Change Your Life Through Meditation, With Zero Effort.

in Threespeak3 years ago

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In this post I will share with you my journey towards enlightenment and how it came to me in the simplest of forms.

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This is a big and important topic - something I have studied for over 20 years. I remember when David Sereda was promoting similar maths to those I had been studying for years, which he got from analysing the geometries captured in a photo of a UFO in the background of a photo from NASA. lol.

It's important to be aware that Washington's monuments and the city was designed according to freemasonic sacred geometry and ritual magick - much of which was passed down through ancient Egypt. I haven't heard him talking about the monument you mentioned as I don't really listen to him, but I suggest being open minded as to what is happening with the maths/frequency involved - it may not be all it seems. This is a subjective topic and a complex one, so what can seem one way at one moment can seem another way in the next moment with only subtle or even barely perceivable shifts in perception.

It's difficult for me to open about these topics without it taking hundreds of pages.. lol. If I had to boil down the most important point I feel right now, it's that 'good' and 'bad' are value judgements that obscure the reality of what is really transpiring.

Our minds cause all kinds of cumulative problems by us inaccurately defining emotions and 'vibes' with the big sticker thoughtform of 'good' and bad' in place of more detailed understandings. The most important healing we need right now is emotional and that includes unconditional acceptance of real emotions. Labeling some as 'bad' is a recipe for long term problems that are probably masked for the short term. As an example, it is my understanding that Bi-polar 'disorder' is rooted in the person having effectively split their emotional field up into two parts 'acceptable' and 'not acceptable'. They inevitably then end up shifting between the two parts that are polarised away from each other.. Hence the 'manic' phase and the 'depressive' phase... or the 'acceptable emotions' that are 'good' and the rejected emotions that are 'wrong/bad'.

My suspicion is that the frequency shift you experienced was a 'permission slip' from you to you, whereby you allowed yourself to realise and understand the power of changing your frequency and attributed your own inner choice to the frequencies in the meditation. I myself have used various sound meditations and noticed a shift, so I am not saying that they do nothing - I'm just saying that ultimately - in the big picture sense - we experience and are drawn to what we choose to experience and be drawn to... It's just that we are usually unaware of how this works, so we place power outside of ourselves and in the props of the physical world - instead of recognising just how capable we are of shifting everything we need to shift without any external tools at all.

I'll stop here as I can easily go on for days. haha.

Thank you @ura-soul for this in depth reply. I am fully aware of the masonic geometry of the Washington site and of the Egyption connection to frequencies and their powers. I have personally come to the conclusion that the masons and the sabatians are using the power of frequencies for wrong doing. They know the power it give us mear mortals which is why our history has been hidden from us.

I agree with the emotional healing, we have also forgotten the power of love, true love. We no longer follow our heart chakras, the center of our beings. We (most of us) think of our minds to be the centre which is why we are all a little lost.

I was in a hippie community in spain and a man who was under the influence some hallucinogenic substance used a drum to shower me with vibrations. I was straight but it had a profound effect on me. It felt very calming which is why I took to the idea of frequency healing.

It worked for me but like you say, maybe it was a permission slip of sorts.

The earth vibrates the slowest, then plants, then animals, humans and so on. The truth vibrates the fastest. It resonates on a frequency which is beyond anything else. The inner truth is what I'm now looking for and I believe I'm getting there.

Thank you, I would like to continue this interaction which I have no doubt we will.


Yes, unfortunately, we have pretty much all been distorted through our rejection of our real emotions and so have lost our innate capacity to really detect, in all situations, that which is loving and that which is unloving. A clear example of this can be felt in the amount of people who say they 'love animals' while paying to have animals killed every day.

This is understandably a triggering topic for people who have intent to end denial of real emotionality - but to everyone else it is likely they will just be judged as 'overly sensitive'. Anyway, I mentioned this because the frequency manipulation devices that have been used on Earth to affect subtle energies for a very long time, are often programmed/designed to 'feel good' but which ultimately don't really come from a level of consciousness that can effect healthy change in a balanced and fully loving way. This even includes the majority of meditation practices offered by 'new age gurus' etc.

I know that there are armies of 'love and light' people out there that get annoyed by me saying things like this because "anger is bad... mmm'kay".. but there's not much I can do about that right now. lol

Yes, shamanic drumming and other forms of healing music can be very beneficial, but just like the psychoactive drugs, it is not the music (or the drugs) that actually have the power - it is us. The music and the compounds essentially draws into consciousness other parts of ourselves through tapping in to certain frequencies and rhythms that we might not otherwise choose to tune in to. However, it is possible to tune into the frequencies that these tuning forks point us to, even without the external prompts.

