We have nutritional info on our products here, but often it is very misleading. We have a major problem with words that make bad products seem healthy. Health buzzwords including “organic,” “antioxidant,” and “gluten-free” often trick consumers into thinking a company’s product is more nutritious than it actually is and creates a false sense of health. Sometimes organic stuff here is good, but sometimes it's still just junk. We certainly don't have the good and bad ingredients highlighted in a color code. I wish it were that easy here, but it's as if they want us to get sick and die early. Oh wait, I'm pretty sure that's the goal.
As long as you continue to be mindful of how you treat your body, surely a little bit of coffee won't be the end of your world.
As for growing my own vegetables, I have zero desire to do that. Fruit however I'd be into, but my current downtown living space simply would not allow it. Plus I think I'd be more likely to have a farm with animals, although that would be even more difficult to do. I really don't eat hardly any vegetables anymore. Mostly just muscle meat, organs, and other animal products such as real dairy. Of course, they make it incredibly difficult to purchase raw dairy here too. It's blasphemous.
I mean, a healthy patient isn't really a paying patient. :^)