I swear I'm very close to posting in this community, and not because I'm interested in any awards but those crappy pics look pretty interesting....
If I wanted to list them I'd be half lost, but whatever, here goes.
Cover photo : looks like a carpet weaving.
Second photo : looks like a stamp from a jean.
Third photo: a material from a shoe.
Fourth photo: material from a purse or bag.
Last photo: A zipper or zipper of a coat or sweater...
Which crappy photo did I get right?
I'd like to give you a shit prize for your answers but, alas, I cannot as they are not correct. Still, I appreciate you getting involved so here's a little comment vote.
Oh no!!!!
Did I miss them all?
How embarrassing, please take back that award, I don't deserve it, my appreciation is terribly bad....o could it be that the pictures are distorted....o could it be that my English is lousy?
I will be attentive to the comments...🥺🤐
Nah, your guesses just weren't correct is all.
Shit guesses, but guesses on what shit is which are always going to be shit guesses so don't worry about the guesses being shit, they are supposed to be! 😉