Someone got taken by a shark in my part of Australia today, a lad of 28 years old, and when I say taken I mean fucken fucked up and probably consumed. I don't imagine it'd be a good way to go but once dead the trauma and pain of it would go right away I suppose. Anyway, he was out there surfing in the ocean (where the sharks live) so it's not all that surprising he was taken; he knew the risks and so do the others, most of whom will be out there tomorrow surfing again.
I was in the ocean myself this evening, but only up to about knee deep, as I went to the beach to take a walk and snap some images.
The walk was nice, two hours, just me and my partner, the setting sun leaving a colour-stained sky and no fucken sharks. Well, they were probably out there but I chose not to enter their domain...I reckon I'd be too tempting a treat for them to resist.
I snapped some shots on my camera but the above shot is not one of them; this one was taken on my phone because I wanted to capture the moment and send it to a friend on WhatsApp; she was a little jealous. I've not actually looked at the shots I took on my camera yet but I'm hoping for something a little better than the one in this post as the sky was more colourful earlier on.
So, it's the weekend and I wonder what you're intending to do for it? If you're keen, let me know in the comments and if you'd rather not then don't.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Ergh that sucks x_x if it's any consolation I remember reading somewhere something about how you're unlikely to get eaten by a shark unless they're starving to death or you look like something they would eat normally (apparently surfers look kind of vaguely like seals enough to fool a shark from the bottom?) or you're bleeding.
The phone sunset pic is pretty nice! Bodes well for the camera shots :D
I'm not sure what sharks think, how or why they do what they do other than that they are out there just living their lives like any other animal; but I do know that I'd rather not die in the jaws of one of them. As with other comments here, a human going into their domain must surely know and accept the risks so that young chap who chose to go there, and paid a price for it, is no exception. Too bad for his family I guess, they didn't make that choice.
I'm looking at the images currently...not the best I've ever taken, might be a couple of reasonable ones out of the 100+ I took.
I heard about that on the news this morning and thought about you. It stands to reason that if you're going to play in a wild animal's front yard, you're gonna get tapped at some point. Thrill seekers will always take risks, and he went out as he lived, but man...what a gruesome way to go.
There's probably worse ways to go but bleeding out after having a massive chunk bitten out of me, alone and without hope in the ocean doesn't seem all that good either.
I rarely feel much compassion for those who are taken by sharks as they've chosen to be there in the shark's domain and the shark is just doing what it does. I don't like hearing when they go hunting the shark because it's a man eater though, typical human behaviour. Bad stuff can happen all the time, we have to roll with it.
Like...remember that post I did prior to Christmas about the car terrorism at the Christmas market in Germany? I said, "it'll happen again", or some such words and...yep, Bourbon Street.
I get more annoyed at that as those people didn't ask for that to happen. You know what I mean?
Yes, I absolutely know what you mean. Humans are cruel and don't kill simply to eat. While I'm a fan of hunting to eat, I am also of the opinion that while humans are at the top of the food chain and some say 'apex predators', we are simply apex assholes and kill out of varied and perverse reasons. Not all, of course, and not even a majority, but all too many feel it's okay to snuff out others for 'religious' reasons, or money, because of some perceived slight, or to prove something to another group of assholes. People are shit is a phrase I've heard hundreds of times over the last few years...I may have even said as much myself.
I agree with all you said. As you may know, I hunt, kill animals, and some would judge me for it and that's fine. I see it differently though, gathering for food, and it's done humanely and with respect; I'm not one of those who deluded myself that meat comes from those little plastic trays in the supermarket. Having said that, humans are wasteful and tend to take more than they need and a little more besides and that's not a good way to go.
As for humans in general... destructive nature comes to mind, even at their own detriment.
Wait...you mean meat doesn't come from little plastic trays???? lol
Haha, that's right, and milk doesn't come from cartons. It's a strange world huh?
Ya, and getting stranger by the day
You two put yourself in that sharks POV
Mmmmm... Tasty human meat treats that deliver themselves to you. Some are neatly packaged in thin rubbery easy to chew wet suit wrappers. 😉
They are the annoying skate boarders of the waterways.

Yeah, the perfect snack for on the go sharks with busy lifestyles.
I'm on the sharks side to be be honest, they're just living life and doing what they're supposed to do. Many thousands of sharks are killed each year for their fins...so, it makes sense to even the score. If only more politicians were surfers, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and other fucktards like them too...the sharks could help us solve some issues.
Agree 💯%
Wachu doooen Krazzy? Well thanks for askin' G-Dog!
Sick as a dog That's been beat to much.
Not doing much this weekend. Just R&R.
I sure ain't fuckin with no sharks. Surfers and Cat Abusers. They both make tasty shark treats.
