announcing the 25th guess the shadow contest!!

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago (edited)

50% of the beneficiary rewards to this post go in support of #hive-179017

10 HIVE and 400 POINTS!!! feel free join me in thanking her profusely.our multipara meliorator @melinda010100 is providing the prizes-

our charitable judges may also recommend pixresteemer nominations to boot.
i would like to express my sincere appreciation to the generous sponsors of the entire shadow hunters community: @hive-179017 @pixresteemer @ecency @taskmanager @apnigrich and @galenkp.

the first to surmise what is making the baffling shadow below gets a prize but there are also prizes for other guesses and for engagement- mostly based on entertainment value. it's not much fun if everybody's guesses are almost the same. creativity and humor shall be rewarded both in guesses and engagement with other contestants. if you haven't been among the winners recently try giving a fuller description especially if you are banking on a wild and humorous guess. in general the replies with more expansive substance tend to get better prizes than the minimalistic ones.

we also have an elite class prize- the highly ehived venwood prize is awarded
for an extraordinary reply which stretches the limit of what is conceivable to the point where readers can't help but burst out in laughter or at least shake their head in wonder. the venwood prize shall only be bestowed for advanced effort abounding with fantastical elucidation. a good one-liner just won't do,

at present the venwood prize pot is 5 HIVE. in each contest round the full pot is up for grabs but actual rewards may vary between 0 and full pot. 100% of any donations are most welcome and go directly into the pot. previous donators have been @stevenwood, @melinda010100 and @dandays. please consider contributing.

here is the new mystery shadow
care to wager a guess?

in the highly unlikely event you are unable discern what is creating this shadow try going for a rather crazy but funny reply with some improbable humorous details.

anybody replying that this is a rabid dog better make sure it doesn't jump out and bite you

other than the above warning the contest as always has only one rule.
a rule which remains as simple as it is difficult:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
please live by it at least until midnight August 16th.

and while you are in the community:
i strongly suggest you submit some striking shadows here:

and report recent reflections in round 30:

happy guessing to all.


A guy is about to walk down a ramp with a railing attached to the sides. There is a second ramp coming out of the left side (whoever was responsible for this set up) . A lot of safety violations have been made here with the most obvious one being the fact that the ramp is not touching ground level. The poor guy will be falling down...

A little diagram I made to make sense of this

thanks for guessing

Thank you for the engage!

LOL hmm.. yeah a whole lot of safety violations. I wonder why he would climb up the pole and try to walk down. Whatever was he thinking?

Hahahha or perhaps it was his lack of thinking altogether which landed him in this situation.

mr engagement is not working these days. sorry to get your hopes up. as consolation i can offer you some



$PIZZA@moon-city! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (6/10)

If there's a prize for coolest guess ever, you're a falling shoe in.

Hahahha most of the times I can never figure out what the actual shadow is. These images are pretty well done! It definitely makes me stop and wonder what I am looking at hahahha.

When I finally cannot figure out what it is, my brain comes up with wild possibilities.

Try harder next week would'ya, my guess is in, yours is out. They need to make these more challenging.

Good to see you @dandays. I was wondering if all was well with you. Now I need to go check what your guess was.

Good luck, there's a lot and I know this much about real estate.

LOL no guesses at all until now. Are you also trying to let that shadow marinate in your brain for a longer time?

Wild possibilities are the best 😉

Exactly every day makes us think about what it will be, hahaha I have even dreamed about it, in the end when I see that it is only gives me a lot of laughter, because I see how far is my imagination.


I am glad to hear that @omaira74 . Its a good way to challenge our imagination and test our creativity. Thank you for commenting 😊

That's such a well done drawing, so technical. I see many broken parts in this guy's future, unless there's a hidden shadow ramp 🤔

Thank you Nine hahha poor guy. Do you think we can save him somehow? Maybe @dandays can catch him bridal style.

🤣 Best suggestion ever, can't top that unless we add rainbows 🌈:

Maybe @dandays can catch him bridal style.

and unicorns.
Oh yeah bridal style catch and rainbows.. lol Now I get it.
forget the unihorns

Yes, unicorns! Brilliant! Maybe @dandays has a magical unicorn horn that he weaves magic words with...🤔

Hmm .. just his leg? I was worried about his life?

