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RE: “How seriously should I take my Hive content?”

in Cross Culture4 years ago

After 4 years at Hive I figured out it wasn't the votes or the comments that motivated me to put so much energy here but just the overall feeling that I wasn't wasting my time, and votes and comments are the easiest metrics. The real exciting part is letting things flow out of me though.

LOL please don't get that patented, I say something very similar...I won't sue you if you don't sue me hahaha

I guess we will be interacting from now on! :-D Thanks for stopping by

Posted on


The real exciting part is letting things flow out of me though.

I so resonate with this.

Ah shoot! Okay then I won’t get it patented then. 😆🤣

We will definitely be interacting! I’ll see you around ~ 😉