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RE: announcing the 25th guess the shadow contest!!

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

Hmm.. so we had these good weather and bad weather sensors now, are these just in Canada or in Norway as well?
Tasting weather is a new phenomena, I need to study that in detail to get a better understanding. What if we humans can acquire a taste for this and do it as well.. what do you think @nineclaws


It stretches from pole to pole, so it encompasses this "world" completely.

Weather tasting, well, I'm trying to recall if I've tasted it and I don't think I have. I must give it a try. I can tell by smell when it's going to rain or snow. That was taught to me when I was growing up. I think it's quite possible to "taste" the weather. I'll let you know how it goes when I try that out. Probably will take practice, like all things.

Oh okay, I get it now.
Please try it out and teach me as well 😆
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday!

😁 I will and if it works out, I'll pass on what I've learned. I think Sunday is flying by too fast already and I have a list of things to get done.

LOL I always wonder why the weekends fly past me at a pace that weekdays don't.

More activity on the weekends perhaps? 🤔😁

Yeah its either we are visiting the boys and bringing them some goodies or they are at home.. and church and all that.. times vanishes.

That's so lovely. Of course time vanishes when spent like that.😊