🤣 How about this....two birds flying in tandem rescue him before he falls to any serious injury or death. You just can't see their shadow because they fly in at the crucial moment? Am I mixing up stories here....hmmmm 🤔

You really had got me all confused for a minute. I had to check which post I was on LOL Yip for sure.. you got all this mixed up.

🤣🤣🤣 I couldn't help myself, I just couldn't

LOL you are losing it @nineclaws, you are inspired by @dandays and his over imaginative mind.

This is a classic tale of what it sounds like when it doesn't matter what I say right here cuz Moon-City stole the show.

Dandays thank you so much 🤣. You are too kind. I am sure the creative juices flowing through your brain will come up with something.

Sometimes you have to let the picture marinate in your head for some time before coming up with something. Well this has definitely made me hungry for some barbeque 🍗

Yeah, that's what I am going to do, let it marinate.
Can't wrap my brain around this shadow lol Too strange for me

I feel you. I can only imagine what next week's will look like...

Sometimes reading too many guesses can also cloud my guess about what it could be.

Yeah I got nuthi..

SighS deePlY aNd rePeatedlY



Ooooo fancy text

I'm upping my tennis game 😜

throws a tennis ball

Look nine behind you! Don't let it hit your face 🤣

I caught it and it's now in my tennis ball bowl 🤣

Sure seems similar seeing said so somewhere.


Fantastically featured fonts by the luckiest green-eyed guy I know flipped my focus to flying further into font fun. 😉

Ohh you are doing this so well.. you've got to teach me this text thingy lol

I'm building, I have to serve up some tennis balls that @dandays hasn't come up with yet. I'll most certainly teach you, can't let the green-eyed guy have all the fun 😜

Thank you.. Hmm.. I guess he is busy these days. @dandays you are being missed.

@dandays is always missed, maybe he should clone himself 🤔

Hahahhaa I loved this. Such a gorgeous tail tale

Isn't that the best cat tail?

I almost said pussy. Glad I wasn't inappropriate.

You be inappropriate, never.....

Ahem... you...

:time out:

I searched [that P word] just now with the absolute, 100% intention of returning here with some sort of definition about a cat, kitten, feline, jungle cat, lion, lioness, anything other than that for you. It was all for you.


Do not conduct the same search I did. The results were in no way affiliated to cat, kitten, feline, jungle cat, lion, lioness, etc. 🥶Don't do it @sofs-su.

:time in:

Were you trying to get your self cleared of those charges using a dictionary?
Tsk tsk.. and found nothing to prove your innocence.. Time out


This is the Giant Global Universal Weathervane of such bane. It casts a shadow from pole to pole, with or without snow. As indicated in the illustration, there are two ramps that distribute weather separately. The ramp on the left is for good weather and is positioned towards the upper realms. The bad weather ramp points downwards towards the lower realms. Two sensors are attached on each side of the pole. They connect from the pole to each ramp below it, forming a complete circuit of weather detection and distribution. The holes in each censor are where the air flow is captured and sampled instantly by the sensor. Each sensor acts in harmony to sample the air flow, “tasting” it,, to determine what type of weather is generated, dispersed and where.


Just what in the heck, NICE. Btw, you are challenging me to the top 1 position? How do you dare :P <3 hahahaha

Still, NICE guess.

Yaay, great competition. I love this. I am way too busy with the offline world these days.. and my fingers are not up to the task LOL

LOL, yes, what the heck indeed!😂 I saw that I made up it to the top. I couldn't stop good conversation. I thought, I'm giving you a run for your money for 1 day but won't be able to stay there. 🤣

How dare I, eh? dies laughing

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@nineclaws! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

I'll happily accept Pizza and grateful for anything. Thank you @eolianpariah!

Hmm.. so we had these good weather and bad weather sensors now, are these just in Canada or in Norway as well?
Tasting weather is a new phenomena, I need to study that in detail to get a better understanding. What if we humans can acquire a taste for this and do it as well.. what do you think @nineclaws

It stretches from pole to pole, so it encompasses this "world" completely.

Weather tasting, well, I'm trying to recall if I've tasted it and I don't think I have. I must give it a try. I can tell by smell when it's going to rain or snow. That was taught to me when I was growing up. I think it's quite possible to "taste" the weather. I'll let you know how it goes when I try that out. Probably will take practice, like all things.

