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RE: Bringing you more shit

I love shit. Not the literal kind of course. That would be fucking awful.

Not much colour of shit if then but the last one which is obviously a horde of enemy coming over the hill at our position.

Wait till you see the whites of their eyes!!!


Everybody likes shit but it's only the fucking weird ones that like the literal kind. At this community we like shit, shit photos, and funny as shit comments like yours. I'd like to reward you with a fucking awesome upvote but my VP is shit but anyway, it looks like you got a decent one from someone else, a top bloke who also doesn't like shit of the literal kind.

I like this shit community!!! 😃😃

Sometimes shit is bad, but sometimes shit can be good shit.

Good shit is where it's at 😃

When one can see the whites of the enemy horde's eyes then one knows shit is going to get real and one, almost always, says "shit!" But then once that shit has escaped one's thoughts one turns to other shit like preparing for the shit that's about to go down. That shit, is when shit gets really real. More realler than any other shit. 😉

When the shit gets real the shit gets flowing!! Or something equally shitty 🤣🤣

Flowing there's some shit most people would want to avoid.