Should we be worried about too many users cashing out Hive in order to supplement their income?
(First of all, I have to apologize to friends from financially unstable countries for speaking about you as if you are not reading this post, parts of this post are meant for people living in more financially stable countries or situations though much of it is for everyone. I’m also trying to talk about this in as pragmatic way as possible, in terms of how to keep the price of Hive rising, I don't mean to sound insensitive. Make no mistake, I appreciate you and what you bring to the community, and please forgive the parts that sound cold and calculated)
Venezuelans, Cryptos and Hive - An Explainer, one which I already replied to with regards to how we talk about the "3rd world" but have yet to reply to with regards to the role that the 3rd world can play at Hive.This is a sentiment that my buddy @drunne responded to a few days ago in his post
If users from wealthier or more financially stable countries are more likely to invest and raise the price of Hive, then shouldn't we be focused more on prioritizing them?
The short answer is: We should try and bring in everyone who can add anything to our community.
I think the "3rd world" will play an incredibly important part of the success of Hive and should be more than welcome here, not only out of decency (which is important) but also because the positives outweighs the negatives.
People shouldn’t be shamed for cashing out, especially if a few Hive make a big difference where they live. At the same time, we should be doing everything to encourage people to power up and invest as much as possible. Anyone cashing out should probably be held to a higher standard for content quality and community engagement. I think that in general they are, and so there isn't much of a problem, but by analyzing the role that people from different countries can play at the platform, we can actually leverage our diversity to benefit everyone.
The issue of "value"
If you think about tokenomics, you may be concerned to see a large amount of people powering down or receiving all their rewards as liquid rewards. As you very well should be.
The hard reality is that we cannot all cash out Hive into local currencies to live. In order for some of us to sell at a given price, there has to be a buyer on the other end.
If the amount of people willing to sell at .40 or .50 hits 0 and there are buyers and sellers at higher prices, the price goes up. Development, FOMO, fundamentals, community are what cause people to want to invest despite rising prices.
In theory, we could all hype the coin and let speculators pump it so we can all profit and leave the speculators with empty bags. This would be a nice payday for all of us but it’s certainly not a way to build an ecosystem. If we want this place to continue to thrive, we need to convince people the token is valuable, and no one will think that if everyone is selling.
Where the “3rd world" shines
If that’s the case, then what of Venezuela and Nigeria and other countries where the economic situation is far from ideal AND the cost of living is something you could easily afford by putting some time and effort into Hive? Wouldn’t we want to avoid attracting more people from these countries because they tend to cash out, which is a drain on the value of the coin?
Well, if you look solely at the behavior of wallets from those countries, it’s easy to see how one would draw that conclusion. Realistically though, I don’t think anything could be further from the case.
These are not all shitposters!Good content is always important to prove to investors that the token is valuable. A quick look at #naturalmedicine or #leofinance or a number of other communities and you’ll see that some of the best posts are made by people from South America, South Asia, Africa etc.
Many of these users are high in engagement, so not only do they contribute to our numbers but also to blockchain activity. Another huge positive.
The sheer number of people in these countries who are interested in earning on the blockchain is HIGH and so potential to draw in new users is also high.
Not everyone from these countries is selling. I know a bunch who work hard just so they don’t have to.
The relationships made between people in different economic circumstances can bring about all kinds of opportunities for everyone. We have only begun to scrape the surface...
What kind of opportunities?
Life changing wealth is a very different number depending on where you live. This is why I’m sometimes more likely to give a small present to friends from Venezuela or Nigeria. It’s not cause I pity them. I do not pity anyone here. I am not giving charity. These are my equals. It’s because I know that the little bit I can give goes a lot further. I’d love it if I could change an Australian friends life with a small amount of money or hive but the cost of living is just too high in Australia to make that kind of difference it doesn’t mean I won’t send some love to friends in Australia or UK, but seeing how much of a difference Hive can make in these countries gives us a glimpse of what it could do all over the world of Hive finds investors.
It also creates a lot more incentive to do work like curating or participate in other projects when it will earn you as much or more than a part time job. Rent in my city costs $700-$1000 on average for two people. It would take a whole lot of Hive to pay for that right now so you won’t be able to motivate me to WORK for something that I don’t enjoy unless it’s to build something that I want to see at the platform, and there are some jobs here that are WORK. If my rent was $50-250 I'd be much more willing.
