The second practice video included a (webcam) video recording for the first time as well. Which felt pretttttyy uncomfortable, but kinda glad (read: proud) that I did. Now I just need to find some shock absorption for my microphone so I can actually type/do things on my very fragile desk, lol.
In this recording, I'm reading out loud a thread I did on Twitter regarding something I noticed happening on Facebook.
Had a few awkward moments during this recording, so make sure not to miss out on them. Anyway: the more serious part: Censorship of Hive is real. In case you still have your doubts, it is very real, and in this video, I share proof and include my thoughts on this.
Have you experienced censorship yourself?
Let me know if you have down below in the comment section.
▶️ 3Speak
It's unacceptable that they do something like this. The bad thing is that we give them permission to do it, so all we can do is stop using those types of platforms, so they earn less.
I agree, Hive is not perfect, it still has a long way to improve many things, but it is a better option, and it has been life-changing for many of us.
You inspired me to make a video today, I have stopped making videos.
It was pretty much done in a way you wouldn't have noticed otherwise. There are still a lot of people to be reached on those platforms though, so I might not give up on it entirely just yet.
Just need to figure out a way to be able to talk about Hive without getting slammed with censorship.
Nice man! Haha, I wish I could understand Spanish, but I couldn't get further than "Ola Amigos"
I dunno dude, I quit FB because both my account and the account of my ex were connected to airbnb and I could see all of his activity, including finding out info I really didn't want to know, plus FB kept reminding me of all the stuff I did in the last 5 years, which at that point became a nightmare :D
In other words I hope hive doesn't become something like FB.
It is more like Github and Reddit at the moment and I hope it stays that way.
Haha, oh shit, that's mad. You couldn't disconnect Airbnb? I'm getting stuff from 7-8 years ago, simply because there is not much other content to be shared lol! We call that content recycling here on Hive.
Hive can be anything tbh, Github / Reddit / Facebook / Twitter. It kinda depends on which interface we decide to use.
At the time the only way to disconnect was to delete the account 😆 I don't think they thought it through back then lol lol such a huge privacy issue tbh
You did well in your video, all beginnings can be tough 😉
What you wanted to say, we all understood. Your points were clear.
I had the same with fb, every time I posted I sold or created a painting or something like that. My almost 5000 followers wouldn’t even see it. I stopped posting there and on Instagram after I joined hive 1,5 years ago… the years before that; My content wasn’t seen anymore.
So I understand.
I am happy I found Hive 😊 all changed.
Fijn weekend!
Ahh, thank you. Yeah, I think so too. There is no victory without struggle. Kinda glad I "spoke" during the CTT Podcast, otherwise I would not get to hear those words from @theycallmedan that gave me this push to try it out.
Nice! You've only been on Hive for 1.5 years? That's great to hear!
100% this!
Dankjewel, jij ook een fijn Weekend!
Nope, hard work will pay of in the end 😉😎
Good you did @rubencress, putting our selves out there is the best thing… one grows so much.
Yes… not that long, but I have truly learned so much in such a short time. Love it here. Like an online family. I fit right in.
I grew so much in 1,5 years and past the 8k hp last week just with earnings… so I am proud what I achieved and already created here. That would never have happened elsewhere.
Graag gedaan, dankjewel 😊
Facebook is built on other peoples' data, innocently handed over. Time for a new paradigm for sure @tonybad
I don't have 39 minutes for a video.
The beauty of HIVE is that your content is on the blockchain no matter how other people vote. You own your content even if it gets downvoted to nothing. That said, we still have lingering issued of whale power abuse.
Which is understandable for sure. I'm discussing the Tweet/Thread in the post which is basically the TLDR part of the vid.
Absolutely, Hive is just great.
Interested in what more you have to say about this, to be honest. Wanna share a bit more?
streamed some sats through podcasting 2.0 app but than i had stop when i hard the cat videos hate 😂
Lol! Thanks, Bil. Appreciate that a lot. Had no idea this was also being streamed on a Podcasting platform. Pretty interesting.
Every body loves cat videos, but sometimes you just got to resist getting stuff done in the attic.
all 3speak videos are also rss and all podcasting apps that use podping have those as podcasts. i think at the moment there is only one (curiocaster) that plays video, podfriend was good at it but they are building 2.0 and at the moment it does not play video.
And if the app has an option of streaming sats you will be getting them as hive through v4v.
very sensitive and mostly overlooked topic
sorry to read about your struggle with depression. hope you get over it soon
Oh, whoops... I (think :P that I) recovered from depression around 4 years ago. But before I joined Hive, I was pretty depressed, and before I was depressed, I was a cheerful energetic goofball.
I'm feeling much better, still experiencing some backlash of course, but nothing like back then. I think I started sharing stuff on Hive about my depression (to make it real, real quick). Appreciate the concern and the good wishes.
Censorship is also a sensitive topic.
They always a have a name for it except "Censorship" 😅
True :P
yes, Hive is quite censored, justz in a hidden way :(
Proud gf over hereee👏🏼🫶🏼
We should do this sometimes together. 😎