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RE: The “3rd World”s role on Hive.

in Cross Culture4 years ago

Great article, I will continue to promote this topic:

Merchants of all sizes HAVE to use various tokens, alt-coins, crypto. Being that I am in the Middle of the North Pacific Ocean (Waikiki Beach, Oahu Island). We trade with other Countries and due to economic issues in Australia, Fiji, Micronesia, Polynesia we are getting more and more requests to accept VARIOUS tokens, alt-coins, crypto. Which we gladly do, most of the time we gain from the increase in their value. Mark my words merchants around the World adapt fast, we are merchants we follow the market, we work out details to make things happen.

Accepting HIVE is important look at the use of DASH in Latin America.

We're building two projects just for this purpose


Changes to both of these are based on requests from users (customers) that we trade with already. Interestingly they are asking for us to start trading building materials and food products USING various tokens, alt-coins, crypto.

And of course our suppliers in Asia and Southeast Asia are asking for payments in tokens, alt-coins, crypto, as their currency swings and the costs of wire transfers are crazy.

For ANY merchant of any size to NOT work towards what their customers request, is dangerous.

Actually aren't we all trying to grow the use of tokens, alt-coins, crypto in transactions, if there are more users, it will create more value of the tokens, alt-coins, crypto.

Please read this book excellent reading

2030 by Mauro F. Guillen

Good vibes, Blessings, Success and much Aloha to all.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Glad you are here! We need projects like this on Hive. I hope you can post your progress or timeline for us to see. To be able to use hive for goods and services would be a game changer.