The biggest opportunities I see are the ones that are a little bit further down the line and take a little more imagination.
For example, I have a friend who is always powering down. I told her “Hey, you know I’d upvote you 100% instead of 50% if you weren’t always powering down.” She then told me that she’s trying to start a business and needs all the money she can get, and that once she does, she plans on buying back in. In this situation I can totally appreciate a power down. Using Hive to build a more ideal life with multiple streams of income, only to buy in bigger later, that’s something that is much easier to accomplish somewhere with a low cost of living, and so I am rooting for her, and started using 100% on her posts again. I know her for 4 years already, I know she will at least try her best to follow through.
There are bigger ways that our diversity can help too. I’m an American. Imagine I want to take my business overseas and enter into a new market. I could realistically find people to work with at Hive. It would take a long time for me to build trust, and I would probably not like being constantly invited for such things, but this is not outside the realm of possibilities.
Imagine my friend in Venezuela wants to start a business and I could help him by investing. I probably wouldn’t do so just yet because there are so many risks involved. But let’s say we meet a few times and I go to visit, doing my research on the whole business situation over there. I find a way to insure myself. I’d absolutely love to invest if it’s someone I trust who has a good idea and I've done my homework.
Thanks to the connections we make here we can become aware of opportunities around the world.
It may be a while before I can hire people for my business, but I'd love it if I could offer jobs to friends from Hive, especially friends who are good at what they do.
Once travel opens up, we will have a flood of backpackers joining hive or getting more active again. These countries offer great communities for them to go visit too, and strengthen our ties.
Keeping wealth inside the ecosystem
The last thing that will become easier in countries with more economic instability and perhaps the number one factor that we should focus on, is that these places are ripe with opportunities to do transactions in Hive, keeping the wealth inside of the ecosystem. If I want to sell some accessories in Japan and I accept Hive, it’ll be a long time before I can make a living doing that. We only have a dozen or so active members from Japan and I don’t see it growing rapidly anytime soon. On the other hand, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine 1000-5000 users in Manila, Lagos, or Caracas. Now it becomes a lot easier for me to sell my accessories in exchange for Hive if I live in one of these places. I could do car repair or babysitting or open a restaurant catering partly to Hivesters and accept Hive. Once we hit a critical mass of a few thousand in one city, this becomes possible.
The more goods and services available with Hive, the less reason people have to sell. It may be impossible for Hive will become used city-wide by everyone, but we could have users in this cities pushing to get adoption in restaurants and businesses. If the local currency is unstable and there are already thousands of users it’s a whole lot easier.
Thinking of that, don’t you want even more Venezuelans here? Don’t you wanna see Hive adopted by entire communities? Places with economic instability are our best shot. And so many of these people have great things to offer too.
In the end, it’s not about where people come, but their behavior in the community.
We can all encourage behavior that benefits the blockchain, price of the coin, and the feeling of community with our votes.
If you are going to sell Hive to live, do it at the highest price possible. Don’t accept half as much for you coins. Obviously if you are in dire straights it’s hard, but try your best not to accept just any price. By getting a few weeks ahead on your expenses this gets a lot easier, so next time some clueless investors pump the price, it’s a good time to get ahead and cash out a little extra so you can wait for the big pumps.
Transact wherever possible using Hive. Anyone can do this. Accept it for your services and advertise within the community. If you need an artist or class or translator something of the sort, see if you can find one within the community. Offer more if they accept powered up Hive Power.
If you are cashing out, do other things that benefit the community and bring in investors Bring your friends into the ecosystem or contribute to important projects.
Try to see Hive as a long term investment rather than a main source of income. Obviously in some situations it's really hard to find a good job, but you'll be happier if you don't have all your eggs in one basket. You'll also be much happier to cash out at $2 than $0.40!
You can encourage others to power up with your vote. I don't recommend denying votes to people cashing out, but I am much quicker to give 100% to someone who is powering up.
