Ha ha ha! 😅😂🤣
It's actually fun! And... If I didn't talk to me, I would lose my mind! Literally! 😶
Exactly, think... A whole 2D world could be hiding right there!🤔 He he he!
On "Curves and Flats"... (*🤫This is why I put a lot of Spheres and curves in my Art...)
One day I recognized something.... All "Nature" is Curved. Planets are round, bubbles form them selves round immediately, if you pour out paint it seeks round, it goes on and on... Mankind continually seems to "square off" the round.. Buildings are square, boxes are square, rooms are square, anything man makes he tries to make square...
Now isn't that odd? You would "think" we would emulate the nature - and we do not...
In the Shadows, "This" jumps out at you! 😲
Yeah, I am actually an "upfront" kind of guy so... I figured best to make it "clear" I am not into any abstract games. And also that I don't want to move from this to that. Makes me feel like a vagabond..😕 So no "Lake Ontario", he he he.. It's anyways "too cold"..🌬️❄️🌬️
Yeah, it's just Crazy! Like I should believe this is as good as it gets for me, I should love it?!?!?🧐
And yeah.. He's a Master Manipulator! That's how come he is where he is! He manipulated his way out of an education, and many other things as well...
But and this is the weird thing...
My brother is the same in almost every way (mentally a 100% match).. Exactly brother is not fat.. But does the "exact" same things. Oh and my brother did not have any children...
(*No male from my tribe in my generation has children of their own...)
But under educated, avoidance of any reasonable employment, avoidance of doing anything except video games, etc.. when someone else may do it, etc... The same!
Yep - Life - Live! Without the b.s. filters! Gonna be fun! Though right now I am getting some pretty clear pictures all of a sudden as well!
For example... This is the kind of shit my brother and sister do, and how they can live with themselves after robbing me...
So.. my brother has this apartment he can barely afford and got way behind in bills...
He was doing a lot of whining so someone would step in.. My (also messed up) stepbrother paid up most of his bills.. But he is sliding again.. And again... Suddenly he is caught up!
He had a girlfriend that he treated badly who became his roommate (something like here) and him and my sister treated her bad... So she died....
Now some months later.. He finds her hidden money stash.. Now he is doing good... They think it's great, I do not.. I say the money belongs to her sister.
They called her to get her other things....😶
(*No, my brother and sister do not live together)
You have an Amazing Awesome Positive Energy Sunday!
Stay Blessed and Safe - Always!
Let's Do This!
🙋🏻♀️✨🌄✨🙋🏻♀️Thank You so Much @littlebee4 ,as well!
Hahaha funny funny 😆
You are so right there… people to square of the rounds. It is crazy as it goes against nature.
Great to see though the people that are closer to nature and the earth they build earth ships and they flow and are round. Never square 😉🤓
I get it. It’s good to put it out there. So all know what is happening. No surprises later or regrets.
Keep going further with your path. If something should be, it will…
Really that’s interesting to hear your brother is like that. 🧐
Interesting to hear too that your generation male have no kids of their own. That is something too.
It sounds indeed the same.
Great to hear you are getting some clear pictures of all. Look further into it. 😎
Aawww that’s so sad to hear… wow… it is not good in any way and I believe karma will show up one day at their doors 🧐
Thanks a lot. Happy Sunday 👋🏻☀️
Let it be magical filled with positive energy everywhere ✨✨✨✨
Enjoy your day 😎
Take care and stay safe.You are welcome @lesmann
Yeah, it kind of is..😅🤣😅
That's it exactly, it goes against nature. And seems to be quite on purpose!
It is good to see that those homes are round, exactly as it should be. In nature "man" would never live in a square box. There are other things to this too....😉🤓😎
Exactly! I don't want to go there owing anyone anything.. Not even an explanation. So I surely do not want someone to think that I am going to do something I may not, and have them disrupt their lives for something that may not happen...
