uploading an encoded video using my iphone

in Threespeak3 months ago (edited)

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

I am using TestFlight version of iOS application

This is the same version which we have submitted to Apple

Using this latest version of iOS application, user can encode the video on device and upload it

as soon as video is uploaded, user can public it

this is still a beta feature, meaning that it is an experimental feature

We request you to wait for official announcement

it’s just me trying out the app with different accounts
Uploaded using 3Speak Mobile App

▶️ 3Speak


That’s amazing! I’ll have to try uploading over 3Speak now😎!


Try now!
Sooner the better!

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wah sir ji kya baat hai hero no. 1.

You are the best.

Thank you for the first comment.

I missed adding India tag 🏷️ 🥺

Sunlight bahut thii. Isi liye sunglasses.

Happy weekends.

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Wow it's really amazing information with iPhone Apple thanks for your opinion sir.

What phone do you use?
iPhone or Android?

With new 3speak app, you can publish videos faster.

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I am using android phone sir. 3speak app is downloaded. But I don't know the correct usage rules. I need to know how to upload videos. Please help thanks sir.

Now that you've downloaded 3Speak app

  1. Login (may be with posting key)
  2. Click on plus button
  3. Select video
  4. Select video from camera or photo-gallery
  5. Add details - set title of video, set tags, add description, choose community, set thumbnail
  6. Hit Save button

All the best.

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Many thanks for your information sir may God bless you with my heart my dear pleasure

happy new year 2025, many blessings and may all your projects come true

Happy new year @sacra97 to you as well

Thank you for blessing

Wishes from the other side of the world.

Let's hope that all projects on which I work result into success for Hive & for all of us who are on hive.

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Wow!! This is so cool. If I am understanding it correctly. We can now shoot and upload the videos directly from the phone itself. Like how we are attaching the Images.

yes. you can shoot - encode your video on phone, upload it & publish it almost instantly

video encode = mp4/mov raw video to HLS Streaming format conversion

So far it is working well for short videos up to 5 mins.
We have not yet tried with long videos like 30-40 mins of vidoes.

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This is cool but it has an error and says the video cannot be replayed.

I request you to share the screenshot
I will look into itWhat error did you encounter? @shaidon

Like I said, in the video that this feature is experimental

Once it is ready to be used by larger audience, we will make an announcement

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This is the error on my iPhone version of 3Speak. The video works on the Samsung version.


thank you for reporting the issue

I am able to reproduce the same

I will look into it and keep you posted

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While we work on fixing that issue , You can watch that video over here -

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Hello @shaidon

I've fixed the error & update is available on PlayStore

Download the latest version from PlayStore.
With that, you'll be able to play video within application.

Let me know if you encounter any other error.

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Thank you so much!

What about for Apple Store? Do we still have to wait?

Apple rejected it yesterday.
I submitte again 3 hours ago after addressing the issues which they pointed out.
Let's hope for the best.

Apple is very strict & wish me luck for this review @shaidon

I'll drop a message as soon as an update is available for iOS.

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Best of luck!

They rejected it one more time. I'm working on resolutions for the issues that they have pointed out.

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Looking cool sir ji


not as cool as you gurry ji

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This sounds like a great idea. I hope it's available soon. I'd like to upload a lot of videos this year.

Stay tuned
We will make announcement soon

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I really can’t wait!! Best of luck with this

For Android users, it's already out.

You can download latest version of the 3Speak Android App & give it a try.

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Very nice sir, you look great in glasses. If you watch my video, you will definitely get glasses.
As I understood in the video, the video can be shot from mobile and uploaded immediately.
This will be very hopeful for us, we will get a lot of help from this.
Thank you sir.

Did you use the latest 3Speak Android mobile app?
It should be 3.1.2 (108) from Google Play Store

Also, use small videos to start with.
As I have stated in the video, this is yet an experimental feature.
We've not yet announced this publicly yet & we are testing it.

Any way, please share the screenshot or a screen-recording of the error you're getting.
Also, thank you so much @nexo0702 for trying out the latest version of the app of 3Speak.

Wish you happy weekends.

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ok sir !!

Right now I am uploading the video from the computer.
I think it would be a video of more than MB, hence it might not have been uploaded or there might be a network issue. OK, if any problem occurs again tomorrow, I will send you the screen shot.


Try 3Speak Mobile App. Download it from PlayStore for Android device.

Give it a try from App & let me know your feedback.

All the best.

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Thank for your support sir !!@sagarkothari88


You are most welcome.
Happy to help.
Happy weekends.

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Good job sir 🥰

Thank you so much @asgharali

Hope that you'll try latest 3Speak mobile app on your android device soon & try out this new video-upload feature.

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