Oh okay, I get it now.
Please try it out and teach me as well 😆
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday!

😁 I will and if it works out, I'll pass on what I've learned. I think Sunday is flying by too fast already and I have a list of things to get done.

LOL I always wonder why the weekends fly past me at a pace that weekdays don't.

More activity on the weekends perhaps? 🤔😁

Heyyyyy! Would you look at that?!! Ain't nobody gonna tell me that ain't a billboard. Yeah, that's right. That's a motherfucking billboard!

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thanks for guessing

Alright, it's a pleasure. So when do i know the guess results??

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august 17

Ok, Thanks for the information.

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mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@driplord! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (7/10)

Fed up with these pizzas i can't see. I need some real physical pizza.😭😭😭

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i usually give engage tokens but mr engagement has been out of function. i think it's back working again

Sounds fantastic and dramatic to me.😁

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This is very interesting. Haha, shadow contest indeed.

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feel free to join in

Oh wowww, how do I join in?

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just post a guess what you think is making the shadow. if you don't recognize it you can make up any answer at all, prizes are given for correct answer and for entertainment value so posts with creativity, humor and elaboration are often among the winners

Ok, Ok. I get it.

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that is a helicopter with its propellers starting to spin for its take off friend and by the way it is standing on a very tall building

thanks for guessing

mr engagement is not working these days. so intead how about some

spinning spinning

Yip Give that a good spin.. maybe we'll understand this shadow better.

That would work so well to cut the grass, but I think crane would be needed for grass cutting height selection.

Hmm.. nice guess. but it seems like this helicopter has uneven propellers and in the wrong places too. Maybe I am wrong, maybe you are right. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Sign assembly for traffic.

We will try it out!

Dog here is hoping we are right!

Does the sign assemble itself, come self-assembled, or do service people install it?

It was aliens man...

🤣🤣🤣 Best answer!

thanks for guessing

mr engagement is not working these days. so intead how about some


Beautiful dog! Is that your dog?

Nope I'm his human.

LOL, that's about accurate. Let me know if he wants another human, he's totally my kind of dog.

He says no.

He's a one person dog.

I am all he knows from 7.5 weeks old to his bday 2 days ago and being a year old.

That's a good one. He seems patient enough to me.

Actually he really is and especially now he's got a lot more time to hang out with his best friend.

He is an amazing example.


I have two of my own.. they are a woman's best friendsspark_zoe.jpg

So cute! They look like they are waiting expectantly for something...

Ohhhh, two, I think I'm in love!

Yeah these vlats have a way of doing this with everyone.. they are in the business of stealing hearts.

Awww such a cute doggo ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Yes he is most days yes he is

Hi everybody, isn’t it obvious that this is that marsian robot on ski who crashed on a big pole after he got off the ski jump ramp in the wrong direction! Come on everybody, you must have seen one of the reports from the Tokyo Olympics Robot Ski Jump contests about this accident, it was all over the news. They checked the robot’s programming and found out that his AI fell in love with the ski lift and therefore was distracted by it while preparing for his jump and then crashed into one of it’s poles. 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

thanks for guessing

we all missed you here man. hope you are having a nice summer

Yeah, not 100% great, but ok great so far … loadsa stuff going on … the reality train’s keeping me away from the hive chain … hope you all have a good summer too! 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

even robots are finding love.

Well this is still a better love story than twilight...

ahem ahem no offense to the twilight fans

Well, let‘s all hope that it’s love what the AIs we build learn on their rise and not how to send us into … the Twilight Zone 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

Hahahhaha loved this comment. Yess I do hope for the same. Have you seen the movie I, Robot? It gives a good glimpse of technology going wrong with lots of action. PS: it has Will Smith in it too 😉

Yep, watched it … not the only movie about this stuff going wrong … maybe this is exactly what’s supposed to happen, maybe it is the purpose of human life on this planet … to be the builders of the next step in the evolutionary chain … just one block in a chain … one block at a time … 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

just one block in a chain

Hehehe I see what you did here. There are definitely both pros and cons to the next step but hopefully it will be bearable...

I hope so too. But they'll breeding too many of their kind soon and may want us out

Maybe AI is gonna see us as we see a bunch of ants in our backyards and as long as we’re not getting in AI’s way it doesn’t care … 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

Yip, I have no doubts about that.. they way we are forging ahead without thinking about the consequences in the long term.

