It looked different in my head

in Shit Photography5 days ago

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Sometimes I look at something and think, that would make an amazing picture, so proceed to take a shot of it...then another because the first was shit...and another because the second was shit and...I think you get the gist of it. This is one such shot, taken on my Samsung S22 Ultra. I recall looking at the result on my computer when I got home thinking, yep, that's shit.

It looked different in my head when I was in the garden, a place that is a long way from where I live so I can't go back and take more photos; it looks more romantic, whimsical, sort of like a fairytale scene and...well, it sort of looks like a fuggen slate path with some green shit to either side of it in my photo.

To be honest, I don't really care that it came out nothing at all like I imagined it; I had a great day out there and having this shitty image, and others I took like it reminds me of the day no matter what.

Have you ever been disappointed with your photos and if so why? Let me know in the comments if you're interested in engaging with me.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


Your shitty photos always look great to me :p I think it does look like a fairytale forest and I expect to see a few tiny fairy houses pop up right around that bend in the path. The photos are a very good reminder of people or places we have visited in the past.

My own photography is truly shitty, not well composed or colors are not representative of the original and they are never as clear as they should be. One day I will get a proper camera but for now my hellophone is a half-assed standin lol.

Thank you, I appreciate it and your perspective. I try to do good photos, I mean I don't go out of my way to take bad ones,just that I don't feel my skills are good enough; I get what I get and adjust my expectations around them I suppose.

That place I took these photos was awesome, I did a post some time back with a heap of photos, and now it's the photos that inspire memories of the day itself. Thanks photos.

Yea, most of my fotos are Shite.

Sometimes I bypass the camera and go straight to the mirror...

But every now and then...

Pure Magic Happens and your selfies. Never deprive the world of them please.

Photo looks fine to me, even if it looks nothing like whatever your brain interpreted your eyes looking at. I think this is often the case with photos though, you see something and your brain interprets it however it does that, and the view is amazing so you take a photo but the camera doesn't interpret it the way your brain does (either because something something perception or just because as an amateur or non-photographer you don't know how to line up the camera viewpoint to your eye viewpoint) so it doesn't look how you want.

Can you tell my photos rarely turn out how I want XD though I don't practice or refine my photography skills because most of the time I just want a good enough reminder of the moment and want to spend time developing other skills instead x_x

I guess we all hope for the best,even from ourselves, in luding photos and that's why our expectations are high...the reality often doesn't meet the expectation though. I'm ok with it too, it keeps me trying for better.

Now, and because of many of you, I'm always thinking about how to take a good photo, and that never bothered or excited me before.

But, the worst thing is that my perspective never landscape photos are horrible, I already blamed my poor cell phone, but no, it's me.😁

The best of all happens when I go out with my husband and he loses patience with me because I take too many photos of the same thing because I'm never satisfied.😅

He has to understand that my crappy pictures are important for my personal satisfaction and for my work at Hive..🙃

Even if they are still shitty pics I love the learning process....🙂

Between you and nanixxx you make an excellent photography team even if you both deny your talent, her with people and you with landscapes.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Lol..blame the phone huh?

There's things we can do to make photos better but if the equipment isn't up to it well, there's limits I suppose. It's good that you try to improve and take inspiration from others.I think it's good to do so and if Hive pushes you on with that, to get better, that's a good thing too.

Everything about apprenticeships is good, look at me here watching people who always get it right even if it's with the camera of a Samsung S22 Ultra and not their specialized equipment.


Of course I can't see in your head to see what you were hoping for, but that is an absolutely beautiful photo in my eyes.

I love this photo.

Lol...if you could see in my head you'd probably be disappointed...a lot of vacant space and...what's that little round thing, a pea? Nope, that's my brain. 😁

Thanks Jace, I'm glad you like the photo. Have a good weekend too

A man once accused me of trying to get into his head. I told him I didn't think there would be enough room left in there for me with his GIANT ego ! ha ha

He was so confident and sure of himself, he just laughed and told me I was probably right!