Yer Dead...
Pretty much in that order straight away.
How Sammi deals with sharks.

Haha, Sammi knows what's up!
Too bad you're sick mate, better take some vitamin C and rub some Vaporub into your chest and stay in bed. I'm sure you're getting well looked after though, loads of chicken soup and snuggles from the cats.
That Multiple choice question is..:
D-All of the Above
Snapped this just now for you. Dr Samantha is never far away.
Hope Cleo, You and Yours are well also.♥️
Australia: where everything wants to kill you.
I live in Florida and I went to look up shark bite statistics and it looks like Florida leads the world which surprised me a little. I would have guessed Australia would have more. Having said that, there were only 16 "unprovoked" shark bites in Florida in 2023. Given the massive number of people that visit the beaches here, the odds of getting bitten by a shark are extremely low. Also, none of those 16 were fatal. Sharks don't tend to eat people here. They mistake people for food, get a taste, and apparently are disgusted and move along, lol.
Yeah, humans are mostly disgusting so I'm not surprised even the sharks want to spit us out.
I don't know what the statistics are here for fatalities from spiders, snakes, crocodiles, sharks, box jellyfish and all the other stuff that kills humans but when compared to a country with 360 million people the straight numbers might not look that high. On a per capita basis they would look different as there's only 27 million people here.
Surprising that there were no fatalities in Florida though.
You said what I was thinking here.
I am also disgusted once I get around people and move along...
Most aren't worth the time.
That's a shitty way to go in the new year 😞. Sometimes I think the thrill of the danger is what drives people to enjoy the sport. Driving F1 at high speed, going off piste when skiing, surfing with the sharks, playing with crocodiles... They probably prefer to die doing something they love rather than wilting away on a death bed when they're 80 years old
Humans take risks, some calculated and some not, and like you say, this fellow decided to go and do something he was passionate about and died for it. Hopefully the good times he had in the years he did it were very good because he traded the rest of his life, and everything he may have done and enjoyed for many years to come for them. Others will be out there today doing the same.
Regrettable, but I guess they all believe it won't happen to them, or they diminish the perception of risk because the adrenaline they get from surfing is their place in this world.
I enjoy watching them, but I know it is a very dangerous sport because of the stalking they get from sharks, and the violence of the waves.
This weekend will be very short, I still don't know what I will do with it, but on Saturday I will probably go for a walk and get confused with people for a while, I will be helping my partner to choose some pieces of clothes, which is already complicated, because he finds flaws in everything, while everything looks good to me...😅
I will also be regretting that on Monday work starts, but I am grateful for these days of rest.
Yep, they seem to feel the reward is greater than the risk. Fair enough too, it's what they choose, no one forces them out there. Surfing must be worth dying for I guess. I've done it and don't think it's worth dying for but what do I know?
It sounds like a weekend of not much at all for you, same here, and work Monday? 😭
Just because you're passionate about something doesn't mean you should give your life for it...unless you're risking it to save someone's life.
The week has been very short, only yesterday was Monday and today in my country is Friday.
No doubt it will be a Monday with long hours and minutes trying to reconnect with work?
Don't you feel the emptiness of the weekend commitment?
You may be relieved.
It's all good anyway.
Yep, I agree...standing up for others who may not be able to do so for themselves is righteous.
You mean lack of entries? I don't mind. I don't do it to get entries, just to provide some post inspiration, it's up to others to choose whether to enter or not. My life continues the same either way.
I was saying that because maybe you won't do it anymore, or at least that's what I read somewhere.
But I repeat, whatever you decide will be fine.
Well, it's happening this week.
I guess, for me I feel good about it because it gives me the chance to help people with some topics and if they meet my criteria (passion, personality and effort) I have the chance to issue some upvotes to people I'd never probably see otherwise. If people choose not to get involved that's on them not me. Sometimes I feel like leaving Hive altogether as I don't really like the way it is headed but I enjoy it mostly, interacting with those I like and see value in, so I stay around.
I hope that doesn't happen, at least not for now.
Being in Hive is nice but it takes quite a bit of effort, especially for those who have a variety of commitments in their lives.
Wishing other things for this year, I would like Hive to remain on the network for many more years, so that I can live it in a different way, especially to dedicate more time to it.
I have always thought that helping is more rewarding than receiving, so don't let go of that feeling.
Have a good weekend.
The truth is that I was a little shocked with the beginning of the story plus you continued telling your day but I understand that it is something really normal, that life goes on and that everyone knows the risks of that area. I agree more and more that Australia is the apex predator of the human being. Good start to the year, take care and I hope to see more of your images here.