The relative speed of vibration of essences is a very interesting topic. Spirit does vibrate faster than matter as it is in the realm of light. When we, as part matter and part light beings, receive inspiration from spirit it can seem to be much more instant than our 'normal' earthly thought process. Often the information is on point and comes from a vantage point that is way more expanded than our usual human frame of reference. However, sometimes once spirit's view is felt into and our Earthly input is balanced with it in the heart, it turns out that spirit learns something and realises that actually it's thoughts were not 100% truth. That is the essence of a large part of the point of manifesting on Earth, to experience and to increase the light of all that is. Our spirit parts are obviously very enlightened, but they don't necessary represent 100% truth - it's our job to feel into everything to helps spirit to understand what is real and what isn't.

I'm happy to talk about these things too - it's a topic that doesn't come up often enough for me!

Yes, I do like what Alan Watts would say about trying to obtain enlightenment, he would point back to being just another way to feed the ego and therefore making the whole process counter intuitive. It's a form of one upmanship.

He also had a great way of pointing out the obvious. We search outside for answers when in fact all we have to do is look inside, all the answers are there and have been all along. You are it!

Accepting that good and bad are the same is also hugely beneficial, they cannot exist without each other just like an object can not exist without the seeming unimportant space around it. Light is nothing without darkness. Accepting the things we don't like about ourselves instead of trying to change them.

I do however believe we can make our existence more enjoyable by ridding ourselves of frequency manipulation and identifying the fear tactics that are pushed on us by media etc. these are things we can control and should educate ourselves on.

I would like to learn more about spirits, I know they are there but I am not fully aware of their importance or the role they play. I know the Native Americans are (were) very much in tune with that realm.

Thanks again for sharing such knowledge, I can tell you are serious about this subject matter and I admire you dedication @ura-soul

Well, to me, enlightenment is the process of increasing personal light within our being, which means several things - 1. Increasing understanding (learning). 2. Increasing the speed of vibration of parts of us that are vibrating more slowly than they otherwise would be.

A great deal in creation is perceptual and relative - so one who seems 'bright' to another person, may seem 'dim' to a third person. Isn't light simply obvious to everyone? Not always - light has various qualities and some people will not always detect them in others due to a variety of reasons, including the possibility of damage to the receptive centers of the individual that prevent them from receiving full input from outside of their being and also the possibility of them filtering reality through beliefs and judgements.

The ability to feel into whether light is loving or not is the absolute requirement for increasing personal light in a beneficial way. This is the main thing that has been missing from all spiritual teachings since the beginning. This missing piece is how we can have so many 'teachers' telling people to destroy their ego and that the ego is the source of all of our problems, when in reality 'ego' simply means 'I' in latin and is 'the part of us that knows who we are'. There is nothing wrong with having a sense of our own beingness which understands the individuation that a being has experienced. Without such light we would be perceiving ourselves as everything simultaneously and would die pretty quickly. The ability to manifest individual form and will requires balanced ego. We can't have balance without heart being opened and being able to feel everything to know what it really is.

There definitely can be a battle of oneupmanship in people's ideas of englightenment and this is one of the reasons why traditionally, 'Eastern' teachers of meditation and enlightenment would say that 'Western' people should not become students! Ironically, they were caught up in their own ego game while pointing fingers at other's presumed ego games. This is one of the common ironies or ego battles, we tend to be pointing to our own imbalances and being triggered by seeing them in others - even when we are talking about the nature of enlightenment, ego and the self - plus, even when we are claimed to be some kind of 'enlightened master'. Since I understand enlightenment to be understanding and since I understand balance to require us to end subordination aaand since I understand myself to be a oneness, I recognise that the idea of a 'spiritual master' is an oxymoron.. You cannot master you without forcing parts of yourself into subordination, which is not balance and not right understanding.

Yes, identifying and ending manipulation is very important. The distortions are all around and have been with us for so long that they are thoroughly normalised into the fabric of the universe. How are we going to be free if we believe that our own sense of understanding cannot be high enough to recognise that there are traps and distortions built into the fabric of the universe itself..? "Well, it would be very egoic of me to think that I know more than the creator of the universe - so I won't look for the causes of problems that seem to be coming from beyond my pay grade". Oh dear!

