Hello everyone... shadow hunter friends, today I want to share a little about the image that I want to enter into the shadow hunter contest round 213.
Here is my entry for Shadow Hunters Contest Round 213 hosted by @melinda010100.
The following is my entry in the 213 round of the contest, which is a picture of a person taking shelter with an umbrella under the hot sun, yesterday afternoon it was quite hot and all activities were very tiring and stifling. I, who was shopping there, took shelter in the stalls of the sellers because the sun was very hot, then I saw this mother using an umbrella to avoid overheating, but I was more focused on her shadow, yes, the shadow of the person with the umbrella. and that's the entry for my participation today in this #shadowhunter contest. thank you all for your attention. See you again in the next contest with the next round of course.
Great shadow photo! Thanks for entering the shadow contest again 🌞
Very nice shadow of a person with an umbrella. Thanks for participating in the Shadow hunters contest! 👏 😎