Hot damn! Did you buy the giant belvedere for real? And if so, how much did it cost?! I laughed at your part about the safe feeling of the uniform bottles aligning with the picture of what I believe is Hennesey— in Cleveland, Ohio where I am from, nothing but trouble occurs when Henny is involved 🤣
As for the dishwasher tabs, I hope after all the hub bub they were purchased? I once bought all of my cleaning supplies from costco and didn't have to buy trash bags or dish soap for nearly two years! I think it actually saves even more money because then you do not go to the store just for sponges later on and leave with a 50$ cart of other stuff ever haha!
That's what you'd think, but then when I go to the supermarket for some milk or fresh veggies, I still end up with other random stuff 🥴
Washing up liquid or dish soap as you guys call it is a great buy. I get the 5 gallon bucket from Costco, because when I buy the expensive ones that says you only need to squeeze a few drops, I still squeeze loads,so I figured I'm better off buying cheaper ones and have fun squeezing.
I don't know if this is a lot cheaper, I'd hope so, it's very heavy!!