50% of the beneficiary rewards to this post go in support of #hive-179017
10 HIVE and 400 POINTS!!! feel free join me in thanking her profusely.meticulously mindful @melinda010100 is providing the prizes-
our charitable judges may also recommend pixresteemer nominations to boot.
i would like to express my sincere appreciation to the generous sponsors of the entire shadow hunters community: @hive-179017 @pixresteemer @ecency @taskmanager @apnigrich and @galenkp.
the first to surmise what is making this shadow below gets a prize but there are also prizes for other guesses and for engagement- mostly based on entertainment value. it's not much fun if everybody's guesses are almost the same. creativity and humor shall be rewarded both in guesses and engagement with other contestants
we also have an elite class prize- the highly ehived venwood prize is awarded
for an extraordinary reply which stretches the limit of what is conceivable to the point where readers can't help but burst out in laughter or at least shake their head in wonder. the venwood prize shall only be bestowed for advanced effort abounding with fantastical elucidation. a good one-liner just won't do,
at present the total venwood prize pot is 5 HIVE. in each contest round the full pot is up for grabs but actual rewards may vary between 0 and full pot. 100% of any donations to this go directly into the pot so please consider contributing.
monday night at midnight UTC the 19th guess the shadow contest closes
so there is very little time remaining to "solve" that stumper. here's the link:
if that nut has been cracked,
or you're plain gobsmacked
then carefully consider clarifying this confoundingly concocted contraption.
what in the world would make this weird shadow??
if you think some ________ (-body else) has beaten you to your guess, there's no need to throw in the sponge, Bob.
just unchain
your fun brain
anybody replying that this is a users manual for the F-22 Raptor may be subpoenaed to testify under oath and penalty of perjury before the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services on October 3, 2021 at 10:20 sharp. you have been warned.
other than the above warning the contest as always has only one rule.
a rule which remains as simple as it is difficult:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
please live by it at least until midnight July 12th.
for an in-depth history of this timeless rule please refer to this fine post:
and while you are in the community:
i strongly suggest you submit some stunning shadows here:
and record recent rare reflections in round 24:
happy guessing to all
Tripod or somthing apparatus for golf
thanks for guessing
Like this one?

Great guess @kellyane and it definitely explains the mysterious "keyhole" at the top of the object in the shadow as shown in the image posted by @nineclaws!
It does explain that keyhole at the top well.
@numa26 entered with a very solid guess as well Did you see the anchor? @nineclaws⚓👥
I just looked now and it's a really good guess!
That would be a profile image of a scare crow , actually the remains of a the scare crow that was eaten up by crows.
However, it could also be an agricultural implement like the one used to open coconut shells, or a weighing scale of old.
I am closer with my last guess I believe.
thanks for guessing
I'm having double visions here!

I found this coconut shell opener, maybe this is close?
Close to what, a huge walnut opener?
Do you have a secret giant walnut tree in your yard? One walnut would feed you for the day in that case!
If you tell anyone about the pool party last night I'll deny everything!
I'll keep "mum" providing you send me some of those giant walnuts and some good ale, do they have such a thing in the US???
What, ale? Frothy smooth and foamy like whipped cream but earthy.
(I had to look that up just now so I guess not)
Now where oh were is the lovely @dandays? I hope you didn't drown white water rafting over the holiday, we need you here with your hot rod guess! 😜😁
Sure appreciate this reminder. Thank you. I seem to have gotten a little smidgen carried away in the comment section just now and need to focus
It's my pleasure! All guesses on deck for shadow shows! 🤣

