I have photos from that day, captured the entire tour. Apologies in advance but I've opened them a few times and I'm so disappointed and disgusted with the entire country of Costa Rica I can't motivate myself to write about the chocolate.
Or the volcano... the jeep rides.. marathon... falafel in the pineapple farm.... anywho, sorry.
Wow! That must have been quite an adventure to leave you with that taste. I hear you though, there are things like that in my life as well, although not Costa Rica.
One of my best friends, known him since second grade, we're 45 now. His daughter is getting married in Costa Rica in August and I won't be there.
It's terrible. But I lived there once, I won't go back.
45 and still so young, I'm impressed!
How long did you live in Costa Rica?
Five months. We were there January, 2017, had plans. Engulfed ourselves in the culture til May, 2017, and couldn't get outta there soon enough.
We had five or six weeks left at our Air BnB stay in Cocoa Beach and still couldn't fly middle fingers high enough when we left that place.
Wow! Sometime, I have to hear the full story, if you're up for that. I've never had quite that reaction to any place I've been.