Rather than making this about where people are from or rather they cash out, we should look first and foremost on what people bring to the ecosystem. We should be discouraging spam, manipulative behavior, begging and phishing but none of this has to do with where people or from or even if they are investors or not.
If you see someone who thinks this is a quick way to earn a buck and doesn't seem to care much about quality or community, give them a nudge. Some people don't believe that such good things exist and so their first instinct is to try and GET whatever they can. Let them know what's up, that if they learn how to GIVE they'll get a whole lot more in the end.
I believe that the “3rd world” is the backbone of Hive. They breath life into the community and are an irreplaceable asset that we haven’t even begun to realize the true value of.
There is more to contribute than just monetary investment.
The value proposition of Hive is based on the projects developed on it, quality of content and relationships, and strength of community. That means that if you write great material that moves people, or if you build real relationships that matter, you are adding something to the chain. Anything that might make someone want to come here or stay here adds something to the chain, especially those consistent with the values that we wish to have at our core. Diversity is obviously a good thing. That means diversity of backgrounds and also diversity in what people bring to the ecosystem.
I'd love to get your feedback on this, regardless of where you are from and regardless of your economic situation, so please share your thoughts!
Confessions of the Damaged - Out Now!
🎬Self Help For Trolls
🎸I + Everything
📕 Confessions of the Damaged OUT NOW :-)
Come join us in Hive Cross Culture where we talk and share ideas about Culture, language and travel and share any bilingual content. Join our discord
We also have a @crossculture account curating bilingual posts and running contests to support local communities. If you like what we do, please consider delegating to @crossculture or follow our trail 🙂
I'm also getting much more involved with Natural Medicine, Hoping to help them connect and reward autonomous and conscious communities around the world.
Consider buying the LOTUS token at 's LeoDex or posting at where you can browse posts about healthy lifestyles, spirituality, farming, yoga, psychedelics, healing techniques and more. All your posts will automatically appear at the Natural Medicine community at Hive and you can earn LOTUS and HIVE.
Help us spread the word by liking and sharing posts by Natural Medicine on Twitter and Instagram
I love the perspective. I believe there are more positives allowing everyone a free role to participate. Eventually, hive will benefit.
I also like the fact that you pointed out the transaction advantages hive brings, which is a great selling point. Intra-African trade remains comparatively low compared to the rest of the World, a big factor is payments (although loads of other factors persist).
If this platform can make a difference in someone's life, let it please.
This is the only side of their bargain they have to fill
"This is the only side of their bargain they have to fill" Yes! Very well put!
Feel free to cash out, as long as you are putting as much or more into the overall platform then you are cashing out in other ways besides investment.
Thanks for the reply! I'm glad you reminding me to add you since I changed my account!
@wrestlingdesires - I think you'll appreciate this post!!! I loved it! @bluefinstudios - this is kinda what we were talking about yesterday, in regards to the project!!
It was a great article :) !!!! I read it a while ago, but wanted to take the time to reply properly. Thank you for tagging me :)
Wasn't it really great!!!! I thought you'd like it hehehe
Yeah :) I think anyone who has seen the amazing articles by Cesca, George, Abdulqudus, Safari, and many others will have no doubt that any platform is lucky to have them :) !!!!
hehehe yep! many many others - i'm thrilled that they've found a new home here
Definitely :) It's turning out to be a good transition
This is probably the best post I've read in a long time. I'm always used to telling people to build and not let the "3rd world" country tag determine their activities. 80% of people I've met here are not rich, they're Only trying to sustain and be comfortable so I don't think anyone should play the poverty card as an excuse of not building long-term. I get the fact that people have needs but then one thing is that needs will always be there no matter how Much we have or don't have. It's important to understand that we need to build what we want to enjoy. When the blockchain is sustainable everyone will eventually enjoy it in the long run and that is why every individual action on the chain is important to moving this place forward.
First of all I believe the intent of people matters a lot and that is why having a real-time plan that'll benefit hive and one in a win-win situation is all that matters. We're middle average stake holders and sometimes I tilt to voting people with good intentions for hive because that is what eventually forestalls sustainability.
Beautifully written my friend.