This may help you FoCuS
Sure. And what you're reading right now is either a comment or a Mr. Goodbar.
How do you read a chocolate bar of such low quality?
I shoulda thought that through. Nobody likes Mr Goodbar.
Well unless the alternative is that Hershey dark chocolate mini.
It's "Hershey" actually that's the issue.
My alternative is to make my own chocolate; that's why I have 2kg of extra dark organic chocolate to play with creatively. 😜
Failing that, you can always make some raw cacao deliciousness....a dehydrator helps with that, but you could do it without.
Nothing beats homemade, imo....but then, I'm a bit of foodie
How cool. We did a chocolate and coffee tour in Costa Rica actually. Oil, butter, cacao obviously, touch of cayenne.. it's been about three years now so I forgot some steps but I'll never forget the process.
Such a good time. Costa Rica sucked but we had a few memorable experiences during that five months.
You'd be a grand neighbor!
Ohhhhh, what a delicious time you must have had, much cooler! I'd love to see you make some chocolate and then post it, hint, hint...am I chocolate pushing too much?
I daresay if we were neighbours, it'd be a constant back and forth and I'd have to remove any fence inbetween! I love to create with food and then share it. Problem with that for a while now is that there are fewer to share with. It's far more motivating for me to create with the purpose of sharing.
I have photos from that day, captured the entire tour. Apologies in advance but I've opened them a few times and I'm so disappointed and disgusted with the entire country of Costa Rica I can't motivate myself to write about the chocolate.
Or the volcano... the jeep rides.. marathon... falafel in the pineapple farm.... anywho, sorry.
you can never push chocolate too much with me around.
I'd like to hear more about that tour @dandays. I am sure you have funny stories to tell.
I doubt I'll get to it. I've came across those photos at least 10 times and I can't stop on them without getting all pissed off. I wrote several articles from Costa Rica back in the Steemit days and the majority of them are negative. Thinkin I'll leave it in the rear view mirror.. for now at least.
Are Goodyear tyres still around? Haven't heard that name in years.
I put a new rear tire on my bicycle just before it got too hot to ride this summer.
@dandays is holding out for the last minute to give his shadow guess. I think he's up to something shadowy.
You wish you knew what I was up to. 💖
I'm actually having such a good time in this comment section I completely spaced how I even got here. Good thing I'm in the app or I'd probably see all my comments blanketing the article and get all self conscious n shit n be all like ok my God like I can't even believe I like totally said that okaaaayy.
I totally admit it. Done. There.
You get all self-conscious n shit??? NEVA!
You're so much fun to play tennis with!
Well only cuz if I wasn't in the app I'd see DanDays comments all over the place like 'what's this dude hung up on' and critically check for grammatical errors.
Otherwise I'm good! That last one touched the line. 😉 4-Love, your serve.
🤣🤣🤣 Someone else who is fixated on grammatical errors! Love it!
Serving up this:

I want loads of this lol, can't handle this off sugar stuff for long I guess.
Agricultural plough that will plough the seeds of hive power which will reap more hive power for me in few weeks😂
thanks for guessing
A plow would beat this!

But this seems more fun
🤣 until it becomes painful!
It's something to do with drawing water, I don't know, one of those things they use to pump water, I'm almost, almost sure.
thanks for guessing
Working up a sweat for water!

Water, water, that picture has to do with water.if you are not familiar with water then it is Slenderman with his long arms and legs jiji 😂
thanks for guessing
i wasn't familiar with slenderman so i had to look it up
Slenderman is scary, he's scary 🥺.
Not familiar with water!!! That would be deliberate self-dehydation!

The more I look at the photo, the more it looks like a bird scarecrow with its arms outstretched to scare away the pesky birds.
thanks for guessing
Hmm you think that is a scare crow too? LOL

Like this one here
That's the most friendly inviting scarecrow I've seen. Crows are going to peck it to death until only scarecrow bones are remaining!
The cutest right?
Totally the cutest! 😁
The bird scarecrow in your photo is charming, with that face I don't think it will scare away any bird, the birds will eat it with kisses ji,ji,ji,ji
Super cute, right? That's why I chose that 🤣
I visualized this:

Just like that, that's the image that comes to my mind when I look at the shadow.
Cool! There were several but this was the only one that seemed to fit.
this should be an easy guess its a hand water pump
Yeah like this one I guess