Isn't that what the robot dogs are for?

you mean for taking care of us? wasn’t this one of the black mirror episodes?!

Yes, for "taking care" of us, lol. I don't know if it was one of those episodes, I haven't had a TV for years and no time to watch it if I did have it.

Seconding that!

I didn't get to watch this on TV or read in my news suggestions.
Maybe I need to go check this out. Then I'll have my answer

This is hilarious! I love your guess!

hehe, thanks 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

You're welcome! 😊

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@moretea! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)

Yeah, thx 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

Namaste 🙏 its looking a shadow image of electricity poll over wall in sunlight.

thanks for guessing

Hmmmm, I can see that

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@idea-make-rich! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (6/10)

It looks like a light pole, but without the wires that carry the electric current.

thanks for guessing

What exactly does it do then I wonder?

They are light poles without wires, they are only decorative so that the streets believe that they will have light someday ja,ja,ja,

Ahhh, decorative! Are they any special decorations on them?

Of course, it has a smooth but firm finish that beautifies the streets, not having wires prevents birds from landing on them ha,ha.

So it doubles as a resting place for birds, I like that! 😁

Hmm decorative light poles.. okay I get that now.

Thank you @sofs-su for understanding about pole decoration

Does it send the electrical current telepathically?

Of course it is, since telepathically it is more effective and faster. ja,ja,ja

😂 I love it!

Hmm would love to have these around here.. working on mind power.. awesome.

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@darguin3! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (7/10)

Muy buen contenido sigue así

gracias. ¿te apetece participar?

Claro que sí Bro que debo hacer?

escribe una conjetura sobre lo que está haciendo la sombra al principio del post. si no reconoces lo que es entonces inventa alguna respuesta loca o divertida. las respuestas más creativas y elaboradas suelen estar entre los ganadores

Según veo hay un poste en el medio y 2 personas con ski reposados sobre él, a la espera de su turno para poder subir por las sillas elevadisas, que las lleva a la sima de ma montaña para luego bajar demostrando sus destrezas.

deepL translation
As far as I can see there is a pole in the middle and 2 people with skis resting on it, waiting for their turn to be able to climb the chairlifts, which take them to the bottom of the mountain and then descend demonstrating their skills.

thanks for guessing

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@lokywolf2295! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (8/10)

Thanks for pizza

Hello, it looks like a sewing machine foot

thanks for guessing

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@elentogether! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (9/10)

Ok, thank you!

Oh yeah, right. Darn why didn't I think of that before.


This is creative! @elentogether

What is your favorite fabric to work with when you are sewing?

I like to sew cotton fabrics that are not too thin or too thick because my machine is very old 🙂

That's lovely 😊. I am sure you have good experience with it! I am hoping to get a machine sometime next year. I have always been very interested in sewing.

Yes, sewing is a very nice activity and it attracts me a lot, but almost everything I do with my machine is mending or making adjustments. I would like to do a course to learn more

This is an excellent plan! I hope you get the opportunity to find lots of useful tutorials online and I am sure there must be online sewing courses! Best of luck.

Oh you've got to try that out. I think you'll enjoy sewing quite a bit.

Thank you Nine! I have only done basic stitching but embroidery looks stunning. It will be a while before I get into it seriously. Hahaha for now plates are full 🤣

I was wondering how you were going to juggle everything. I have 2 machines. One does embroidery, but I've never used it for that. I'm too used to doing it by hand, the slow way. 😂

As for me my eyesight is bad , I gave this up a long time ago.

The older machines are the best, imo.

Yeah, that's true

Easy to repair and they last. Mine can't take really heavy fabrics or leather, need an industrial sewing machine for that.

Mine was one of my grandmother's sewing machines. I always loved it because it has a wooden base with drawers to save little things

hahahah very good guess, I had thought about it but I have a bad machine hahahah very good.

Hello omaira, I thought of many probable things. It looks like a person mounted on a platform, attached to a pole. They also look like two skis that got stuck. After that I remembered the great resemblance between presser feet and skis 😄

A person mounted on a pole, now I'm wondering how they were mounted on the pole. Is it because they got their skis stuck?

