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RE: “How seriously should I take my Hive content?”

in Cross Culture4 years ago

You really hit on some real stuff here. I resonate with so much you have said...

most of us, first and foremost, just want to feel validated that we aren't wasting our time

I think most humans feel this way about anything they give their time and energy to. This validation you are speaking of is what kept me here all this time, knowing I am making an impact and making my time useful while being here...that’s huge. Also having fun while doing it all :)

I think one of the biggest reasons I have come as far as I have is that I've always been honest (brutally meta, even) and have never let the prospects for bigger rewards stop me from doing what feels right and natural to me.

This right there 👆🏽! I have always wrote what has come naturally to me. I love sharing me, what I’m all about, my life and experiences that could help others. I have never researched what’s trending and then tried to come up with something similar to be at the top.

I can already see that you being a “real talk” type of person is what got you your wonderful following (and now I’m added to that list 😁). When we write what we are feeling, what’s on our hearts to share and add things along the way that will make people laugh, smile, learn and feel good that right there is a million dollar post.

There are times I jot down ideas of what I’m going to write. If later on I’m not feeling it and the words don’t flow naturally I scratch it.

I always suggest to others:

Don’t write to be liked but write what you like and all else will fall into place. (yea I’ll be getting that patented lol)

I’m so glad you recently commented on my post. I’m surprised we have never interacted before. I really enjoy your style of writing ~


After 4 years at Hive I figured out it wasn't the votes or the comments that motivated me to put so much energy here but just the overall feeling that I wasn't wasting my time, and votes and comments are the easiest metrics. The real exciting part is letting things flow out of me though.

LOL please don't get that patented, I say something very similar...I won't sue you if you don't sue me hahaha

I guess we will be interacting from now on! :-D Thanks for stopping by

Posted on

The real exciting part is letting things flow out of me though.

I so resonate with this.

Ah shoot! Okay then I won’t get it patented then. 😆🤣

We will definitely be interacting! I’ll see you around ~ 😉