Wow, thank you for such a massive compliment. I hope a lot of people read it because I think it's something we should all be thinking about. I've always made friends online, but Hive is the first time that it felt EASY to make friends living totally different lives, and this includes people from my home country too. I think this is probably the most distinct and valuable thing we have.
It's true, most people here are not rich, even the ones from rich countries. I made a decision to always treat Hive as "monopoly money" even thought I know it's not, just because I want to wait until it's above $1 USD and I have a lot of it powered up to start taking profits. I know investing in the community will have huge benefits for me and everyone I surround myself with, and it's fun and meaningful.
We are really on the same page, so I can leave it at that :-) It would be nice to get more people on this page though, I think there is so much we could do.
You're welcome, in reality I see hive as monopoly money too and this is because I believe in it's future and its sustainability lies with us as a result of the fact that it's decentralised and everyone should play their role for the greater good. Truth is, I see a lot of use case for hive. In one of my recent posts I talk about how a lot of people can utilize hive to set up themselves to be Financially free while also using these freedom to buy back Hive. as a crypto loan, take out, do your thing, buy back and continue bringing value to the blockchain, the coin and at the same time bettering our lives. Thanks for the magnificent content.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I had a similar conversation with someone yesterday about some of these topics! And this is always going to be an issue with a token that is used globally. The value is just going to be different across the board, and so the pressure to sell will have to be different also.
As long as a system is designed to have some checks and balances, it has a better chance of surviving long term. (the reason why I was talking about it - is because we are trying to actually develop that system! hahaha - and don't worry - it doesn't compete with Hive - it actually complements multiple platforms, so we are pretty freaking excited about it. And... I'd kinda love to get your perspective on it when we launch it very soon - because I like the way your mind works!!!)
@kenechukwu97 is a part of the project too. hehehe Of course, he's sworn to secrecy right now LOLOLOL but when the time is right - I think we'd love to hear from people in the community like you, to see if we are connecting the right dots!
And I agree with you - giving to others isn't categorically pity. If it's done right -it's generosity. And that's another principle that we have as a cornerstone of our project. But - mindful generosity. That's important.
Too many people give and give and give without researching, following up, making the connection, or even evaluating the REAL need. And that can actually be much more harmful than beneficial.
I love that you took the time to give your friend the 100% vote AFTER you spoke to her to see what her plan was and AFTER you knew that because of your friendship - you knew that it was a "good bet" to help her out.
Thoroughly enjoyed this post - and I am already creating a list of people that I really would love feedback from - when we launch our project! hehehe Hope you don't mind that you're on the list now LOL
FYI - soft launch is planned for June 26
Official launch is planned for July 25. (day before my bday! hehe) so you won't have to wait too much longer ... eeeeek! 😁 (my gosh that's nerve-wracking! hahahahaha i just realized its only 3 weeks away and i'm thrilled and terrified hahahaha)
Can you give me a hint about what this is about? I wonder if it's something that we could collaborate with at Cross Culture? I'm really interested although I have no idea what it is but we seem to be on the same page with many things :-)
I just said in a comment in my last post "I don't give charity, I give love and support. The difference is that I am not placing myself above anyone.
Looking forward to hearing more. Let me know when you can!
hehehee I'm positive that you will absolutely be able to benefit from the project!!!
I really think this has the potential to do some very cool things. and I will definitely be filling you in! I'm the kind of person that wants to get people excited about new ideas - but for this one - I'm doing everything DIFFERENT. hahaha
it feels VERY odd for me to be staying quiet hehehe
but... it feels right. We really don't want this to be one of those things that people overhype - and the wrong people come in and FOMO and then drain money, energy and morale.
We want to take it slow, build strong, build stable, and have the RIGHT people at the foundation with us to help it truly thrive well.
I do have a good feeling that i'll be sharing it with you as soon as I possibly can though hahahaha
because if @kenechukwu97 vouches for you hehehehe (and he does!!) and @kemmyb also - (she's part of our team) and even others that I see are like-minded... I have a feeling that this is just on the right track! hehehe
I promise - i'm NOT trying to drive you crazy with secrecy - but I also promise - when the time is right, I will be so happy to reveal it to you! its coming very soon !