Yes, it would be a strange scenario, but you can see those silhouettes like a person in profile sitting on something that looks like skis
Maybe he was skiing ans of a sudden a storm came that made him break loose and fly up to that pole 😄

🤣 Great elaboration, love it! I had to ask because...."tarred, feathered, and mounted on a pole while rode out of town" came to mind.🤪

I love the shadow guessing game! :) What can we come up with?
I don't like being so sinister but I see a evil traffic light that finally got what was coming to him. After messing with many commuters and causing problems on their daily drives, one commuter finally snapped and took matters into his own hands. So now the evil traffic light has been beaten mob style. This light is now barely hanging from the pole. The light will function again but he will never be the same.

Evil traffic light...😂
Maybe a little like this one?

I call this justice!

I like it! 😂

thanks for guessing

You summed up my 2019 commuting experience during winter season. One of the traffic lights was broken and created a lot of delays for two months. I am surprised it took that long to get it fixed. They put up a new one from what I heard last year.

That commuter may or may not have been me.... the traffic light should have seen it coming hehehehe.

@moon-city this is daily commute for us😁

Wow it must take a lot of patience to get used to it to the point where it no longer elicits a reaction. Apart from winter, I would say that its no better when the weather is hot. I hope your commute becomes more bearable.

Hmm Love this story. I sometimes wish they get what they deserve.

There is always that one! When they get what they deserve it puts a little smile on my face. :)

True, when the bad guys get it good, it makes me happy as well.

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@fbpowers! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (10/10)

I don't know what it's called, it's the whistle that sounds "chu, chu, chu".

thanks for guessing

Maybe a steam engine???

You love steam engines 😁

I do. Relics of the past.. the smell of steam reminds me of holidays.

Haha, I thought so. Very cool association...steam smell and holidays. I've never heard anyone say that.

That's how we always traveled as children, in trains since both mom and dad where employed with the railways. We had a couple of free trips a year and some discounted ones too.

Wow, so that's a lot of memories! That's so special and makes complete sense to me now.

Correct at the moment the name did not come to my crazy head, thanks.

No worries sometimes we just get stuck. I love these chu chu machines as well

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

Every day the shadows that are placed are more mysterious, but well here is my guess, it seems to me a beam with a kind of clasp to hold a fence, but it can also be the trocomovil of Fred Flintstones on the right side and on the left side is the entrance of a mysterious key to another episode of the world of shadows .jajaj. but eye could be anything.


thanks for guessing

I love the Flintstones vehicle suggestion. That sounds kind of close to reality

😂 good one and funny touch at the end..."the mysterious key"

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@omaira74! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)

Me gusta la PIZZA, bueno cuando no esta uno esta otro para apoyarlo.


This looks like a solar street light pole at the road side

thanks for guessing

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@tobywalter! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/10)

I'm going to go for robot skiing class. You can see the robot on the two skis heading past a big lamppost. Robots also need to take skiing class of course, it doesn't come natural to anyone, not even robots

That's a credible story. I love those ski's.

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@plint! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)

I love pizza! Can't eat engagement but you can sure eat pizza!

Phew this makes me feel a lot better about my horrible skiing skills. If robots need training, I can use some too

thanks for guessing

It is something where hot air or steam enters and leaves, I don't know.... it can also be a type of silvato.

thanks for guessing

i don't know what a silvato is. i tried to find it but found nothing except that it might be a portuguese word but i couldn't get it translated

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@victor8! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)

It is the nutcracker, the nut is placed on the top and comes out already peeled through the tube in front ja,ja,ja

thanks for guessing

Those days of using our teeth to break open nuts are gone. Good thing we have a device which makes life easier to cut them open. I used to slam some of them on my table before I got myself a nut cracker.

They had good teeth then.. less sugar and strong teeth.
I just used a mallot to crack them open

Hahahaha this definitely works too! Generally I would say it's not the best to use teeth because it can create chipping on the tooth or even cracks.

Yeah but those guys didn't care so much I guess LOL

I used to hit the walnuts with my father's hammer to open it ja,ja. What a time those were.

This made my heart melt. It is super adorable!

You used a hammer too, LOL. Always works that way.

Like this?
I havent seen too many of these before.

You are very good at looking for images...I haven't seen them like that either, now there are more modern and varied ones.