Oh... They are the same.. The 600lber has his mom doing things for him now... So crazy to watch, and she's on a cane...
Oh yeah.. The wakeup after the deep sleep....
He he he! 😏😉😎
It has already started... A few hours ago my sister started sending me texts - very excited ones.. Her landlord sent her a letter due to the cold she needs to pay an additional $237.00 dollars, ASAP....She is "livid"! And...
She does not get yesterday at all...
Oh well....I cannot help them, and it will be more...
Wishing You an Amazing Magical Monday!
Stay Blessed and Safe and Enjoy the Day and the
Let's Do This and Make It Magical!
🙋🏻♀️✨🍀⚡🌄⚡🍀✨🙋🏻♀️You are Welcome as Well @littlebee4 and Thank You Also!
Yes… going against nature is never good. I do focus on the things that work in nature and people that do get it. Maybe I should build our house one day… and design it myself. Who knows what is possible 🤓😎
Exactly like that. Well thought out @lesmann good you think in that way, I wished more people would do that. The world would change drastically.
And she puts up with it… 😳 a circle that won’t stop or has a branch going off it.
Oh I see… she is reading in her line already. Do not go there. It is her problem. She could have expected that. She can surely arrange something with the landlord and doesn’t need her brother helping her out.
Stay on your guard my friend. 🤓
Have a wonderful start of this new week and let’s make the Monday truly count. 😎🤓
Happy positive energy day to you ✨✨✨✨
Let’s make it magical 🤩
Bee 🐝 happy.Thank you so much @lesmann 👋🏻😊 much appreciated! You are welcome, always…
It's a funny thing! Here there are a few "dome Homes" that people have built. They should "ALL" be like that! Besides what was already mentioned with the natural environment shape.. The roundness helps with the hurricane winds..😉🤓😎
Yes, sadly.. Self responsibility is not a human strong point..😑😐😶Thank You @littlebee4 ! I think that I should be responsible for what I do. And if someone is expecting me to do something I cannot or will not do I should let them know at the earliest possibility.
Nope! I don't think she gets it's game over - he's not working again... And the rest that goes with that as well....
Yeah funny stuff! I talked to her on the phone yet again today.. She is still very mad about the bill she got, and is arranging for an apartment with my brothers landlord. She is also trying to not pay the bill.. She is trying to skate out before he asks her again... 🙄😒🧐
No I am not going to get involved.. She almost had me tell her today.. "You know.. Cancer and Pisces see the world differently"... Funny, me and her had a very similar conversation last year at this time . She was going to move them as well...
You also have a Wonderful Positive Energy Week!
Happy Tuesday to You! 👍🏼🥳👍🏼
Stay Blessed and Safe!
🙋🏻♀️🙏🏼✨🌄✨🙏🏼🙋🏻♀️Thank You as Well - "Always Thank You" @littlebee4 !
It was a Good Day! I got my VA coverage hand book, and listed some stuff in eBay! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I can now "opt -out" of the Government mandated insurance! 👋🏼🥳👋🏼
And I will get the watch tomorrow and the glasses on the weekend (?)
Have a Very Magnificent Positive Energy Tuesday,
Enjoy the Cappuccino's! 👍🏼☕👍🏼
Yep, those houses are better resistant to hurricanes and all types of weather. There should be many more.
I know, sadly it isn’t a strong point.Exactly like that @lesmann good. And keep to that idea.
Wow, she is willing to move out quickly to run away from that single bill… 🫣
Hahaha, good you didn’t. Lol 😂 don’t at more friction.
That’s good news on the handbook and the insurance… also on the delivery date of those items. All good yay! I’m happy for you 👋🏻😊 Let’s keep the positivity flow… ✨✨✨✨
You are welcome my friend! Thank you as well.
Have a wonderful magical positive energy Tuesday 👋🏻😊
Enjoy every moment of it and make it count.
Take care! ✨🍀🧩☀️🌺