(and yes - i'm still peaking at hive notifications hahahaha - but i'm getting a LOT done with my presentation so I'm giving myself breaks hahahaha)
I know how cross culture works as a community and l'm sure that it will also benefit from everything that is forthcoming. What l like the most about the community is that it has a founder that is not just drawing plans and expecting people to fall in line and do what is written on paper
@selfhelp4trolls is very active in his community and he has also helped to keep people excited about engaging qualitatively in other communities.
I'm patiently waiting for everything to fall in place and I'm sure that you will brief him about everything as soon as possible.
I'm not that active, I am really busy with IRL stuff, But I believe in everything I say, and I don't like dry or phony stuff!
Also, we don't have many plans! We had a lot more plans but I didn't want it to feel like work for myself or anyone else and it was way too much for me to handle even with my current team who is awesome. What I do have is awesome people around me who keep the place lively and (hopefully) the right attitude and ideas to attract more awesome people to befriend, as we seem to be doing right now <3
Exactly... I've also been in smile server with Tripode and Starstrings working with them as a contest validator.
There is no doubt about the team. They do alot and it helps to keep things flowing in the right direction. You are a busy person but your passion and skill is aligning you with the right set of people. That on its own is laudable ✅.
I know that a lot of great things will be happening in hive with people like you being involved.
Great, they are really good at keeping people here and getting them to have the right attitude. I'm glad you connected with them. Seems you are already quite active everywhere!
Hahah.... I'm excited to see that you've already seen @selfhelp4trolls . Remember want l said? This account and @whatamidoing are from the same critical thinker. I got charmed by his sincerity the first week l came to hive and l can remember telling you about him 😂.
And now, the project is fast approaching. I'm loving this and l've tried to keep myself off your DM for a while so that l won't end up in a massive suspenseful mini cycle 😂😂. Curiosity is already wrecking me and l'm loving it because everyday is coming as a good day and the whole plan will be a reality soon.
Let me take my time to read in between the lines of this post. That's how l like to digest his thoughts 😂.
I come here to read, loved this article as it spoke A LOT to me and I am thinking, @dreemsteem should see this... Not knowing you are here already! 😂.... As for @kenechukwu97,....
hahahahahahahaha yes!!! LOL
I've read several of his - and its so in alignment with what we're doing right????
Hahahah... EKG ✌️
You've got to give me some share of your Ego Roro.
As for the posy, l read it jealously and l'm glad that l did 😋
hehehe yes I remember you telling me they were one in the same! hehehe
I am also really connecting with his style of writing! and you know connection is high up on my list. hehehe
yes - i know you've been staying away while we work! I appreciate it - but I so miss you. But believe me - you've come up in conversation SO MUCH with Blue hahahaha I think he knows how much I love you - for sure!
so no need to read between those lines. hehehe just know that you are so loved and so missed and I can't wait to get this project up and rolling already! hehehe 😄
I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's meeting. This whole thing started as a dream but turned to a Dreem and this Dreem is becoming our reality.
With all the brain work that has already been in place, we just need to pull ourselves together to be able to point out any place that needs adjustments. We will be in our toes ✌️
A very interesting read and something I have been thinking about! I think people can do what they please with their Hive but I suppose it is also up to us as individuals to decide if we support them or not! My brain hurts thinking about it!

Posted using Dapplr
Exactly, I don't like what everyone does with their Hive. I try my best to upvote the people who contribute more than they take and choose meaningful ways to contribute. I hope they can all be investors, but if they aren't it's no big deal, as long as some are.
I don't know about 3rd world countries but I do like seeing a post where they are able to live off their blogging earnings. However in the US, all I can say is that I have a long way to go before I can build enough to get by without working. In my own case, I don't rely on HIVE for income so I just continue to stack and grow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And I’m doing that you keep the chain strong, and one day you’ll be able to give yourself a nice big bonus at a higher price per token, and have more influence on the network which to me is more reason to power up than anything. 😊
Theoretically the money that we pay Hive 'employees' should be less than the value they brought to the network, so it doesn't matter if they cash out. Users who hold are just a bonus.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
How does that work? I think you understand economics better than me 😆 feel free to link me to something, I love your posts but I've missed a bunch.
