
You've got to be an expert at handling sharp pointy knives right.. you are the master carver.

I rarely make a mistake where I cut myself carving; but, in the kitchen, I seem to slip up at times and cut myself (nothing serious, just minor cuts). I think it's a matter of practicing my cutting techniques more in the kitchen.

Or doing more of what you love

Different blades altogether, although I do use carving knives and I don't cut myself with them. Must be the influence of doing a sculpture and with food, my thought process has a different focus.

Absolutely. My son does half a dozen surgeries everyday, but in the kitchen he is a disaster.

Yes, there you go! I'm not sure exactly why it works this way, since I've been cooking since I was a child. I find it kind of funny. I have one of those good french mandolins for slicing (it could take a chuck of one's finger off if not careful), that I'm very attentive to, so I don't cut myself on that razor sharpness. One small success, LOLOL!