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RE: Hive Book Club 30 HIVE GIVEAWAY Celebrating 4th Year Anniversary

in Hive Book Clublast month

I was blessed with the freedom from criticism that day. It's not everytime you post about a novel you love on Instagram and reddit or even twitter that you get sweet compliments and lovely comments. Some people are just horrible and would criticize everything you read and it hurts. This community made me comfortable about sharing my thoughts on books,the kind of books I read. I could remember one day,I mistakenly opened up to someone about some of the type of books in my library and she said, "Ew, that's basically porn" with a cringe on her face and disgust laced in her tone. I didn't get mad because that's how it has always been with majority of the public. They don't even wait till you finish emphasizing or talking about the book,the just jump straight to conclusions. Here,I saw and met people who read what I read,delighted in what I delighted in and squirmed when I did. Although virtually,I hope for it to be physically some day. It is/was beautiful to be honest. And even though,at some point,I was in a book slump phase,I didn't feel left out because of the wonderful book content that I saw here every single day.Funny thing about time is,we think it's slow paced and fast paced but we truly don't know how it works to be honest. Four years is huge and I just want to say Happy Anniversary @hivebookclub lub. I can still remember the evening I stumbled upon this community. It was a very memorable one,I spent the rest of the day reading articles and reviews of different books,comics.

I love to read,I don't know what my life would look like if I didn't pick that book up that rainy evening in 2016. I have said this and I will say this again; People who don't read are missing a lot. A whole lot. It might seem like all fun and games but reading grows is. I have learnt multiple things in books that my lecturers haven't even dreamed to start teaching me. I have passed my exams cause of a particular thing, situation or theory I read from a random novel. It's crazy for real. My vocabulary,the kind of words I use,the way I interact,it improved and it's better cause I read. I won't trade it for anything in the world. To be able to read and enjoy it.

So I'm genuinely grateful for here. This beautiful community that revolves around anything readable. Such a beautiful existence. Thankyou for everything. Happy Anniversary once again. To many many more beautiful years ahead;)❤️
@oluchi31 @deraaa @jessuses1381


. Some people are just horrible and would criticize everything you read and it hurts.

That is the same vibe that I personally get from book community all around. I despise it because I believe people should be able to read whatever they want, criticize and reflect to it whatever they want. I am honestly surprised that even within literary major, they also want to make you see the work through their lens. I always support it when people are able to think because it's not easy to think rather than just trying to conform into the lens that you're supposed to. Elitism doesn't have its place in Hive book club and it never will be.

Thank you so much for your appreciative word to us and I hope I can grow this community more.