I was trying to do this from the way you described it. hehe

Your gifs are always on point. 🤣

Thank you for cracking me up

🤣 thanks, but my gifs? You're far better at that than I am and faster. 😂

Absolutely cute.

I liked the "cuteness" factor, that's what did it.

Oh yes, the cuteness factor is quite high even though it could revolt some people.

🤣 Hmmmm, "cuteness" revolting. I can't picture that. Besides, cute is a special word to me.

Cute but where the nut comes from may send other mental images to people lol That's what I meant.

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@brume7! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (6/10)

Thank you @eolianpariah, I will gladly accept the slice of pizza.

It is an helicopter tail, a pole of wire, it also like a jug

thanks for guessing

mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@repayme4568! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (8/10)

My guess, is image.png

I think you are on to something with your guess! @jesustiano

Who knows, let's wait until the contest ends.

thanks for guessing

Im still to get the past week engage, what is going on with that token? :S

you won't be receiving last week's tokens so instead have some
!PIZZAi realized yesterday that it wasn't functioning. i asked @melinda010100 and she wrote "Mr Engagement is broke/on holiday and the coder/dev is awol @abh12345 is trying to figure out what to do."



$PIZZA@jesustiano! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)

11.6! im getting closerrr :D

Oh ... well i guess that means that i should have 2 slices (Wink, wink) like right here on the comment :D

you must be hungry



$PIZZA@jesustiano! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)

Thank you :D now im fine, im just on 11.7 pizza shares, soon when i reach 20 i will go sharing pizza with people XD

Your photo looks pretty accurate!

Side note: I have multiple ecency tabs open too 🤣. Let me take some time to close some of them.

I think it is that crane with the whole spetial equitment, i think... that is my guess :D (Do not open that many tabs, the pc get's slower haha)

Now I know your secrets, heehee

I choose what post to comment, them bombart with comments all those inocent post, just COMMENT a lot XD

😂 all these innocent posts get bombarded, too funny!

<3 And i won again the top 1 position, TIME FOR THE BOMBS to D R O P <3

I need to follow your multiple tabs strategy. Drop those bombs! 🤣

Dont try it with peakd, it collapses XD Just did to see it, and i got to reboot my pc.

Oh no! Sorry to hear that. Thank you for warning me. I will make sure to keep that in mind. Hopefully, your PC is working fine now after you rebooted it.

Yeah, but having like 20+ tabs of ecency is fine, while 10 tabs of peakd broke down and forced me to reboot, i dont understand why if both of them are hive... i guess is coding?

I think it must be the coding too. Ever since I have started using Ecency more, I find it a lot more stable than the other two front-ends. Sometimes, I have noticed that timing can be an issue too in my time zone. I find more lags occur during morning time for me vs evening.

Hope everything gets sorted with you.

Yeah i foudn those problems as well, it works better than most front ends i have seen, including proofofbrainio or cinetv for examples.

Is that you up there in that bright yellow shirt working in the air?

Nope, not at all :D

I had to check, just in case. 😉

A guy with the worlds longest nose doing a ninja pose

thanks for guessing

mr engagement is not working these days. so intead how about some



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In the age of total control surveillance cameras are everywhere. And they do cast a shadow. In this case probably 2 of them on a pole pointed at a slightly different angle on unconcerned civilians 😶😁

Runs away to hide in the woods, hopes there's no surveillance cameras there

Oh I see you 👀 😏 😉

Looks around, all around, sees nothing nowhere ever never

Ugh if I was on laptop, the gif would have shown without you having to click a link :/

😂 I saw it! LOL

thanks for guessing
mr engagement is not working these days. so intead how about some



$PIZZA@amigareaction! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

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Oh yes we have a couple at the ends of our lane. I hate these but these have kept thieves away.

I can see that it is a pole, those might be street name signs attatched. Almost looks like the shade for a traffic light on the upper part, I can't see what the slotted bit would be

thanks for guessing



$PIZZA@avonvalleyes! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

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 4 years ago (edited) 

Before I get any further behind on guessing and the contest end date passes (it has been known to happen) I'll throw in what first popped to mind when I look at the shadow though I know all to well that what it actually turns out to be will mystify 99.9% of us! @eolianpariah

🥁🥁🥁Drum roll🥁🥁🥁

I think the shadow is from a

railroad crossing signal!



thanks for guessing

$PIZZA@ninahaskin! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)

Thank you for the pizza gift! @eolianpariah

Based on the shadow cast onto the ground as seen in this photo
👉 RRXingShadow👈

That's very cool. Has it always been a safe railway crossing, or are there more shadows in it's history other than the shadow it casts?

