Steem is going exactly where its overlords have "tracked it to go". Justin Sun didn't have a clue what the fuck he bought from that sneaky Ned and he got himself in a trap.
Luckily, although the process with the fork hasn't been a smooth one, we came out alive and well and with a better chain that's actually decentralized and hosting several apps that are definition of WEB3 actually is.
WEB3 to me means owning my account and the shit that goes out through it. Immutability...
Since you mentioned greed, I have to say that Ned proved to be quite a greedy one, but also... since you mentioned the universe and how is working when chasing things, if Ned wouldn't have been greedy we would probably not be in this place we call Hive.
We would probably still be active on Steem, with that premined stake hanging like a rock over our heads.
Curious who actually takes the challenge to actually mine Bitcoin. Isn't it already clear for anyone now that Bitcoin mining is for the rich and that Bitcoin has become "the coin of the rich". I know it sounds odd, but that's how I see it.