Photo looks fine to me, even if it looks nothing like whatever your brain interpreted your eyes looking at. I think this is often the case with photos though, you see something and your brain interprets it however it does that, and the view is amazing so you take a photo but the camera doesn't interpret it the way your brain does (either because something something perception or just because as an amateur or non-photographer you don't know how to line up the camera viewpoint to your eye viewpoint) so it doesn't look how you want.
Can you tell my photos rarely turn out how I want XD though I don't practice or refine my photography skills because most of the time I just want a good enough reminder of the moment and want to spend time developing other skills instead x_x

I guess we all hope for the best,even from ourselves, in luding photos and that's why our expectations are high...the reality often doesn't meet the expectation though. I'm ok with it too, it keeps me trying for better.