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RE: No fucken sharks

in Shit Photography3 months ago

Yep, they seem to feel the reward is greater than the risk. Fair enough too, it's what they choose, no one forces them out there. Surfing must be worth dying for I guess. I've done it and don't think it's worth dying for but what do I know?

It sounds like a weekend of not much at all for you, same here, and work Monday? 😭


Just because you're passionate about something doesn't mean you should give your life for it...unless you're risking it to save someone's life.
The week has been very short, only yesterday was Monday and today in my country is Friday.
No doubt it will be a Monday with long hours and minutes trying to reconnect with work?

Don't you feel the emptiness of the weekend commitment?
You may be relieved.

It's all good anyway.

Yep, I agree...standing up for others who may not be able to do so for themselves is righteous.

Don't you feel the emptiness of the weekend commitment?

You mean lack of entries? I don't mind. I don't do it to get entries, just to provide some post inspiration, it's up to others to choose whether to enter or not. My life continues the same either way.

I was saying that because maybe you won't do it anymore, or at least that's what I read somewhere.

But I repeat, whatever you decide will be fine.

Well, it's happening this week.

I guess, for me I feel good about it because it gives me the chance to help people with some topics and if they meet my criteria (passion, personality and effort) I have the chance to issue some upvotes to people I'd never probably see otherwise. If people choose not to get involved that's on them not me. Sometimes I feel like leaving Hive altogether as I don't really like the way it is headed but I enjoy it mostly, interacting with those I like and see value in, so I stay around.

Sometimes I feel like I want to leave Hive altogether because I really don't like the direction it's going.

I hope that doesn't happen, at least not for now.

Being in Hive is nice but it takes quite a bit of effort, especially for those who have a variety of commitments in their lives.

Wishing other things for this year, I would like Hive to remain on the network for many more years, so that I can live it in a different way, especially to dedicate more time to it.

I have always thought that helping is more rewarding than receiving, so don't let go of that feeling.

Have a good weekend.

Being in Hive is nice but it takes quite a bit of effort

Yeah, and I've posted an average of 1.5 times a day June 2017. A lot of effort.

That's quite a lot, I've always read that only one a day is you've gone 0.5 times, like 15 posts over the usual 30, for a total of 45 in a month...It's been a lot.