'm being a good little boy instead by force.

And an organ donor—always. In case you were wondering.