 4 years ago (edited) 

No idea. It's just a link to a photo on the Internet depicting similar shadows. Happy Sunday to you! @nineclaws

I had to ask since it's all shadow themes 😉. Happy Sunday to you too @ninahaskin!

Everything is better with shadows!👥🔆😎

It is, I was just out taking shadow and reflection photos today 😂

Wow that is a detailed image Nina! Hmm the shadow could very much end up being this 🤔. It must have taken some time to find this image. Good effort

When I first saw the shadow I thought it was something up in the air. Perhaps a broken windmill? My guess would be a skier going on a ski lift to his favourite mountain. although I don’t see the ski poles.



thanks for guessing
mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

$PIZZA@redheadpei! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @eolianpariah.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (9/10)

Most welcome. Thanks for the Pizza.🌺

these are random images for shadows and other postsimg_20210814_181250.jpg
Sorry I just scribbled a very quick rough diagram to explain the shadow.

Mr Moon was terribly upset when his lady love, the star under his feet became angry with him during an argument and ran away. At first he was too angry to worry about her, then the anger turned to desperation. He slid across the skies searching for her. He went to every place she hid during the day but she was no where to be found. He walked forwards and backward in his search, yet there was no sign of her anywhere.

He called out her name as loudly as he could as he slid around. The other planets and stars laughed at him. He was terribly annoyed by the Earth when she giggled at him endlessly. He tried to keep his focus only on his lady right now, but he did make a mental note that he would refuse to work on the full moon day and give the Earth a tough time.

The dogs and wolves of the Earth joined Earth herself and bayed at Mr.Moon derisively. The laughed and booed him about his inability to keep his woman happy. Their voices rose high above the clouds and beyond the milky-way. Mr moon was losing his patience, with his eyes on the baying wolves he walked backward and tried to hide behind a tree when we slid right in to an electric pole.

His face got stuck inside it with the impact and he now yelped in desperation struggling to get himself unstuck. In his vigorous moments he got his ears attached to a clamp that was jutting out and the tube light that was at the back which had a sharp projection behind went right through his neck.

This is the story of this shadow ! This was the exact moment when @eolianpariah passed by and took a picture of the moon and his agony. However all he got was the shadow and not a clear picture of Mr Moons face.

thanks for guessing
mr engagement is not working these days. so instead how about some

No worries, even without mr. engagement or pizza it is fun enough. Do stress out on this.

This is a true story. I can confirm that Mr. Moon lives in my city.

Oh yeah, you live in Moon-city right? I forgot all about that @moon-city

🤣 Have you ever captured his shadow?

Haven't had the chance yet. The short stubby man runs too fast nine. Next time I will take a fishing net to grab him 😤

Fishing net, yesssssssss! That'll catch that golden glowing chunk. 😂

🤣 Excellent catch, now can we cook up Mr. Moon? I wonder how that would taste and what seasonings would be best. 🤔

🤣🤣🤣, great guess! That is one scary looking Mr. Moon, love your drawing and story!

LOL Like I said I just scribbled with my pen and i am not so great at drawing.. but them Mr.Moon is in a tragic situation right? 😆😄🤣

I'm liking your scribbling with pen, keep going! Mr. Moon is in an extremely tragic situation. 🤣

LOL I see @moon-city's and your sophisticated drawing and feel bad at times... but then can't bother to go hunting for pencils and erasers and make them beautiful LOL ..

Don't feel bad at all, you haven't seen my scribbles and scratches and I have many. Also, nothing wrong with a pen. Many use that to draw with. Think of your drawings as having more loose and free vibrancy because they have that. Beauty is perception based, so if you flip it around, you'll see the beauty. 😉💗

Sofs-su don't feel bad about your drawings at all! Your write-up is creative and I enjoy reading your interpretation of the image we are given every week. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. You are putting lovely effort and that's all that matters.

So sweet of you @moon-city. That is about all I can do about my drawings. Nah I don't feel bad, I just laugh looking at them. My son at six could draw better than me. LOL