People choosing to float around in the ocean and putting themselves at risk in waters well known to contain white pointer sharks doesn't inspire much compassion from me. It's a choice they made. I feel more sorry for their families as they did not make the choice, they just have to live with it.
How sad about the poor guy... but they know there are sharks and they risk... life... I don't understand it.
You know I like art... one of the many things I will do this weekend is to go and see the floats of kings, not for the religious sense but to see the marvelous creations that have been made this year. A work of craftsmanship.
Hopefully there's no sharks where you're going.
Well... there will be hundreds of people... will they be sharks? hahaha
Good evening!
That's a shark buffet...if only sharks walk on land, there'd be enough food there for weeks!
Let the sharks be selective, let them only eat zombies...
Shame that that person got killed by a shark. But like you said he knew the risks. So it is partly his fault. I wonder how much Berserk quote is true in this case:
On one hand he died doing what he liked. One the other hand it is still painful way to go.
During the weekend I plan to make more art. I have a few ideas but have not decided which of them to use.
It's not partly his fault, it's fully his fault. The shark is just doing what it does and held no malice towards the guy, it's just surviving.
Good luck with your art, hopefully you have a good weekend creating it.
Great post and still like the picture. Sometimes it is hard to get colors like we see it
Thank you, I appreciate the comment. I will be looking at what's in my camera today so hope to get a good picture or two. I don't use Photoshop (don't know how) so what the camera takes is what I'll end up with. Fingers crossed for one or two good ones.
You can do it 💪 if there is a moment I can help, just let me know 😉 i don’t use photoshop because I’m a lazy photographer, good on camera and done ✔️
I'm not into Photoshop. I prefer the photos I take to represent true life and the moments I experience rather than fabricate them to create something that seems perfect. Life isn't perfect and neither are humans, myself included, so I'm ok with my photos being the same way.
Exactly !INDEED
Nice picture, Galen. This weekend I plan to do some reading and spend some time with a good friend who will be spending a few days in Madrid. Things away from the sharks.
Haha, no sharks at your house huh? That's a good thing. Imagine if sharks could walk on land, we'd be screwed.
Enjoy your weekend.
😁, Happy weekend!!
No big plans this weekend, but the arrival of snow might mean some fun. I also need to help my sister assemble some flat-pack stuff. I'm finally on the bed from a head cold that made a mess of the past week.
Snow can be fun...way more fun than flat pack assembly.
Not sure if it's IKEA you mean but I've done my share of assembling that bastard stuff...those little bloody tools they put in there, I swear they do it just to annoy people.
Good luck with it and have a nice weekend.
I always have my Leatherman, and I plan to bring along a proper screwdriver with interchangable bits. I helped a friend build a few things over 2024, and one of his wife's purchases came with a screwdriver that wore down like it was made of zinc on the first screw!
Lol...yep, those tools are shit so taking your own is a good plan. Talk about wearing down tools...those bloody tools wear down ones fingers too!
The opposite season here, so, looking for some snow in the closest mountain pass.
Chilling... or staying warm... tomorrow shall tell.
The media sharks are the threat here.
Oh yeah, there's loads of human sharks out there huh? I agree with you about the media.
Have a good weekend whatever you decide to do, thanks for taking the time to comment.
Eaten by a shark! What a way to go. A story that can be told and shared for a long while.
One more for the Darwin Awards !
My plans for this weekend? Like most times, I don't have any and I don't mind it that way at all.
Yeah, imagine that moment you see it (often they don't though) and that feeling of dread, panic, fear and so on...then that moment the jaws close around your leg, side, arm, head...the pressure, reending and tearing flesh...pain, blood, shock...doesn't seem like a peaceful death to me.
Still, the chap chose to be there in waters well known to be white pointer infested.
Enjoy your weekend of no plans.
Exactly my point when talking about such situations with anyone.
We have poisonous snakes in some parts of the area but quite a few are stubborn enough to build houses in these exact areas and then act funny when getting bitten.
Humans are very often more irresponsible than animals.
Yep, it's a choice and this guy made it. They'll all be out there surfing again today, let's see if the sharks are still hungry huh?
Just few days into the years, it's so disheartening, I pray others learn from this and avoid surfing there
People will keep serving there, they know the risks but keep going in; it's a choice and they seem content to accept the risk.
38 in Melbourne today (always a day after Adelaide weather) so off to the beach it is - no sharks in the bay though, just peaceful dolphins and fish and less peaceful humans
Yeah, hot here today as well, again, but the AC is a more attractive place than the beach today.
It was actually really nice down there last night as it had cooled back to high 20's. Enjoy the dolphins and fish. A good thing the sharks can't get into the bay...or can they? 🙈