Hahah.... I'm excited to see that you've already seen @selfhelp4trolls . Remember want l said? This account and @whatamidoing are from the same critical thinker. I got charmed by his sincerity the first week l came to hive and l can remember telling you about him 😂.
And now, the project is fast approaching. I'm loving this and l've tried to keep myself off your DM for a while so that l won't end up in a massive suspenseful mini cycle 😂😂. Curiosity is already wrecking me and l'm loving it because everyday is coming as a good day and the whole plan will be a reality soon.
Let me take my time to read in between the lines of this post. That's how l like to digest his thoughts 😂.
I come here to read, loved this article as it spoke A LOT to me and I am thinking, @dreemsteem should see this... Not knowing you are here already! 😂.... As for @kenechukwu97,....
hahahahahahahaha yes!!! LOL
I've read several of his - and its so in alignment with what we're doing right????
Hahahah... EKG ✌️
You've got to give me some share of your Ego Roro.
As for the posy, l read it jealously and l'm glad that l did 😋
hehehe yes I remember you telling me they were one in the same! hehehe
I am also really connecting with his style of writing! and you know connection is high up on my list. hehehe
yes - i know you've been staying away while we work! I appreciate it - but I so miss you. But believe me - you've come up in conversation SO MUCH with Blue hahahaha I think he knows how much I love you - for sure!
so no need to read between those lines. hehehe just know that you are so loved and so missed and I can't wait to get this project up and rolling already! hehehe 😄
I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's meeting. This whole thing started as a dream but turned to a Dreem and this Dreem is becoming our reality.
With all the brain work that has already been in place, we just need to pull ourselves together to be able to point out any place that needs adjustments. We will be in our toes ✌️