It works the exact same way it would work with a corporation. Corporation pays employees a wage, that wage is a huge expense, but the value derived from the work is greater than the compensation allocated.
The big difference is Hive engages in a lot of "loss leading".
Meaning we take a lot of losses and give a lot of money away,
with the hopes of luring more capital to the platform.
Corporations do this with sales, we do it with upvotes on content worth less than the payout.
Great post man. Till now, I have only seen people rage against anyone who takes out hive to sell it.
You see the exact reason what's cool and what's not.
Also, I have seen a lot of people not selling any hive/steem for the last couple of years, and accumulate to 30-40k hp. That won't make much of a difference to a person from a developed country but it makes difference to people in underdeveloped countries.
Like, I am from India, and 100-200$ won't make much of difference in my lifestyle but accumulating 30-40k hive power for 2-3 years of efforts. Even at this price is worth doing it.
So, I am pretty sure that once people realize this thing. And they are not dependent on hive for their expenses or something. They will definitely start accumulating.
If someone puts effort into content and cares about the relationships they make here, I don't see any reason anyone should get angry at them. There should be a bit more literacy in how tokens work and I hope every CARES about what they bring to the ecosystem.
It’s definitely early for masses of people to earn a living from hive but if hive based projects all bring new people into the ecosystem, it gets easier and easier to support that.
You've got a perfect attitude. Now is the time to be stacking if you can afford to.
Good to see you here again.
I have made a lot of friends from here. Especially from my country, if not international.
The only thing that puts me off hive for months is non availability of good content.
I mean, sure there are 3-5 people who consistently put effort to create good content. But other than that, it's been a lot of years. And still there isn't much variety here.
For instance, nothing about comedy, fun or memes, pranks etc. The content which puts life in most of social media platforms.
I am sure, if the content problem of this platform is sorted out, there will be no reason to worry about money(earning or accumulating in the long term). It will take care of itself.
What puts me off again and again from crypto platforms is how slowly they bleed and die. Like steemit. Then when I joined hive, I got into dCity. It was going good for the last 6-8 months.
But now, it's slowly bleeding to death.
I will be more than happy if hive evolves to a successful decentrlised platform in the next 5-10 years(Either as a creator or a content consumer). But looking at a lot of whales, large account, most of them are either lying dormant or powering down.
Maybe it's just a shift of power from investors to content creators. Where content creators slowly accumulate hivepower. And some investors slowly takes out there share.
Anyways, I was reading your posts. And you have definitely evolved a lot in these years. Keep going strong! You are doing great as a content creator.(example, this post, which looked at an issue with a different perspective).😀
Well, the blockchain is supposed to be decentralization, and the concept of nation-states is a very centralized way of approaching life on Earth. This blockchain provides a small way for people around the world to eliminate some borders. While people in developing countries will never be able to buy in like those in more developed countries, it's still a small shift in leveling the playing field of the world economy.
@NaturalMedicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
Come say hi via Lotus Chat or drop by our Hive Community - we'd love to have you!
I've always doubted the authenticity of most of the decentralization talk, because decentralization of power is all that matters to me and centralized forces can still control a decentralized technology. But in places where the centralized forces can't get their shit together, I suppose things are more likely to trend towards true decentralization.
Terrific article.
I'm fortunate enough that even though I live in Brazil, a country that's really struggling economically, I can get by with what I make from my day job. I do know other people that are not so fortunate and they count on their earnings on Hive to make ends meet and personally I think that's honorable.
I've heard some people said that they were ashamed to do so but I think there is no shame in using that money to provide for themselves and their family. They did work for that money and it's their right to do so. I also believe they will eventually give back to the chain much more than what they are taking
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There’s no shame in taking care of your family, they are not hurting anyone and currency is currency. The only thing I want is for the larger community to think about how their behavior influences the whole community. and to keep Hive inside the ecosystem and encourage good content, development and honest relationships.
There have to be sellers to keep create liquidity for buyers anyway so no shame! I just hope sellers can do their best to sell at higher prices because I hope people value this platform enough to treat the token as valuable. If they can’t afford to, that’s their own choice. No shame.
Is Brazil doing bad these days? It seemed to be doing really well a few years ago, and then I heard about some political problems.
