Glad to hear that you is coming out of your dark dark space, Mac.
This gives a light why it felt a bit quiet here right?
so that this space finally gets its own actual home, an interface that we all can use and I've been waiting for the day to come.
Not sure if I understood this correctly. Hive is a house for all communities, including the Book Club as well, isnt it so?
Of course I am happy to have it in address list where-to-send my blogs, and subscribed it long ago (apparently immediately as I discovered it). And I'm happy to spread the word; alerting @taliakerch, @olgavita, @koto-art, @acesontop on this.
As for suggestions... I am not too creative thinker when it comes to organizing such outgoing social activities. I'd rather go with CCC's example (collect 4-5 most intresting blogs of the week > promote them via community post > share rewards), and dilute this routine from time to time (monthly?..) with thematic challenges. All depends on moderator / amount of free time / dedication / subscribers activity... 😎
I suspect that I won't be able to surprise you, as a resident of Java, with either a cabinet made of precious mahogany or an exquisite coffee color scheme, but I personally swallow such things like a hungry fish swallows a tasty worm - simply because of deprivation. All these things are missing in our lives. Cheap Pine wood goes everywhere at best, instead of mahogany, or disgusting plastic at worst ... This was a lyrical introduction. 🙃 I'm simply sharing the best thing I recently had.
See, I came across a guide to the old (university, of course) libraries of St. Petersburg. Only they were able to survive the horrors of the 20th century and somehow preserve the remains of former luxury, the old environment. What is more important - that guide gives the keys on how one may (try to) get access to these libraries. Only one of them - Theatrical - is public, six others are closed from the random visitors. So, if I will have success, in 2025 I'll make an amazing post about the book treasures of my city ... but give no guarantee. Meanwhile, a little teaser - preview of Theatrical library hall.
I'll get back to you again but I am working on hive book club to have its own interface, something like exclusively for book connected to HIVE
Ok looking forward to see what it will be. But I remember the simplest and minimalist UI is the better. (well, I doesnt mean black Times text set on white paper haha, dont get me wrong). 🐈🙏🙏