Enacting the Impossible
The content that I share on Hive is mostly spiritual and/or personal, I rarely write about technical stuff such as finances or science, and I brush politics and society only as a means to explore more intimate topics. These are generally uncommon themes to talk about in here, and I generally keep them to myself in most contexts, though that's been changing for a few months now because I've found more receptivity to it in the places I've visited. No place, however, has been more suitable than this platform, where I just put out my daily work and let it reach whom it may. In so doing, I've managed to build a beautiful and functional dynamic that has allowed me to support my home, get tools that I need and pretty much do what I wish with increasingly less constraints.
I spent years commuting for hours in order to get to my job, and in that time, my heart constantly yearned for an activity that could sustain me without demanding that I leave my house at all. When I set out on my spiritual journey, I was already working from home and doing something that I truly enjoyed. That went on for a few more years until a new wish sprung in my heart: to live entirely off my Purpose, collecting and telling stories; to live off my Self-discovery. A crazy dream, some might reasonably say, but now a full-fledged reality thanks to Hive. Although my expenses have risen this year, my gains have risen even more and it's been a while since I've felt financially uncertain, a direct consequence of a parallel work that I've been doing to get rid of the pressing need for money, and a wonderful byproduct of my service, artwork and meditations. Mind you, I've accomplished this while doing no power-downs for months so I can increase my voting power, a testament to how stable the income can be when creating with discipline and focus.
I have many people to thank for, particularly @joseacabrerav, who first invited me to join last year, and @auelitairene, who helped me set up tent, so to speak. Also, @acurewa and @neyxirncn for their wonderful energy in my original team. Then there's my curation team at @naturalmedicine, @riverflows, @trucklife-family, @minismallholding, @alchemage, @justinparke and @pavanjr, with whom I truly began exploring how this platform works, and who provided me with a sure footing in an established community to create my own space. Big thanks to @vincentnijman, @mamrita, @selfhelp4trolls and @sirenahippie, great and supportive friends in this quest. Thanks to every user who reads, reblogs and upvotes my content, and to every developer and whale behind this huge project which has given me so much already!
The life that I dreamt of has come and gone, and now I'm living in a completely new territory of possibilities. Cryptos have emancipated my potential in ways I never imagined, and Hive is right there at the vanguard, a spearhead project that will surely continue evolving and growing, an ecosystem that may yet attract many millions of people willing to learn and able to share a wealth of information from a myriad places around the globe. Here we all have an amazing opportunity to grow our projects, to become truly productive and self-sustaining while doing what we like instead of what we're told to do. I don't answer to any superiors here, I have no one breathing down my neck; although this is most certainly work and requires professionalism and attention, I do it because I want to, not because I have to fulfill some quota or stick to a schedule imposed by someone else. I'm my own boss here, and it's a source of huge satisfaction and pleasure for me.
I prepare and at the same time observe someone prepare for a predicted attack from which emerge victorious.
Freedom is Joy and Pleasure, but also Discipline. Do not deviate from the course nor attempt to take shortcuts, respect the boundaries and accept the process. Proceed with calm but also determination, do not be daunted by obstacles nor fall into distractions; pay attention to the signs of your body and of your vehicles. Do not make unnecessary effort, reduce the loads, give yourself time to heal and rest. Do not hurry, beware missteps, the blood that boils must be left in peace. Change your tone and your vibration, there are places you cannot access with your current attitude. Couple your movements humbly with the demands of your surroundings, do not resist the system, use it in your favor.
Happy to read You, we're torches and we flare up other torches with our actions, not knowing how much impact Will have what we do, and others Will light the torch to us we get out of fire
I'm always active on the discord layer and i always have something to do here😁 good thing is that i'm start to post again and i finding My ways to enjoy it, as i don't enjoy to just post alone,just that im dealing with a Lot on other layers of life, 13 moves on lockdown so far, but i feel i'm always finding My path, i admire your discipline to post, i only had a phone so, time invest was a Lot to post, thats why i decided to vibe on other proyects that keeps My flare up so much to share, i'm happy to connect You over hive, i always visioned that You Will thrive here and i'm glad that My intuition knowed it, things always changes and we always have to evolve, glad to know You have hive as a tool to work on
Por cierto mi user está mal escroto
Jajajajaja, por eso no lo encontré, ya lo cambio! Gracias, José!