Well, according to NASDAQ, my country ranks third in volume of crypto transactions globally. That's quite a powerful statement and practical prove of what you're commenting in this post. I'd say, however, that a large part of this amazing penetration of cryptos into our society is due not just to the compounded crises that we've been experiencing, but on how they developed and when. Conditions have been nearly ideal for mass adoption for years.
Now, I absolutely agree that expanding the ways in which Hive (and other specific tokens) can be used will contribute to adoption. I've done readings for HIVE and LOTUS, and I've also received them as payment for digital designs. If there were marketplaces where I could buy stuff I need or want with HIVE, I'd definitely use them regularly.
A practical marketplace that doesn't spam up peoples feeds (off chain listing, on chain payment) is probably the number one thing this community needs right now. I'm surprised it isn't fully developed yet and I'm actually drafting a post to get people talking about this more right now.
You could probably infer this or maybe I’ve already said it but my interest in crypto revolves almost entirely around the potential for natural wealth redistribution and how that can benefit South America, Africa, South Asia and artists, freelancers, and sustainable communities around the world. 😃
Such a great post! It's 1st time I'm reading your post and it was an instant follow for me. You bring excellent points - many of them I've been thinking myself. All I can say right now is PREACH it!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well I can't claim to be 100% consistent with my posts but I always try to get people talking, thinking or feeling!
Nice to meet you. 😊
Have a !PIZZA
$PIZZA@selfhelp4trolls! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @d-zero.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)
$PIZZA@selfhelp4trolls! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @d-zero.
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You captured this really nice and would have embraced you fully had it been that it is real life. I have always been loud about the roles that Hive has played and still plays in the lives of folks from developing countries like myself. I am a good example of everything you said in this post.
I joined hive during the steem days in 2017 and the rest is history. Even though I had a job back then, the salary could hardly feed my family for half of a month. I supplemented my finances with the proceeds from hive until late last year when I lost the job completely. Even though I still do a bit of freelancing here and there, I can say that more than 70% of my finances now depend on hive - directly and indirectly. I will explain.
My dependence on hive goes beyond just writing content and cashing out. I try to profit from the price fluctuation in a rather cautious manner and this has been paying off relatively. Since I lost my job, I have been trying to raise funds to start a small business down here so that my dependence on hive can, at least, come down significantly.
I really want to get to a stage where I can power up all my earnings and grow my stake like many users in the developed world. Even though I try not to let the parasite label gets at me, I am but a human. I believe that hive users will respect me more if I have a relatively bigger stake instead of powering down at intervals to support real-life issues.
In all honesty, many users really do not know the huge role that hive is playing in the life of people like us. I just try not to be overly emotional with it. I try my best to create value for the platform because I genuinely believe that this is the only way I can pay back every individual that has put their hard-earned funds into buying hive and powering it up to reward content creators.
The good part for every user who thinks users from developing countries are parasites, there is a user that thinks otherwise. This is why whales like @acidyo, @theycallmedan, @blocktrades, and many others will always have my utmost respect.
My respect for people comes from the quality of their comments, who they support, and in a broader sense how they live their life so you’ve already earned it as far as I’m concerned.
I try to see things from as many perspectives as I can. People can only do their best, and feeding their family should come before worrying about the price of hive. I only hope that most people powering down can stop once they have other sources of income and I hope that you sell at high prices so you can get the maximum benefits of those random pumps.
We have bumped into each other a few times already but I’m glad to finally know your situation.
I wrote this post, in part to help people see possibilities and for people to see both sides, but also for people like you, because I understand the worry of investors in more financially stable countries, and I want to encourage solutions that make everyone feel welcome
Thank you for holding out for people like us. Hive has become a repo for different contents. Many are yet to realized the full extent of what we are building here. Take the community and the contents away and what we are going to have is just some meme coins. People will always be at the bottom of the pyramid no matter how anyone wants to look at it. Take away content creators that live off hive and bigger investors will still look down on smaller investors as parasites. We all need each other.
I really do not need more the basic things. I'm a minimalist that won't take beyond what I need. I always dream of buying and powering up a significant amount of hive one day, so much so that curation reward would be enough for me to live on if need be. The dream is still on anyway.