I loved that man !

He was probably afraid of you learning all his secrets!

I hate when you see a beautiful scene or sunset or something and go to take a picture of it that then comes out garbage lol or all you see is the shitbox truck in the corner of the photo that you were not at all looking at when you had the picture in mind.

At the same time I’ve taken plenty of super quick photos and they have turned out to be some of my best ones. It’s really annoying how these 2 situations happen lol

Yeah man, I hate it when I don't see some little detail in the shot and take the photo anyway...then see it later and think, that's shit!

Hmm I think we do have to manage our expectations when we take photos with our mobile phones haha! Personally, I think night shots look really bad on phones versus what we see. Maybe that's why professional photographers have those big cameras and lens.

Professional photographers also edit their photos so they don't start out as good as they end up.

Yeah that's true!

Many times I have deleted lots of pictures, very disappointed, but nothing comparable to the beautiful picture you posted. In my case I was holding the phone in my hand and pictures are shot or the sunlight was so strong that the pictures came out very bad, or just people cross in the middle of a shot or the wind moves the flowers that I don't want them to move... to give some examples.

Shit photos happen, everyone takes point hiding from, or denying, it right?

I won't delete them anymore! Now I have a place to bring them!

Ahhh I forgot the shaky pictures, how awful!

It happens sometimes, but rarely, because I immediately see what I took a picture of, so I know what to expect when I "resize" the photo to a larger diagonal. maybe some shadows that shouldn't have been there, something flew into the frame, someone closed their eyes...
But I remember 20-25 years ago, when we didn't have digital cameras and screens, when we were waiting for the shooting of 36 shots (or 24 or 72 and 108, it depends on who used which camera)... And then there were surprises, both unpleasant and pleasant. Then I rejoiced at the successful photos and was disappointed when one did not turn out as I planned while holding the camera in my hand and clicking the shutter button...

It was a lot harder back in the old days and one had to pay to have the film developed before one realised there was a whole roll of shit photos. I can remember thinking, fucking fuckety fuckballs, these fucken photos are fucken shit, on more than one occasion.

Half of these were "shit" but still fond memories...

That's what it's all about, the memories.

Hi Galen, reading the post I saw myself, I take photos on a regular basis, I like to take photos. I also usually take several pictures of a scene that has caught my eye. And usually, in my case, it all ends up in the computer trash. But I also really enjoy the moment, which in the end is what it's all about.

Here's to many more of those moments, but less shit photos! 😏

Recently I was sure that I took some photos with my phone. But when I connected to PC it turned out that no new photos were in my phone.(I had to delete some photos for it to work again). Now that is real shit photography.

That's certainly shit photography, better luck next time. 🤔

Hmm, I can visualize what you saw and were trying to capture but, yeah, not such a hot photo. Too busy, reminds me of a couple of the photos from my latest post. But it seems to be a really lovely park. Look at all those blue flowers and the flowering old tree, so pretty.

It was a nice spot and I had a nice day out there. Fortunately I have a heap of shit photos to remind me of the day.

LOL - shit photos or not, photos are for memories.

My wife was just saying today that she took some photos that weren't up to her quality standards for me to use in a post. She is quite hard on herself!

Well, I don't think it matters on Hive, I mean it's not like there's a prize for best photo or that anything is riding on it. Use them anyway!

For sure. It's just funny that she is so picky about what I post now.

I try to take nice pictures, but it's not really my thing, my hand shakes. The other time I was trying to take some pictures of the landscape and they were out of focus. Your photos are very beautiful, I bet if they were put for sale on a photo website, they would buy them from you.

It requires a steady hand, and a lot of other stuff as well. It is what it is though and I don't worry too much about whether my photos are good or not; I don't lose sleep over it.

Ohh wow guess u enjoyed the summer from on that day, the sun is always s beauty when taking a shot. The picture is great just the kinda place i want to be

For sure.

It looked so😃