Thoughts about the BuzzParty2024 in Hamburg

in Threespeak10 months ago

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BuzzParty 2024 in Hamburg has been amazing and I've learned a lot!

I met so many interesting people even though I did not had enough time to share with them. But the bridges are built now and we only need to strengthen them. If you've been here: Thank you for attending and making this such a cool experience it was! You all rock!

In this video I am sharing some thoughts about the event, lessons learned and what ai hoing to do now that it's over - tune in if you want :)

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Great to hear from you Norman and it was a pleasure to be at my first Hive Meetup in Hamburg where you raised the bar very high.

It is great to hear you will help with some future events and you have made some good learnings from this one. I am looking forward to seeing the videos and who was stood in the wrong place? (All of us? 😅)

Super to hear you tanking some energy in the garden and you have found your special place. I have tried to plant things a few times with some success, but hope I can get more involved in harvesting in the future. I love water and even drink with bubbles now.

Thanks for organising a great event and all the best!

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Firstly, thanks for hosting the BuzzParty event! It was awesome and I think I can say in everyone's name that we all had a lot of fun! I know I said this already a couple of times, but you really did a great job with the organization... Of course, slight off-schedule things could happen and will happen regardless of how much you plan in advance...

Secondly, I'm glad to hear that you are planning to improve your NEXT BuzzParty, not because this sucked, but because you said in Hamburg that you would not do it again... 😃 So, it's nice to hear that you changed your opinion! You are a perfect guy for the job!

Thirdly, send greetings to your girlfriend and good luck with your gardening! Don't waste Bismarck's water on plants... 😜

See you soon at the next Hive party, or BuzzParty! 😇

Thank you so much for your kind feedback and that you have been in Hamburg my friend :) If there will be a next "big" BuzzParty depends on @valueplan - if they refuse we will still make one but it will be much smaller :P Keep an eye on @buzzparty as we are going to announce it in the next weeks/months ;)

Wooohoooo! Waiting for the next one! :)

(I'm already planning for the next HiveFest and collecting funds... Heard a rumor that we will get more details about it very soon...🙂)

Hey, you were awesome all the way around!

You have been super attentive and creative since the beginning of the promotion of the event. Even at the time of the BuzzParty I felt like you were everywhere at once, you did almost the impossible.

I understand that it can be complicated to share such an important responsibility virtually, I hope that next time it will be easier and if there is an opportunity to help, count on me, you are a person who makes a great effort and it is a pleasure to help you.

I want to thank you for everything, it was my first meetup event and thanks to the way you handled everything I didn't feel insecure or lost at any moment. It was all very interesting, I am very happy to have been able to attend.

Take it easy with the editing, it will be a pleasure to relive those moments and have such enriching content, but you don't need to overwhelm yourself. Enjoy your beautiful garden, breathe and take the space you need, it is very important that your biggest investment is towards your well being. I like your vibe budy!

Btw that Bismark water was not the one you gave us at the event hahaha 🤔 I leave you the note to contribute with your control hahaha. Rest, recover and get those spirits back so you can continue to enjoy creating the content you love. Sending you a big virtual hug in the distance.
Really thank you very, very much, for everything! you rule!

Ohhh Nina thank you so much! Yes, I will take my time to enjoy life and creativity but the task of editing has to be finished before I can calm down :D I am almost 50% through the speeches 🚲

Thank you for traveling this far to be here and enjoy the event with us. It was a blast to have you around and I hope that we are going to meet again soon with more time to chat :) You rule as well and like @alessandrawhite said in her presentation: "We are a community and will always remember that event in Hamburg" <3

All I can say is that it was a great event. Even as a disabled person I had fun and felt completely integrated. I really enjoyed my time in Hamburg and had some interesting conversations.
You yourself mentioned some small points of criticism. The only way to learn is to do it yourself and make adjustments next time.
It's good to see you have time for your garden again. A garden can be balm for the soul, especially in hectic times.
And of course I watch videos until the end. So what does the Iron Chancellor do?

I love to read that you had a good time and that the community worked in an inclusive way so everyone felt welcome and integrated :) It was amazing to meet you in person and to be able to have a chat about real-life things with you :)

The Iron Chancellor will pour something into your wallet soon :P

Dear Norman, good to finaly see some sign of live from you after @buzzparty :-)

From what I heard the Buzzparty was an amazing event. I have organised a few events already, but never needed to do it completely on my own. I always had a few people, helping even if its just someone to talk things through.

Regarding your video, I like these free spoken videos, which come directly from the mind of people. Especially self reflections. Nothing to add here and I really like your garden. Seems you have a green thumb as well.

Never tasted Bismarck Water, maybe I will try, when I come over to Hamburg sonner or later. ;-)

Many thanks for helping out on promoting @hive.helps. It had some effect in my opinion, and brought the project to a broader userbase. Wish you all the best.

Thank you so much @hive.helps for your feedback and thoughts :) I also heard that the attendees had a great time :P I have learned my lesson that asking for help is necessary but I am not sure that this was the last round of this lesson haha

I hope that I will get back to making more of these free-spoken videos in the near future. I had a time when I made more than 1 video per week and interesting discussions developed by doing this. 🤞

The day we stop taking lessons of live is the day we die. Keep it up.

Hey Norman,

interessantes Video! Ich war überrascht, dass du das alles offenbar ganz eigenständig organisiert hast. Echt Wahnsinn! Hatte auch überlegt zu kommen, mein Bruder auch, aber es hat dann leider doch nicht geklappt. Mit Familie und Vollzeitjob nicht immer einfach sich ein ganzes Wochenende frei zu schaufeln. Vielleicht klappt es beim nächsten Mal.
Ich hatte übrigens auch überlegt ob du nicht Bock hast ein Podcast Interview zu machen zu der BuzzParty in Hamburg. Hab jetzt raus bekommen, wie man über 3Speak Podcast Episoden uploaden kann, dann exklusiv für Hive. Und da wäre es bestimmt für einige spannend mehr über die Learnings aber auch die ganzen Aktivitäten zu erfahren. Was meinst du? Wenn du magst schreib mich einfach mal über Discord oder Telegramm an, thomas47110815

Ansonsten hattest du noch was von Bismarck Wasser und ner kleinen Überraschung gesagt. 😉

Gut, also auf jeden Fall Respekt und große Anerkennung für die ganze Arbeit, das war sicher ein Riesenberg und ich hoffe du kommst wieder etwas zur Ruhe. Das Wetter passt ja für Garten und Co. 👍🏻

VG und bis dann

Heyyyy Vielen Dank für Deine Probs :)

Dass Du es nicht geschafft hast, ist kein Problem - ich schaffe es auch nicht zu all den Meetups und Events, zu denen ich gern gehen würde :P Auch Dein Angebot zu einem Podcast muss ich leider erstmal verneinen, da ich proaktiv Zeit schaffen möchte, um runter zu kommen und mich mehr auf Kreativität statt Hive zu konzentrieren. Klar werde ich Hive nutzen, um meine "Kreationen" zu teilen aber Hive-bezogen möchte ich mich ein wenig lösen. Wenn das nächste BuzzParty - Event ansteht, würde ich dann gern auf Dein Angebot zurückkommen ;)

Bis bald,

Alles klar. Kein Problem. LG 🙌🏻