Ahhhh! Glad to see you here, man! I clicked on your profile and the page wasn't found, that's why I thought you'd deactivated the account, but it's awesome that you haven't!
Thank you truly for giving me an entry here, I'll always remember it! Blessings to you!
It has been a pleasure to follow your journey and witness your growth and unfolding on here, amigo! you are one of the reasons why I stick to this place.
There's so much that I resonate with in your story and this part is of paramount importance:
I am one of the people here who found this place after quitting their last job - 9 months later, to be precise - and I never regretted this decision :^)
I value your work and friendship.
Un abrazo!
Thank you so much for everything, man. Your constant support and attention, your trust in allowing me to offer you that reading, have been a great honor and inspiration for me! Gracias por tu amistad también! Un fuerte abrazo!
Hey, @drrune! I really enjoy your content, not just the daily rune posts, but the experiences and perspectives you share. I don't have much time on Hive and as you'll see I haven't started posting, although I plan for that to change soon and your content not only enriches this ecosystem, it also motivates me.
I'm glad to know that it was also Jose who invited you, who by the way is still a member, he has just been inactive in his posts. Very soon you will see him again sailing in this sea with his wonderful content :)
Sí, ya vi que continúa siendo miembro, sólo que cuando lo intenté buscar en la plataforma, ni siquiera me aparecía su nombre, fue un tanto extraño.
Muchas gracias por tu comentario! Me alegra enormemente que te resulte movitador y útil mi contenido. Bendiciones para ti!
Really appreciating you @drrune and all that you do. It’s great to hear how things have been working out for you xx here’s to many more of us being our own boss xxxxxxx
Thank you so much! You've been an essential part of that for me. I'm really glad we met!
Adiwa hermano, la constancia siempre es la clave, no importa que o quien los sueños se cumplen siempre y cuando tengas la voluntad de caminar firme hacia el. Un gusto haber aportado un granito.🙌
This is so inspiring to read! I’m glad things are working out for you.
I don’t know if I can find my way back here, I have been so absent lately. But I’m grateful for all the wonderful connections I have had here 🙏🏽
Always a pleasure reading your posts 🙂
Following your process has been a delight for me, I admire you very much and wish you great success and abundance in here or anywhere else you choose to put your talents to the service of others. Thank you for being around! Great blessings to you!
Aw, that feels so good to read. It means a lot hearing this from you. Hopefully I'll be around here more soon 🦋
💙 estoy feliz porque, para mí, tú eres un muy buen amigo! Eso ha sido lo más lindo que me ha dado Hive: amigos!!! Y, además, eres alguien a quien admiro y a quien veo como un modelo a seguir, junto a @danielapevs; verlos construir todo a través de su pasión, de sus experiencias y de su disciplina. Te quiero mucho, amigo. Es inspirador leer cómo te sostienes gracias a tu propósito. ❤
Saludos @neyxirncn, espero que estés bien. Siempre te recuerdo y agradezco el impulso y soporte que me diste al inicio de mi estadía en Hive. Un gran abrazo.
Qué bonitoooo! Muchas gracias, Ney! Un fuerte abrazo e infinitas bendiciones!
Hi @drrrune! Thank you very much for the mention in this post, a post that in my opinion is very sincere. Certainly, even with the bad times we can experience on the platform, Hive has allowed us to discover our own potential and make this new social, economic and personal dynamic, much more bearable, enjoyable and productive.
I love your readings, for how accurate and deep they are, and they represent something invaluable, which I hope many people know how to take advantage of.
I wish you continued success on your path. A big hug.
Always a huge honor and pleasure! Abrazos para ti también!
I was gonna comment on this but then we ended up chatting