Dear Norman, good to finaly see some sign of live from you after @buzzparty :-)
From what I heard the Buzzparty was an amazing event. I have organised a few events already, but never needed to do it completely on my own. I always had a few people, helping even if its just someone to talk things through.
Regarding your video, I like these free spoken videos, which come directly from the mind of people. Especially self reflections. Nothing to add here and I really like your garden. Seems you have a green thumb as well.
Never tasted Bismarck Water, maybe I will try, when I come over to Hamburg sonner or later. ;-)
Many thanks for helping out on promoting @hive.helps. It had some effect in my opinion, and brought the project to a broader userbase. Wish you all the best.
Thank you so much @hive.helps for your feedback and thoughts :) I also heard that the attendees had a great time :P I have learned my lesson that asking for help is necessary but I am not sure that this was the last round of this lesson haha
I hope that I will get back to making more of these free-spoken videos in the near future. I had a time when I made more than 1 video per week and interesting discussions developed by doing this. 🤞
The day we stop taking lessons of live is the day we die. Keep it up.