The ultimate 'conspiracy' is that the spiritual energy and beings that we may encounter when out of body or 'in between physical lives' are often connected to people in the spiritual groups and hierarchies on Earth (even including David Icke, who openly spoke of channeling his writing from spirits early on in his career). Their goal is often quite different to the image they portray. Part of their goal is to cover up and deny their role in causing many of the problems on Earth and there are many people on Earth who are helping them to achieve this by 'gifting' us beliefs that limit perception in the name of being 'holy' etc.

What a shitshow! lol

As far as spirits go. We are all spirits. Yes, there are beings who exist more wholly in the realm of spirit's vibrations - and who are not dense/physical like us on Earth.. but we are all also spirit. Spirit inspires and our individual will responds to our spirit's input. Many people recognise that part of them feels eternally young, despite an ageing body - this is spirit. Spirit, unfortunately, has a tendency to try to disown and disassociated from it's parts on Earth in order to try to avoid feeling pain and emotions it doesn't like. The net result is that we see a collage of dysfunctional beliefs on Earth, presented as wisdom - including the beliefs in some religions that the body is Evil/Animalistic and must be risen above and disconnected from. These beliefs only cause death.

I'm not sure there is a way to really understand this topic without also gaining insight into the process that has led us to be where/how we are on Earth because it includes specific stages that shaped us into beings that are part density and part light, but who are confused and not fully aware of what has been happening.

It's a big topic!


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Really good to see you around these parts Mark

It feels really good to be back. This place is very unique and I am happy to see so many of the original faces that make this place so special.

Damn, just realised I am not following you, don't know how that happened..........corrected.

It honest is good to have you around. I know you've been through a lot, and to see you're doing so much better is simply great

Great video my friend, as a Yoga teacher, I particularly love meditation and I really like to practice my asanas before meditating.

I tried Yoga with my partner, we did Vinyasa yoga and it nearly killed me. It was not in good shape at the time but I found it to be hard work, really hard work. I would like to give it another go but this time something more relaxed like Pilates.

I just looked up asanas and I like what I see, hmmm.....Thanks for the inspiration @belug

Meditation is one of the best ways to disconnect yourself from daily routines. Like a remedy to all the problems..

Yes, I think it's healthy to disconnect your mind, people can get in such a state when they let their mind do all the thinking if that makes sense?

Thanks for stopping by @gabrieltravels

I have heard about the effect of frequencies from a guest Sean interviewed on SGT Report a few months ago. The guest said the musical notes used to be based on 432 instead of 440. There was an ancient culture that once had the old frequency... until the dark side changed it to the concert 440. Yeah, there was a culture of love and peace before things changed. I will click on the link. There is some belief that this ancient culture is responsible for many of the ancient magnificent buildings and they have even discovered parts of buildings covered up below the earths level. I vaguely remember him mentioning a world's fair also from long ago. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, yes, yes!
Everything you have said I believe to be true, and the truths is the highest frequency of all.

I will link more specific info to this post shortly.

Thanks for the feedback @enjoywithtroy

good to hear you found something awesome and life changing in these frequencies. I'll check them out myself. I certainly found a lot of peace, love and compassion during the lockdowns through various readings and meditation practises and I have found it to be a life changing as well. I guess there are many ways to harmonize our frequencies eh?
big love my friend

the sereda website has a lot going on. Can you link to the exact downloads that you have been using?

Wonderful, I'm glad I was not alone in the search for peace during the most difficult times.

I will link you to the specific frequencies as I am aware David has a lot going on.

Thank you for taking the time to watch my video and comment on this subject.

I truly believe that the frequencies hold all the answers to all our problems.

Thank you @basilmarples

Here is a link to the video with Sacha Stone and Davis Sereda. Davis goes onto more detail on how to use the frequencies to their potential but I found that just going through the vowels until it verberates. You will know when it's right because you feel it throughout your whole body.

amazing thankyou! I'll get these downloaded and start tuning my vibes to ultra resonance! x

Thanks for this. I'll give it a try. BUt where are the links for the 8 min meditation?

Hello Danny, love your work brother. I remember about 8yrs ago when I first discovered your video of you teaching that copper on a chopper that there is no law that say's you have to show him ID, years later I had the pleasure of meeting you at steemfest 2. Your a Legend!

Here is the link you requested my friend

Thanks for this. I'll give it a try

Meditation changed my life, I hope someday it will be widely used.


I believe humanity is heading in that direction..... slowly but surely.

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