Wealth is definitely not based on financial grounds, the wealthiest people in this world are the ones who love their lives.
While change is necessary for moving forwards, I find it hard to accept change in my life often times. I guess I'm just a type of person that likes to get comfortable in my little bubble and all the changes that come in my life are trying to pop that small little safety bubble that I have. This is something I'm trying to improve on, to accept changes more easily in my life.
I have never looked at influencers as role models, while there are definitely some great people out there, I don't find that becoming internet famous automatically gives good characteristic traits.
Life is not a race . . . well it is, but against time, not against other humans.
So I will apply the winner mentality to everything that makes a person happy.As much as I hate to say it, feeling "missed out" is a huge negative to my mentality.
It's just not possible to experience everything and when you get too deep into thinking how much you're going to miss out on life, you'll find an infinite black hole of endless stuff that you can not experience in your lifetime.
I've learned to ignore feeling the "missing out" feelings and focusing purely on what is actually happening in my life.
Sorry for my rambling, but I had fun writing this, I pretty much wrote my description and thoughts about all the points you had in the post.
Oh and I wanted to edit this in as well.
I write like I'm a perfect person who perfectly follows ones ideals, but far from it 😅 What I write is what I would want to be and do, obviously in real life it's much harder to control yourself and follow your mental rules.
Don't apologise for your "ramblings" I loved it and am glad you took the time to write it; I really like how open and transparent you've been.
I think this is a super interesting topic and responses like yours (the one you had in your head and then wrote down) is what I hope to gain by writing pieces like this. If we're thinking about it then we can see areas for improvement, understand what we're doing well and grow from it.
I liked this a lot. We can't always win, but having the desire to be our best, to seek to improve continuously, will help us lead better lives. Nice one!
Thanks for taking the time, I loved your points and am glad you've shared them here which I think brings greater depth and perspective to what I wrote.