Walking a wild woodland path to a sacred place where I gather clean spring water yesterday, I was immersed in the riches of it all: the water was roaring out into the big stone tub and cascading down into the various levels below; the lower tubs were filled with a water-cleansing plant doing its work; I ecstatically soaked up the light and the powerful imagery of the panorama which inspires my art; beautiful dry wood was all around, waiting to be cut and carried for the kitchen stove; I walked home laden with riches that would nourish me deeply, and shining with vitality and well-being.
It came to me here, that the abundance that I’m experiencing so tangibly, is mostly conditioned out of us in these bizarre and contrary modern times: we fear winter and wish for year-round summer, and we celebrate in superficial ways our false abundance – sugar, alcohol, overheated homes and excess instead of reverence.
As I talk about in this vlogcast, we tend now to close the doors and huddle inside in the cold/ dark months, save our coins and splurge on things that don’t particularly nourish us – rather than finding the riches within and outwith our living bodies.
If we approach winter in awe and respect, in a Natural way, we can find immense treasure and Gift – listen here to how I do this:
Join my Living In The Gift course on www.livinginthegift.com
And support my work by gifting via Patreon.com/claregalloway or BuyMeACoffee.com/claregalloway
Huge love and blessings,
Clare @clareartista for the Hive's LIVING IN THE GIFT community
▶️ 3Speak
Winter is a great time to build up momentum for the coming seasons, good call out to a very underestimated time of the year 🌨
Thank you for your beautiful supportive comment, @fenngen! Blessings for midwinterfest :-)
Well we’re actually entering summer since I’m in the Southern Hemisphere, but I found your message valuable nonetheless 🌱
LOL. So it's an abstract appreciation. Sometimes those are easier. ... A good message, I agree, about learning to recognize the ever-present abundance.
I make abstract appreciations and rejections all the time, maybe I should stop 🤔
Hehe - I was thinking about that, when I posted, that the worldwide community is in different seasons 🤭🎄
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Beautiful message! I'm still using the supermarket water cause there's no spring of clean water near me, but I'll have to dig a little deeper or travel further few times a month to supply it. Thanks for the reminder. :)
My brother was telling me about a website called FindASpring or similar: he used it to find a water source right near him in Glasgow, Scotland 💦
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I've had a similar thought around winter time and how it is 'harder' and how we 'need' more cash flow to afford comfort. I love where you went and how you explore being in relationship with nature, land, the elements.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the hardships of winter and how this narrative was planted in me since I was a small child, growing up in a communist/post-communist country. In this narrative, all modern progress is good because it makes our lives easier. There is no space to talk about what we miss out on when we engage fully with modern progress, it's a very black and white narrative.
I find your post to be an invitation for me to transcend (as I have been trying to for a while) the idea of comfort being what we seek. While minding myself, I have been doing a journey that might look backward to some, back to the simplicity of life that means less comfort (in the modern sense) and more meeting nature in all its beauty. I have a long way to unlearn, and I am grateful for how this natural place I find myself in is welcoming me, teaching me about needs I did not even know I had, showing me that what I yearn for is not comfort but challenge, aliveness, healthy movement.