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RE: Un ángel en la cárcel / An angel in prison [Spa - Eng]

in Literatos3 months ago

Gracias por la visita y apotyo, @ladiesofhive. Qué orgullo siento de poder compartir la historia de esta mujer que llevó alimento, comida, a esos presos de la dictadura de Juan Vicente Gómez. Pienso que debe haber sidfo una dama de sociedad que estaba relacionada con algún ministro. De bajos recursos no podía ser pues no hubiera podido entrar allí, en esa cárcel con un régimen tan estricto. Y ella visitó a todos esos presos en la cárcel de la Rotunda en 1928 y 1929. Esa juventud que estaba allí en ese momento, presos por haber protestado contra la dictadura de Juan Vicente Gómez. Sobre todo estudiantes universitarios.

Thanks for visiting and supporting me, @ladiesofhive. How proud I feel to be able to share the story of this woman who brought food, food, to those prisoners of the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez. I think there must have been a society lady who was related to some minister. He couldn't be low-income because he wouldn't have been able to get in there, in that prison with such a strict regime. And she visited all those prisoners in the Rotunda prison in 1928 and 1929. Those youth who were there at that time, prisoners for having protested against the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez. Especially university students.