Happy to read You, we're torches and we flare up other torches with our actions, not knowing how much impact Will have what we do, and others Will light the torch to us we get out of fire
I'm always active on the discord layer and i always have something to do here😁 good thing is that i'm start to post again and i finding My ways to enjoy it, as i don't enjoy to just post alone,just that im dealing with a Lot on other layers of life, 13 moves on lockdown so far, but i feel i'm always finding My path, i admire your discipline to post, i only had a phone so, time invest was a Lot to post, thats why i decided to vibe on other proyects that keeps My flare up so much to share, i'm happy to connect You over hive, i always visioned that You Will thrive here and i'm glad that My intuition knowed it, things always changes and we always have to evolve, glad to know You have hive as a tool to work on
Por cierto mi user está mal escroto
Jajajajaja, por eso no lo encontré, ya lo cambio! Gracias, José!
Ahhhh! Glad to see you here, man! I clicked on your profile and the page wasn't found, that's why I thought you'd deactivated the account, but it's awesome that you haven't!
Thank you truly for giving me an entry here, I'll always remember it! Blessings to you!