That's a far more elegant and beautifully tooled hand pump than the one I used to use!
A work of art, I'd love to have one of those in my garden, just for the heck of it.
It is beautiful. Ahhh garden, yes, perfect spot!
Hmm.. I wish I could fine one half as well crafted as that.. And BTW @nineclaws you beat @dandays and everyone to it at the Ecency activity list lol. Are you planning on creating a record of sorts here?
Maybe look for a second hand one, you never know what you might find.
again)🤣🤣🤣 I beat the FANTASTIC @dandays?!! I'm so happy, you made my day! I dared him and things got very wild and hilarious. My fingers are sore, so no, not planning on creating a record. That said, I'm always up for a challenge, hear that @dandays? Now where did you rank?😏 Not even second, I'm willing to bet (
Killed it!
I remember when I could top the charts. That was a long time ago.
nvm its more of a long handle you press down and up to pump
thanks for guessing
Starting off my guess with it's something vintage or antique and from there narrowing down to it being a shadow from an old-fashioned lawn sprinkler like the ones pictured here:
or it could be part from an old lamp fixture.
The circle thing at the top should make things easier but it doesn't. In fact it looks like some alien form of a needle with knotted thread going through it that someone got tired of having to do manually so they added a lever to it!👽
But what do I know?! It's anyone's guess!🙃🧐😀
thanks for guessing
Nina Noir! LOLOLOL! I see you noted the circle thing at the top! I was studying that part of the shadow and comparing with my notes to see if it's what I think it is for my guess.
Oh ok I see how this works. Just throw a 12-pack of guesses in the box. I'm always last to know.
Hmm, I still get 10 and a half guesses? Goody!😜
Don't guess and drive!
Do they even sell 12 packs of Dr. Pepper in Tennessee?
"WinDixie down yonder gots two 6'ers mmmkay."
You're driving right now?
Define driving.
That definitely explains it!
Maybe you're remotely driving someone else?
Not driving but I do have to head over to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get my license renewed before it expires tomorrow. Should be a really fun time! Getting a "REAL ID-compliant" driver license @dandays
That sounds like you need to fortify yourself with extra strength before dealing with the Dept of Motor Vehicles. I'm betting that's as much fun (torture) where you are as it is where I am.
Have fun with that.
We had to get new ones too. My Ca ID said non compliant and it was always a good conversation piece. I didn't have the option this time, I'm being a good little boy instead by force.
And an organ donor—always. In case you were wondering.
NOIR guesses like you do!@dandays is just devastated he can't come up with
Haha! He's probably already schemed up his guess and just got distracted reading and replying to all the conversations on this post - am I right? @dandays
Pretty sure you hold the title of Champion of NOIR! @nineclaws🏆
I agree, @dandays has become distracted!
I'd say we are both in the running for title of "Champion of Noir! 😁😂
You're too kind! I'll gladly share the NOIR title with you! @nineclaws🤴👑👸
Assume the position ladies.
And what I mean by that is, enjoy this front row attention while you can cuz I got til Monday.
Damn you nailed that one too! As Mel B. would say, "spot on!"
@dandays you need the right nails to hit the spot, like these:
It's because you don't drink ale, if you did, you'd understand what a 12-pack is. 😜
thats a good guess! never seen those vintage editions of sprinklers - anyway huge thanks for sharing this visual, Nina -- !PIZZA
$PIZZA@ninahaskin! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @qwerrie.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)
Time for a new guess the shadow! @nineclaws
It is definitely that time and I'm posting my guess today! 😁
Hi there, @eolianpariah you seem to know all the best contests going on here on hive, I will have to look into this shadow contest good luck by the way :)
you have to, no doubts!
Hi there, @qwerrie I will definitely take a look and see what I can do :)
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definitely check out the shadow contest. it's my favorite other than this one of course but they are all good
Hi there, @eolianpariah thanks for the heads up :)
This is the shadow of an anchor that stakes open the East Gate, which is the exit from this realm. The narrow oval shaped opening of the East Gate also casts a shadow from its position at the top of the anchor. The opening is narrow, like the eye of a needle; only those who have evolved enough and shape shifted their spiritual weight will be able to pass through it without shattering forever when they exit. There is a West Gate, but it casts no shadow since it perpetually covered in darkness, which is why only the East Gate shadow is visible with it’s anchor.
thanks for guessing
Thank you for the Engage!
Ah the good old water pump. Also known as shower for children who spend a lot of time outdoors. Just a little pumping with the arms and magically water appears!
thanks for guessing
it gave me an impression of an anchor, but I guess its a manual water pump, too. I didnt came up 1st with this opinion, so I cant claim for amything
a nice shadow!
thanks for guessing
Hi, I think it is Garden Water sprinkler, thanks
thanks for guessing
That's a watering can with a hose.
thanks for guessing
You're welcome, it's a lot of fun to guess what each shade is about.
That is the shadow of a hose which can surely be used to put out a fire and it even has the key.
thanks for guessing
I mean, obviously it's a stick person wearing a small scarf and running through town with a sandwich and a leaky teakettle, but if I had to make a second guess, I would say lawn sprinkler. One that clearly isn't used very often.
thanks for guessing
Hi @eolianpariah This time I'm almost sure that your shadow reflects, the top of A MARINE ANCHOR. Here I'll leave you the image. Greetings
thanks for guessing
Never in amillion years would I have thought of this! I think you got this one.
Brilliant! @numa26⚓👏⚓
Hola @ninahaskin , estoy muy segura de que es la sombra de un ancla marina, pues contiene todas las características de la sombra original, a proyectarse des de ese ángulo. Espero tener razón . Feliz tarde del sábado.
Looking forward to see the answer to the puzzle as I believe you are 💯 right!
Thank you! A very Happy Saturday to you as well!💫
Ohhhh! That looks very much like you have anchored your guess correctly!
Sería fabuloso @nineclaws . Gracias
¡Creo que lo tienes! De nada
@nuevegarras59 Muchas gracias por haber sido tan certera en tu predicción. Pero lo importante fue que ambas conocíamos la respuesta. Cariños.
@nuevegarras59 Thank you very much for being so accurate in your prediction. But the important thing was that we both knew the answer. Love.
It's my uncle Santo waiting for a girlfriend he says he has, but that girlfriend never arrives ja,ja,ja,ja
thanks for guessing
Apparently it's a very skinny kid standing on the lawn waiting for lunchtime to see if he gets fat he,he,he,he😜😜.
thanks for guessing
156 comments?! Someone like @ninahaskin probably already said an antique lawn sprinkler but she probably guessed they're on a desk—school's in session.
Antique lawn ornament dancing on grass.
thanks for guessing
some sort of watering thing to wash your feet after gardening.
thanks for guessing