We are watching the rollout of 5G technology. Yet, there are entities already working towards 6G. This is estimated to be available by 2030.
In this video I discuss how we are rapidly moving towards the metaverse, and an advanced communication system 10,000 times faster will help get us there. IT will be a realm run by AI and will enable continued computation for data analysis, location positioning, and smart cities.
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I remember I saw 6G being talked about when 5G was in production. Especially when they were removing China from the 5G networks all around the world. Some of the articles I read were talking about how the lack of a 5G network would negatively setback China from getting anywhere near 6G technology.
Now that we have a different administration, I wonder how 6G technology will develop and who will be the leading country behind it.
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Trump wasn't so much stopping China from developing 5G as keeping their companies from infiltrating the US networks and stealing all they could get their hands upon. They were doing it for decades with American tech companies.
Biden (or should I say Harris) will now open the door for the Chinese to walk through without any resistance.
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China was the one thing that Trump got right. China is dangerous and ought to be prevented from doing such things. But as you said, Chinese influence will be impacted by demographic factors going forward. China will be looking at a plummeting population in the next few decades.
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I'm in the boonies so I won't be seeing 5g at home for some time. I will probably get a 5g phone at some point I guess. But I'm in no hurry.
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I have no need for anything like that either. They will keep rolling out more in faster periods of time so the idea of jumping on anything new doesnt really appeal to me.
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Yay!!! More microwaves for everyone!!! Soon, we'll be able to cook our food just by leaving it outside for a couple of minutes.
#Agenda2030 #MindControl #Technocracy
Yeah well we can agree or disagree with it but that doesnt stop the fact that it is coming.
Just like vaccines, we are going to see more, produced in less time, targeting whatever they desire to "vaccinate" us against.
This process will not stop with 6G either. I wouldnt be surprised if they start on the outline for the 7th generation around 2025.
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TaskNostradamus4450, are you sure that you're not under #MindControl and just repeating what you hear on TV?
Considering I dont have television I would say that is hard for me to repeat.
However, looking at what is coming out, it is hard to deny what these entities are doing and bringing out.
Do you disagree that 6G is going to be brought out? Do you disagree they will not keep rolling out vaccines? Are those all conspiracy theories?
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It depends on how we react. Making videos about how "inevitable" it is only creates a defeated mindset. If we keep doing that we'll be up to 12G by next year.
Of course isnt the point of mindcontrol to not let people know they are under it?
If that is the case, who is to know?
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We are heading to the world of microchip where there will not be hardware. Inventory of 6G network makes me remember the Moore's theorems which said,"Every 4years processor will reduce twice it size..world of tiny object doing multitasking which will eventually brings end to the world
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@taskmaster4450 with the way technology development is going on,very soon we will be typing comments here without using our keypads,the robots will be able to read our minds and write it out itself...lol...anyways technology have changed our world and more developments will occur...6G tech is not a bad idea...
Mark Zuckerberg is drooling over the idea of having two billion facebook users that he can read their minds.
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I was working in one of the research centres of a company that the former POTUS banned in 5G and 6G. 6G is needed for internet of things, especially autonomous driving where a lot of data transfer is needed.
6G is in a not ionizing spectrum so it should be safe. We tested it in our antenna lab and it was ok. :)
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@taskmaster4450 the 6G technology would really be amazing but I am just thinking out loud,could there be some kind of possible side effects??
Yeah man, my 5G chip the government implanted in my skull works great, can't wait for an upgrade :)))
@taskmaster4450 technology seems to be moving faster than the world itself....
The 6G will lead to a very fast communication which is necessary for a marvelous IT world...lovely opinion from you sir....
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