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RE: announcing the 25th guess the shadow contest!!

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

Do I owe you anything for that? Last time someone said something so nice I had to pay'em and then we played with fire in court. One thing led to another, one of those double jump rope crazy kinda jumping games where if we made one mistake it was contempt.

Charges dismissed!

I have a clean record you see.


It's all freely given, as I just said to @galenkp, it's my specialty. I may ask for hugs in return though and I'm not sure you're in the same hug giving category, since I have yet to see any proof of that.

I know that's not the Canadian, eh, story, so it has to be a leap roping, leap frogging, high jumping, pole jumping, Californian surfer wave jumping storied tale of good dismissal.

There's clean and then there's clean. 😜

I really need to practice being in two places at once, Eh.

You do, EH. Why haven't you already mastered that?

LOL so you did get into trouble reading too much into those words?
I am sure@nineclaws won't make you pay dearly. 😆

That reminds me. Each time I see your location I wanna send something back.
Col 2:22-23Good morning @sofs-su. Muah! You're in Indonesia correct? I checked your profile just now but it's not listed ooh!

I am in India lol (You have a terrible memory)
Hmm... do you have a message for me through that.. I came out of that trap a long time ago.
No man made religion for me.
Christ alone is my head.Good morning @dandays. ♥️

One broken neck and a couple head traumas seem to have the effect. I knew it started with Ind and Indiana was off the list so I woulda got it right eventually.