streamed some sats through podcasting 2.0 app but than i had stop when i hard the cat videos hate 😂
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streamed some sats through podcasting 2.0 app but than i had stop when i hard the cat videos hate 😂
Lol! Thanks, Bil. Appreciate that a lot. Had no idea this was also being streamed on a Podcasting platform. Pretty interesting.
Every body loves cat videos, but sometimes you just got to resist getting stuff done in the attic.
all 3speak videos are also rss and all podcasting apps that use podping have those as podcasts. i think at the moment there is only one (curiocaster) that plays video, podfriend was good at it but they are building 2.0 and at the moment it does not play video.
And if the app has an option of streaming sats you will be getting them as hive through v4v.