I've seen you around for while as well and I'm really glad to read this kind of content from you.
This is so true! Everyone has something that they can offer. We just need to get them to realize that, and take pride in their work here. Most of our third world friends do. Those who I know are absolutely in for fighting spam, with or without being rewarded for it.
When it comes to selling, I have no problem if it's needed, but we should always encourage people to buy back.A little basic trading knowledge can go a long way! I have chatted with some who did not know the concept of selling high and buying low. They are now skilled in it :) Thanks to their own research, not my guidance. I explain bare basics then after they know the potential, have them learn from other sources.
Trading responsibly not only protects the token, it potentially provides the person with an extra source of income. I suspect those used to using a city market quickly become expert traders in a lot of instances! Different world, but it's still trading! It requires patience, instinct, give and take, etc.
I have seen a lot of people who didn’t care about this platform...and most of them left. The ones here now are, for the most part, really awesome regardless of where they are from!
We are all in this together.
Exactly! It takes time, but those who are around for the wrong reasons can be weeded out :) I have seen it work!
The idea you are citing is rather moronic. Those who are "selling" their Hive to live is exactly the people we want on here. Jeez, people make like they are the only ones who do that. Arent a lot of the witnesses doing the same thing and in much larger amounts? But they have bills to pay like server costs. That is true and people in the 3rd world have bills to pay like food.
People who target that group of people truly do not understand the network effect. If Hive has 100K people from Nigeria and another 100K from Venezuela, what do you think the price of the token would be even if all of them were selling? That would be 200K people on Hive daily interacting, not counting those of us from other countries.
Facebook, Google, and other such companies showed what the network effect is worth. Having a couple hundred thousand users on Hive would skyrocket the price and bring in people who would swallow up all the HIVE that is being sold for food and medicine.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol, I deal with a lot of moronic ideas every time I look at twitter. Less so on Hive, but I am trying to be soft on whoever feels this way because calling them morons probably won't work 😄, an explanation might. I actually have only heard this two or three times in my 4 years here.
Also this post was more about getting everyone on the same page and helping some new friends think about something they may not have thought about.
Nice one... I can't hide my excitement after reading this and I must say that I understand the difference between everyone of us here starting from the difference in our net-worth to the difference in economic situation in our respective countries.
Anyone that thinks about investing will always invest even if he lives in a mud house. After all, we are working hard today so that we won't break our back in the future.
I know how much I've been investing in my HP even before I got to understand fully what it entails. My main target was to build my HP so that I can give more tangible foot to deserving authors. I'm that futuristic in everything I do and I believe that even with my current unemployment status, I will still invest as much as I can.
Like you rightly said, benefits attached to being here is numerous and it's not just about the Earning. I for one, has already learnt a lot about how to express my thoughts and writing without fear of people's perception or accusing fingers. Most of these were learnt by reading how you express your thoughts
The networking aspect of this place cannot be taken for granted.
:-) That's good to hear. I'm sure you'll be happy with your decision to power up. I really think there is enough to gain here that outshines the payouts. It doesn't mean I'm not happy to earn, who isn't? But at the same time, I'd rather keep that energy synched to this project that is still a growing baby.
I'm sure it won't always be peaceful. The more people come here, the more heated debates there will be and the more difficult people will appear, but it'll always have a lot of great people just looking to share and enjoy and grow their investments.
you miss tagged @drrune buddy so he might have missed this. This should do the trick ;^)
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 11/22) Liquid rewards.
Your post was promoted by @taskmaster4450le
It's all very well saying never sell if you are a whale with 1st world pockets.
Your Hive coin is only worth voting power until you actually sell it for cash to buy something.
In my third world South Africa money and earning possibility is seriously limited so we 3rd world people need to earn and Hive attracts us because we can earn money to survive. It is obviously different for the 1st world. So they can call for hodl but we have to eatl.
Hive attracts many 3rd worlders because we can earn here, so we will generate quality original content which deserves credit and that credit is ours to do with as we choose and as we need, and we need to survive, so we will sell Hive. It's as simple as that and no 1st worlder can point fingers until they have lived in our shoes.